Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Feedback - Fairin style!

11 posts in this topic

I've been a lurker for the last 3 months or so, so ive finally decided to come and place some of my feedback. i started up a server last month, for build 44. heres some of my story(s)

its me and a friend playing, with up to 5 people we know have joined and dabbled in it. im teaching people how to smith for the mod so its easy enough going however theres several issues cropping up in the world

1. Seasons, yes they're nice great addition. but when it comes to fruit trees, they were planted day 1 of the server starting, and now became harvestable. literately 30 + RL days of gametime to grow?

2. Animals. are just worthless for this, we dont even bother keeping them around anymore, waste your wheat and "maybe in 3 weeks (RL time) you get a baby animal.

3. zinc seems to be "everywhere, all surface deposits are zinc, all underground deposits are Galena, i tested this on the server giving my self creativemode and digging holes while spamming the prospectors pick as i went down, straight down to bedrock

i drilled a hole every 25 tiles in every direction from 0.0 to 500,500 to -500,-500, i found 1 tetrahydrite vein (rediclious ammount of ore btw) 1 iron vein (didnt bother with escavateing it as cant even work it yet), and numerous .. rediclious ammounts of galena (which is worthless in current mod besides making silver alloys, that tetrahydrite doesnt solve in the firstplace) and -ALL SURFACE deposits were zinc every single one of them, without fail, if it was an ore above y50 it was zinc.

4. resorting to creative mode to "exchange out ore" is just something i don't want to do. it doesnt feel like i earned it. maybe an alchemy table to exchange ores for other ores at a 2 to 1 ratio...?

5. also flux stone was incredibly rare, a vein of marble around 400,-500 y=30

do i need to kill the world to upgrade to a different build?

and the mod tells me im playing with outdated files, if i tell it to download and update my client - i assume it works. i assume i'd have to update the server before it even allows me to log in? >.>

6. the chest size... seriously, freaking huge storage room now. just absolutely rediclious literately have 100 chests in the storage area.


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I've been a lurker for the last 3 months or so, so ive finally decided to come and place some of my feedback. i started up a server last month, for build 44. heres some of my story(s)

its me and a friend playing, with up to 5 people we know have joined and dabbled in it. im teaching people how to smith for the mod so its easy enough going however theres several issues cropping up in the world

1. Seasons, yes they're nice great addition. but when it comes to fruit trees, they were planted day 1 of the server starting, and now became harvestable. literately 30 + RL days of gametime to grow?

2. Animals. are just worthless for this, we dont even bother keeping them around anymore, waste your wheat and "maybe in 3 weeks (RL time) you get a baby animal.

3. zinc seems to be "everywhere, all surface deposits are zinc, all underground deposits are Galena, i tested this on the server giving my self creativemode and digging holes while spamming the prospectors pick as i went down, straight down to bedrock

i drilled a hole every 25 tiles in every direction from 0.0 to 500,500 to -500,-500, i found 1 tetrahydrite vein (rediclious ammount of ore btw) 1 iron vein (didnt bother with escavateing it as cant even work it yet), and numerous .. rediclious ammounts of galena (which is worthless in current mod besides making silver alloys, that tetrahydrite doesnt solve in the firstplace) and -ALL SURFACE deposits were zinc every single one of them, without fail, if it was an ore above y50 it was zinc.

4. resorting to creative mode to "exchange out ore" is just something i don't want to do. it doesnt feel like i earned it. maybe an alchemy table to exchange ores for other ores at a 2 to 1 ratio...?

5. also flux stone was incredibly rare, a vein of marble around 400,-500 y=30

do i need to kill the world to upgrade to a different build?

and the mod tells me im playing with outdated files, if i tell it to download and update my client - i assume it works. i assume i'd have to update the server before it even allows me to log in? >.>

6. the chest size... seriously, freaking huge storage room now.just absolutely rediclious literately have 100 chests in the storage area.

1. If I'm correct, someone I heard said that one Minecraft year is about 48 hours if you let your game run, so you might be a bit exaggerating

2. same as above, I think you might be exaggerating

3. It all depends on the rock type for the biome, it's not always the same, and some ores can only appear in certain rock types.

4. Go find the rock the ore appears in.

5. find a biome with flux, there's six different types of flux, you're just unlucky.

6. Only keep what you need; I wouldn't mind even if it was smaller.


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1. A year in-game is about 120 hours. One day is 20 minutes, that makes a month about 10 hours. A season is three months. You can press N to open the calendar. The fruit tree harvest times are on the wiki if you really need them. If your server isn't consistently up that might be the source of trouble.

2. They are useless right now, but butchery is going to be added(meaning insane corpse looting), so don't get rid of them just yet.

3. That's just your luck, I'm sorry to say.

4. No. You're just unlucky, the game shouldn't be tailored to you, etc.

5. Both marble and limestone are common flux stones, and they occur in layers(not veins), just like every other stone. This is also just your bad luck, I suppose.

6. The reduced chest size is supposed to encourage you to keep what you need and increase item value. If you have a 100 chest storehouse you're doing something wrong. Try optimizing your storage.

For the weird unnumbered question, no, you don't have to regen the world if you're going from build 44 to 45. Updating is perfectly safe.

Hope this answers your questions.


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I also think the year is rather too long - and rather odd at that. I mean, a lunar cycle in Minecraft is 8 days, so shouldn't the months be about that long too?


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a pregnant animal will give birth 40 RL hours after it is impregnated. On a 24/7 server this is nothing.


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a pregnant animal will give birth 40 RL hours after it is impregnated. On a 24/7 server this is nothing.

For those of us playing single player on the other hand, 40 real time in-game hours is a heck of a lot to invest for... what... 2 steaks? a piece of leather or two? Balancing mechanics around the assumption that everything will be running 24/7 on a multiplayer server (instead of balancing them around some number of actions taken by a player or some investment of materials and resources by a player) just seems like a good way to break things for the single player crowd.


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For those of us playing single player on the other hand, 40 real time in-game hours is a heck of a lot to invest for... what... 2 steaks? a piece of leather or two? Balancing mechanics around the assumption that everything will be running 24/7 on a multiplayer server (instead of balancing them around some number of actions taken by a player or some investment of materials and resources by a player) just seems like a good way to break things for the single player crowd.

butchery is confirmed, animals will be butcher-able for much more meat


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Regardless of how large the return is, it still seems like a poor way to balance things... if it's a large enough boost for it to be worth the 40 hour wait in single player, won't it then be overly rewarding on multiplayer servers? Meh, anyway. I may just be particularly prone to picking nits at the moment because of how frustrating all the gamebreaking bugs have been the last few patches.


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Bioxx has said the mod is being balanced around SMP, not single.


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a pregnant animal will give birth 40 RL hours after it is impregnated. On a 24/7 server this is nothing.

How is that handled if i may ask, i mean does the time run when the chunk with the animal in ain't loaded?


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Bioxx has said the mod is being balanced around SMP, not single.

Really? Crud... well that kills a whole lot of interest in this for me (and I'd imagine for quite a few other people as well).


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