Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Alright then, this is a precursor post so that others may comment on it and the such. I will be fleshing this out as time goes on, no worries there. I am currently in possession of a server box (I need a monitor then im all set) . I'm willing to host a public server (possibly whitelisted if it ends up being a problem), that caters to TFC players who wish to construct glorious empires with their friends in a semi-difficult environment. If such a server would exist, I am thinking it would require a few good mods, I've looked through myself and found a few but id like to hear ideas here as this is for everyone. I am still deciding if I want to make it Hardcore RP (Always in character) or not, that may depend on how interested and how mature to server base proves to be but I have hopes. There will be more to this very shortly. Thanks for your time. I hope to inspire some tfc activity soon.
  2. Hey guys! I've been around here long enough to start wanting to play TFC with more tech mods involved in an effort to extend gameplay. However, when I looked around, I couldn't find very many scripts set up for compatibility between TFC and any tech mod I may have installed. Because of this, I decided I'd try and make one mega post with scripts for compatibility with most tech mods in the game. I'm going to try to make all of these as standalone as possible, but I'm not much of a coder, so. Currently I'm working on a script for IndustrialCraft2which will hopefullyincludes a more realistic rubber process. None of this is finished yet as I've only got 3 recipes done, butWhen it is doneit'll be uploaded here. This will be true for all the mods I end up working with. So, I guess I send out my apologies for not having much of anything to show for this idea yet, butWhen it's done I'm sure we'll all enjoy playing with them. Thanks, guys! Monarch The script for IC2 is complete!Link[Update: ReadMe changed to require download of Custom Items mod] Please let me know if you encounter recipes that don't work the way they should. I only claim to have written the script and item Jsonand created the item textures to go with it --nothing else. I included the water compatibility mod because it appears to have been discontinued with no download links anywhere. All credit for the mod goes to the original creator, Vidaj. NEI is not required but highly suggested. [EDIT] I'm going to make a sort of progress tracker here so you guys'll know where I'm headed with this. Enjoy!
  3. [Offline] Rewrite RP Server (WIP)

    Hello, my gaggle of friends are making a Role playing server in this great mod. We feel that this mod can blend game-play and Role playing greater than another server can. With over 20 years of Role play experience among my friends and I, we feel that we can make a sever to bring a new level of joy to this community. We also have hosted or been admin of many role play servers in the past so you know you have members that know what we are doing.Here is a list and store run down on what we are trying to make on this server.One we aspire to make a better RP server. We don't allow "crazy" applications that mention being assassin kings and having immortal powers, along with those that play characters that are far to out their with unnatural neon hair or every player having two eye colors. We wish to filter it out and make a breeding ground for players that turly enjoy the second life of Role playing can bring.We are work towards a "Free Form" server. However unlike other sites with admin that crack down on everyone for not following invisible rules, we are shooting to keep the server made by the players for the players. Every town will be made by the players (not always built, but founded or formed), government, money and even the gods themselves are made up by the players. For the Government and Mint, is up to you: Kings, Presidents, Dictators, collectives or even total anarchy is not up to the admin to place on towns or nations. As for the faith aspect we wish to inform we don't allow "crazy" faiths like worshiping the underwear god, we wish to point you all in the direction that makes more sense. On top of that we also will make that faith REAL if we like it! The god or goddess will make their power felt and their will be in game activity not just crappy invisible lore.Be a king, be a Bandit, be a Hermit! Everything can be archived, as long as you work for it. You cant claim to be king if no one is willing to follow you... Maybe they will with a sword at their throat?Players will be encouraged by the admin to branch out and interact with other players and break the same group of friends, we want everyone to be having fun.Most important of all, we only promote Fair play and FUN! We want to spread the joy of RP.From Nation to Nation warfare and even bandit raids, Formation of towns and government to how to properly steal from each other: We have simple and clear rules to insure fair play and fun aren't tainted.Keep your Eye posted here and feel free to jot your thoughts and ideas with us here in this thread. We might change the name but our vision is still clear! We hope to make the server in a matter of two weeks!
  4. can anyone port this texture pack for terra firma? i dont really know how to ask, but i am terrible at texture packs, but i can offer the original link. the only thing i can do in return is do audio packages with custom music, and i have permission to do it all Royalty free(yes it is legal using correct aplications with the music) . could also try to make custom banners.