Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some Ideas regarding cooking and food itself

6 posts in this topic

-added tier system of cooking set/ cooking tools and food

the simplest way of cooking your food is the fire pit, but it is quite hard to keep your food from burning to coal.

the cooking process shouldnt complete itself, like in rl, you have to whait near your food while its cooking to prevent a mistake.

its suppose to work like my agriculture ideas: http://terrafirmacra...tilizercompost/

simple and fast cooking nearly possible, but to get the best results, you have to take more time for it.

you can still eat it, when its overdone, but it doest refill that much hearts/hunger points.

and when you use the right wood, you dont have to panik, just go back at the right time and you food is done.

and the oven is more "save" in this case, food does not burn that fast inside a oven, so you have more time.

later, you should be able to build better ovens (with iron or copper, copper pots ect) where you dont have to worry that much.

and when your gonne cook a soup for example, it can take some more minutes, but a good stew is fast burned, if you doesnt stir up the stew...

it all depents on, what you are cooking!

food should spoil after time, but it should be possible to make it more durable.

like drying meat or fruits or pickle the meat.

dryed and pickled food isnt that good like fresh food, but it lasts longer until its spoil.

cooked food is more durable like uncooked one.

in order to cook at a fire, you have some choices:

food on stick (meat/bread)

to cook inside a pot (pottery?)

or a pan

diffirent food types need a diffirent amount of heat to cook properly, it has to maintain its heat for some time, until its done.

to do that you can use the special wood that dont burn quite hot, so you can maintain the needet heat until your food is done.

the same goes with pottery, but pottery will get cracks, when it burnes to hot, but it needs much larger heat than the food.

it is possible to burn small pieces of pottery in a fire pit, but for larger pottery or food you need a oven.

the first oven was the earth oven:

for tfc:

dig a 2 block deep hole and start a fire at the bottom. then place a block of whet straw (like wood logs) above the fire.

then throw your food/pottery via q on top (should work like the forge).

at last put a block of dirt on top like a characoal pit and done. now you have to take the right time for your food, so you can eat it.

tier systems

each food has 5 stages:

spoiled (nearly no foodpoints and a hard debuff)

raw (low food points and a small debuff [but not all types of food, some of them are raw eatable])

nearly done (good food points, no buff/debuff [includes overdone])

perfektly done (perfekt food points, buff/debuff)

burned ( small foodpoints, no buff/debuff)

cooking set

each set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance time to completion, better energie consumption and stables the heat.

all sets need a fire pit inside to work

cooking sets:

tier 0 is the fire pit (simplest cooking set)

oven (like earth oven and better materials like stone/copper and iron) just for baking like bread and other stuff

cooker (stone up to steel) just for cooking

smoker (wooden smokehouses up to steel smokeovens) just for smoking meat and fish and needs no tool

cooking tools

each cooking set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance the time to completation, reduces the chance of burning the meal and durability

tier 0 is the stick (simples tool for cooking food)

cooking tools:

pan (copper up to steel) mostly for meat/fish dishes

pot (pottery up to steel) for stews/ soups and boiling eggs (and other stuff)

shell (pottery up to steel) for oven bake cakes, meat and other stuff


each food "types" has 3 tiers, each tier raise the ganed food points and add other buffs like reduced food points loss or something else (workspeed?)

tier 4 are combined dishes out of 2 or more food types, like spaghetti bolognese out of pasta and soup. the have the most food points and the largest buffs

tier 0 food uses all types of tools.

meat/fish/bread/vegetables on stick, boiling a egg (pot), pickled meat (no tool, but is a tier 0 food, but is long time durable)

flourstew (pot),

spoup (needs always a pot)

stews (needs always a pot)

meatdishes (needs mostly a pan or a shell) includes smoking recepies

pasta (needs mostly a shell, sometimes a pot)

cakes (needs allways a shell)


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I'd love to see this implemented... Although maybe you should have some time between food being ready and burned, so you can, if you got bored and go away to do something else, get back and get it if you're fast enought. Which means running, which means losing hunger points. This way, it's quite more rewarding to be close there and get the food when it's ready, than go doing something else and run back home to avoid having a burned meal. And if you can't get back on time, even worse, you lost more hunger points for nothing at all.

Anyway, i'd like to point out that you can -sometimes...- look away from your food and do something else close there, since the things will cook at the same speed, with you looking it or not. So, if you're short in javelins and let in the fire something that will take a while, you have time enought to go making the javelins and come back for the food. And maybe it even isn't finished yet.

As you get better and better, you should be able to cook better and better foods, more complicated, which fill more hunger points and take more and more time to cook. In vanilla MC, you only have the mushroom soup; in TFcraft, you could have a great variety of different soups, stews, meals, and more.


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I like some of these ideas, but i don't think that cooking should be come a full time hassle. Standing there to watch it forever is too much for it be a good game mechanic people like, i think, although i may be wrong.


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well, its suppose to work like my agriculture ideas:

simple and fast cooking nearly possible, but to get the best results, you have to take more time in it.

you can still eat it, when its overdone, but it doest refill that much hearts.

and when you use the right wood, you dont have to panik, just go back at the right time and you food is done.

and the oven is more "save" in this case, food does not burn that fast inside a oven, so you have more time.

later, you should be able to build better ovens (with iron or copper, copper pots ect) where you dont have to worry that much.

and when your gonne cook a soup for example, it can take some more minutes, but a good stew is fast burned, if you doesnt stir up the stew...

it all depents on, what you are cooking!


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I don't think that there should be that much variety of foods, But i do agree with the tiers for better foods and the ovens.


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