Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Wheelbarrows - brainstorming

13 posts in this topic

making wheelbarrows of metal/wood, etc could add some fun to the mod. Perhaps you hold right-click to push it along. Adding metal wheels and such lets it go faster, making metal storage areas can maybe make it hold more. Give it an inventory similar to a chest. Then you can use it to help cart your finds home once you reach the surface.

I'm open to brainstorming. This is a new, general idea and I just want to throw it out there.


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I like the idea so here’s a few things I would like to add.

First off I would like to point out that if right clicking pushes the wheelbarrows along you need another way to open its inventory.

Second the inventory space cannot be bigger than a chest or people would start making wheelbarrows instead of chests :P.

As the game is right now I don’t think it would be very useful but I do foresee a nerf in the players carrying capacity in the near future (don’t lynch me if I’m wrong).

Now as for how I would like it to be.

It would need a new block to create a slope so it could go up in elevation. No jumping while pushing a wheelbarrow.

It would have durability. Pushing it around would slowly lower its durability. Pushing it down without a slope would reduce its durability substantially.

It would rotate centered on the wheelbarrow and not the player therefore it would need a certain amount of flat space to rotate.

pushing it around your make you tired/ hungry.

and... well that all i can think of right now.


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I like the idea so here’s a few things I would like to add.

First off I would like to point out that if right clicking pushes the wheelbarrows along you need another way to open its inventory.

Second the inventory space cannot be bigger than a chest or people would start making wheelbarrows instead of chests :P.

As the game is right now I don’t think it would be very useful but I do foresee a nerf in the players carrying capacity in the near future (don’t lynch me if I’m wrong).

Now as for how I would like it to be.

It would need a new block to create a slope so it could go up in elevation. No jumping while pushing a wheelbarrow.

It would have durability. Pushing it around would slowly lower its durability. Pushing it down without a slope would reduce its durability substantially.

It would rotate centered on the wheelbarrow and not the player therefore it would need a certain amount of flat space to rotate.

pushing it around your make you tired/ hungry.

and... well that all i can think of right now.

Nice ideas. I think we'd want wheel durability though and be able to replace wheels, rather than whole wheelbarrows.

To clarify, I meant the wheelbarrow should hold the same amount as a single chest. I also envisioned it taking up more than one block, so being an alternative to chests wouldn't be as feasible.

Making smooth wheelbarrow roads would be a plus then.


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Maybe stairs could perform as 'wheelbarrow slopes' - technically, yes, they're stairs, but they essentially function as a slope in Minecraft. It would save coding an additional slope block.


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Maybe stairs could perform as 'wheelbarrow slopes' - technically, yes, they're stairs, but they essentially function as a slope in Minecraft. It would save coding an additional slope block.

A good point. Surely getting a wheelbarrow up some small steps wouldn't be too difficult.


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A good point. Surely getting a wheelbarrow up some small steps wouldn't be too difficult.

If memory serves, there are only two steps on a meter-tall stair block. In reality that would probably suck to climb. :U

Still, I like the idea of carting large quantities of stuff trading speed and safety for efficiency. (You couldn't easily defend yourself carting a haul of ore...)

I can see people using these to get loads to and from minecarts and storehouses.


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If memory serves, there are only two steps on a meter-tall stair block. In reality that would probably suck to climb. :U

Yeah, I meant to say that it wouldn't be 100% realistic, a bit of an abstraction.

My current world has a long path leading from my lakeside house to a more flat area with my crops and animals - taking a wheelbarrow along that path would save me a lot of grief when I'm reseeding my tree farm or what have you.

Also I had to travel halfway across the world to find some cows, then spent 3 in-game days coaxing them back home with some wheat. Some kind of larger boat a ways down the line would be awesome! :)

v go ahead dude

Edited by mrpwase

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Also I had to travel halfway across the world to find some cows, then spent 3 in-game days coaxing them back home with some wheat. Some kind of larger boat a ways down the line would be awesome! :)

Before this branches off, perhaps let's start a new topic. I was already considering posting an idea.

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Before this branches off, perhaps let's start a new topic. I was already considering posting an idea.

Post it in this then. Ships!!

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And shoot, I was just about to suggest a similar idea.

I quite like this, though. Fits in really well for hauling lots of ores, or maybe logs to and fro. I would like to suggest that a wheelbarrow speed up/down depending on the surface it's traveling over. Say, rolling over grass would slow it down some, but making a road of smoothed stone or a smoothed dirt (ala this perhaps) would speed it up. Moving over regular stone or dirt would make it move at an average pace.

Also, just for the fun/convenience of it, being able to shove a cow or other passive mob in there for transportation, one at a time (maybe two for chickens).


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I would like to suggest that a wheelbarrow speed up/down depending on the surface it's traveling over. Say, rolling over grass would slow it down some, but making a road of smoothed stone or a smoothed dirt (ala this perhaps) would speed it up. Moving over regular stone or dirt would make it move at an average pace.

I've been pretty sick for the past couple of days, so I've been taking brisk walks around the neighbourhood instead of running at the gym. I've got to say, I used to be totally, violently against the idea of different walking speeds on different terrain, but it's absolutely true to life. It's not a huge difference, but walking terrain as mild as slightly unkempt lawn can slow you down a bit.

It was during these walks that I realized the only reason I was adverse to the idea was because of my exposure mods that doubled or tripled speeds on magic road blocks. In reality, it would have to be grass that either slows you down, or consumes just a tiny bit more stamina.


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I quite like this, though. Fits in really well for hauling lots of ores, or maybe logs to and fro. I would like to suggest that a wheelbarrow speed up/down depending on the surface it's traveling over. Say, rolling over grass would slow it down some, but making a road of smoothed stone or a smoothed dirt (ala this perhaps) would speed it up. Moving over regular stone or dirt would make it move at an average pace.

I like it. Maybe we should go even further going on dirt while it is raining would consume more stamina and there would be a chance of getting the wheelbarrow stuck in mud forcing you to get it unstuck(with a shovel?) or leave it behind till the rain stops.


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It was during these walks that I realized the only reason I was adverse to the idea was because of my exposure mods that doubled or tripled speeds on magic road blocks. In reality, it would have to be grass that either slows you down, or consumes just a tiny bit more stamina.

I've personally felt the same way. I've seen mods for regular MC that have literal golden-roads that speed your walking 4x than normal, which is quite silly.

As a whole, sure, smoothed out roads can make it so walking/sprinting doesn't consume as much stamina compared to running over rougher terrain, but I brought up this point because it's a wheelbarrow and not a footbarrow, if you catch my drift. Wheels work best on smoothed surfaces, no doubt. As a bit of a balancing thing, the maximum speed you could push a wheelbarrow (over a smoothed out, stone surface) could be slightly less than walking, but consume more stamina because of the extra load.

I like it. Maybe we should go even further going on dirt while it is raining would consume more stamina and there would be a chance of getting the wheelbarrow stuck in mud forcing you to get it unstuck(with a shovel?) or leave it behind till the rain stops.

Edit because I didn't see this when writing my post to Lumireaver. I think this is a neat idea, could make the investment in stone roads worthwhile after the whole construction update that is gonna be planned.

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