Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some Questions about Smithing.

6 posts in this topic

Iv made several metal tools and some armors. but there are some things that I would like to know more about.

such as, does the type of anvil and/or hammer affect the end-point¹ when smithing items or the amount the arrow moves?

Will the same pattern² for smithing a tool work for all metals?

Does the season affect the end-point when smithing?

Is the end-point on smithing random each time you load the map to prevent people from memorizing the pattern for perfect tools?

and if it is the same each time then why did the patter I figured out in creative mode for a perfect pick ax not even get close when I tried it on my survival map?

Even when I went back to creative it was still way off the mark, and I tested it several times to make sure it was 100% correct when I wrote it down.

I noticed my forge was incomplete and my hammer wasnt in my anvil, as if the map rolled-back to just before I started testing out smithing patterns. very odd that.

¹; by end-point i mean the red arrow that you have to get your green arrow to line up with in the anvil window.

²; by pattern I mean the order in which you hit the ingot in the anvil window to move the green arrow.


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All plans(patterns) are the same for each tool type. Copper Axe will take the same last 3 actions as a Red Steel Axe. The difference is the placement of the end point. That varies by metal and tool. I would think Bioxx would want you to become a better smith by learning the best recipes and not change it randomly on you. I have not had any change so far once I found them.


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In order:

such as, does the type of anvil and/or hammer affect the end-point¹ when smithing items or the amount the arrow moves?

I'm pretty sure both don't; the hammer at least doesn't.

Will the same pattern² for smithing a tool work for all metals?

No. It might be possible that a two different metal tools get assigned the same end-point and rules, but that's unlikely.

Does the season affect the end-point when smithing?

Not to my knowledge.

Is the end-point on smithing random each time you load the map to prevent people from memorizing the pattern for perfect tools?

No, but it can change on a different map or after updating to a new mod version.

and if it is the same each time then why did the pattern I figured out in creative mode for a perfect pick axe not even get close when I tried it on my survival map?

It's not, hence why that didn't work. I presume it's possible that patterns between maps and versions can, randomly, be the same, but the "find prefect pattern in creative and use that in survival" trick doesn't work.


I would think Bioxx would want you to become a better smith by learning the best recipes and not change it randomly on you. I have not had any change so far once I found them.

I don't remember where I heard it, so don't quote me on it, but I remember Bioxx posting that if you want to master smithing by means of practicing until you get a feel for how to properly align the green and red points with the assigned rules, that's fine. Likewise, if you want to figure out the smithing process by breaking into the game's code and learning it that way, that's also fine, although he doesn't want people to post exact information from the game; doing so would ruin it for whoever doesn't want to play the math game, since once you see the numbers, you can't un-see them.

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Iv made several metal tools and some armors. but there are some things that I would like to know more about.

such as, does the type of anvil and/or hammer affect the end-point¹ when smithing items or the amount the arrow moves?

Will the same pattern² for smithing a tool work for all metals?

Does the season affect the end-point when smithing?

Is the end-point on smithing random each time you load the map to prevent people from memorizing the pattern for perfect tools?

and if it is the same each time then why did the patter I figured out in creative mode for a perfect pick ax not even get close when I tried it on my survival map?

Even when I went back to creative it was still way off the mark, and I tested it several times to make sure it was 100% correct when I wrote it down.

I noticed my forge was incomplete and my hammer wasnt in my anvil, as if the map rolled-back to just before I started testing out smithing patterns. very odd that.

¹; by end-point i mean the red arrow that you have to get your green arrow to line up with in the anvil window.

²; by pattern I mean the order in which you hit the ingot in the anvil window to move the green arrow.

iirc, the end point and moves for each tool is determined by something seed related or like-seed related, meaning it is unique to each world. The anvil level does not affect the quality of the tool, but all tools can only be crafted on their own tier or higher anvil. (can be found on the wiki) This means that copper tools can only be smithed on a first tier or higher anvil, such as a copper anvil, but not a stone anvil. The requirements for each tool is the same for the same tool, as mentioned above. (copper axe and redsteel axe will both have the same 'recipe' in the same world, but the slider will be in a different place). No, you can not figure out recipes beforehand in a creative server. All of the variability is by design by Bioxx so that it is skill that allows you to succeed. We want TFC to move away from the idea of an RPG, where you can get better at the game just by playing it monotonously for hours, instead, a good TFC smith is like one in real life: someone who has smithed many items before and knows what order to hit the metal to craft their desired item at the desired quality.


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We want TFC to move away from the idea of an RPG, where you can get better at the game just by playing it monotonously for hours

Not that I don't like your mod, because I do, but isn't the way the mod works almost counter-productive to this statement?

To find the best way to smith an item naturally takes a long time of sitting in front of a forge, bloomery and anvil to figure everything out.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing or your doing something wrong, I can also understand what you mean I guess.

But in my opinion you have swapped out one monotonous task for a different monotonous task.

Still don't take my opinion as a negative because I still like and enjoy your mod :)


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Not that I don't like your mod, because I do, but isn't the way the mod works almost counter-productive to this statement?

To find the best way to smith an item naturally takes a long time of sitting in front of a forge, bloomery and anvil to figure everything out.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing or your doing something wrong, I can also understand what you mean I guess.

But in my opinion you have swapped out one monotonous task for a different monotonous task.

Still don't take my opinion as a negative because I still like and enjoy your mod :)

I honestly don't find smithing monotonous... So from my perspective it's not counter productive. It depends on your opinion, mostly.


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