Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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food preservation

44 posts in this topic

Properly cured and stored meat should last for months at least, sometimes years but it can also take a long time to cure. It would probably improve SMP play to just say meat lasts indefinitely if it is properly cured and stored. Of course, with SMP play, you can also avoid the prospect of starving during winter just by logging out and letting the server pass time - SMP gameplay constraints are entirely different and it shouldn't really be treated as the same game as SSP. It seems like a lot of survival against nature can really only easily be a feature of SSP gameplay by sheer virtue of the fact you log out of SMP and let the world continue without you, whereas you have to live through every single day in SSP.

Ya frankly I don’t see this feature and other features working too well on a 24/7 server. Me and my friends play on our server from time to time and we don’t leave the server running while we don’t play so it’s fine but on a 24/7 server that’s a different story. If you log in once a day each day at the same time more than 2 minecraft months pass by between logins. That means you need to preserve everything before you log out or it will rot. Also I realise that this feature is not for everyone which is why I would really like to see this implemented as a optional feature that people could turn off if they wish.


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Part two: preserving techniques cont.

Pickeling preserving veggies

Well veggies don’t really exist yet :(

but it would work similarly to jams

V = veggies

S = salt

W= water

J = jar/bottle


SWS => 3 jars of pickled veggies + bucket


Or If vinegar is ever created it could substitute the salt and water but this is all supposition and I don’t want to go more into cooking then I need to.

Now all that’s left in part 2 is the fermenting but I think ill just skip that part for now. I’m not an expert in fermenting, much less in old fermenting techniques and I haven’t though of anything good implementation of it yet. Besides there is no reason you couldn’t get a fresh bucket of milk each day if you have a cow anyway.


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If aspects of the game were added such as cows/pigs/chickens dropping less meat in the winter, I could definitely see the real need for something like preservation--a need for surviving through the winter. As it stands, though, I think all the ores should be given a purpose before something like this is added into the game.


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If aspects of the game were added such as cows/pigs/chickens dropping less meat in the winter, I could definitely see the real need for something like preservation--a need for surviving through the winter. As it stands, though, I think all the ores should be given a purpose before something like this is added into the game.

I agree that this doesn’t need to be added to the game right now but that’s true for almost all the suggestions so threes nothing new there. As for less meat drop in winter... why? I don’t think you realize how much of a herd you would need to last the whole winter.

This is off topic but I would also like to point out that maybe keeping a herd alive during winter won’t be such an easy thing. Cows, pigs and chickens eat grass and seeds and maybe they won’t survive the winter if you don’t feed them since you domesticated them, they won’t be able to find food themselves.


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this sounds like a good idea but we should wait until other things have a purpose this sounds a bit complex to set up and we dont need more things we cant use atm but when we are sorted i vote YES OMG FREAKING YES

...... good day sir :D


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Reposting in appropriate thread from Scorched Ground:

"The answer is both simple and horribly evil - add damage bars to food items, and prevent them from stacking. Damage values decrease on a hidden internal timer unique to each type of food (raw chicken would rot far quicker than bread, for example). Cooking, smoking, or otherwise preserving foods yields a new item with a severely slower timer and/or higher damage value, which depending on the food could either start at maximum again or start with a percentage of durability missing equal to the item it was created from.

And since I can already hear the torches being lit and pitchforks raised, this would also come with several new in-world storage blocks unique to certain food groups, such as larders, grain silos, pantries, and so on. These would have relatively massive inventories which, like vanilla chests, can be expanded by placing multiple adjacent blocks. Silos only connect upward, pantries are build in-world like a bloomery, larder algorithms recognize all adjacently connected larder blocks out to 3 from the start, etc

But that doesn't solve how you get your food there to begin with, when meat no longer stacks and your freshly killed cow just dropped you 22 beef items - well, enter butchery.

The meat storage areas would have to be relatively close to your pens, so that when the butchery UI is implemented you can just quickly take some meat, store it, take some meat, store it, etc... and be decently quick about it. Else you could also separate a cow from the herd via meta (as in you, the player) wrangling skills (perhaps rope, crafted in the inventory by itself, could yield a lasso that could function on land mobs the way the fishing rods currently do?) to separate a cow/pig/chicken from the herd/flock, and bring it to your pre-prepared butchering area. A UI makes the entire process far more simple than it would be without, which I imagine will come as a welcome relief.

Also, idk how you're going to DEAL with the butchery thing, but I'm imagining killing a mob will end up spawning a 'dead mob' block that can be right-clicked. If that's the case, perhaps carnivore AI should be adjusted with a hunger bar like the player's, only obviously invisible. At >60% hunger, carnivores will only aggro if approached, including other mobs - at 60-26% hunger, carnivore mobs will actively seek out passive mobs, kill one, and then stay next to the block and slowly deplete the raw meat from its UI, filling up its hunger bar correspondingly until it's full - if hunger is still under 60% after the mob has no meat left, the carnivore will then attack another mob. Carnivores with >=25% hunger will also actively seek out and attack other carnivores and the player. This way, early Homo Stevians will probably derive his first sustenance from half-rotted remains of other carnivore's kills.

Since I can easily see 2 or 3 bears taking out an entire - rather important - herd of passives, perhaps passive mob herd size should also be increased slightly, and their AI set to include staying away from carnivores if possible. They shouldn't ALWAYS be able to get away or else the carnivores all die instead, but you get my point.

The possibilities are fairly extreme"


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Well... could the spoil Stack system be like the cooling stacking system for metals, so only items of equal spoilage would stack? That's my take on how to do it anyways...

Or, make food unstackable, i agree a damage value would be a good system, but how does one make it decrease when not in use, or for that matter, slow/accelerate the process depending on biome/tempetature (Ie food in deserts would not spoil that quickly due to the low amount of microbes/water, while a swamp would be prime spoil area.) And in the same respect, containers, like larders and or/ice rooms.

Edited by Scooterdanny

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I suppose, but considering that preserving foods would happen 1 at a time you'd have slight delays on them all anyway. Plus, it makes hauling/luring your kill back home less necessary


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So... a no stack system then? sorry, not quite seeing what part you are referring to.


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So... a no stack system then? sorry, not quite seeing what part you are referring to.

Yeah, I'm thinking a no stack system might be best


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Yeah, I'm thinking a no stack system might be best

Probably yeah, just as long as we can store it as a butchery system, or a larder/baskets and such.


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Probably yeah, just as long as we can store it as a butchery system, or a larder/baskets and such.

Welp, as I said, in-world food storage (that is, not in chests) would have to become a thing


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Welp, as I said, in-world food storage (that is, not in chests) would have to become a thing

what are we gonna all have refrigerators now?

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what are we gonna all have refrigerators now? did READ the post I made, right?


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what are we gonna all have refrigerators now?

And since I can already hear the torches being lit and pitchforks raised, this would also come with several new in-world storage blocks unique to certain food groups, such as larders, grain silos, pantries, and so on. These would have relatively massive inventories which, like vanilla chests, can be expanded by placing multiple adjacent blocks. Silos only connect upward, pantries are build in-world like a bloomery, larder algorithms recognize all adjacently connected larder blocks out to 3 from the start, etc


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i know, i was joking

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i like this :-) more to do is always fun :-)


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Hey dazzer, just a heads up pal, if a topic is more than 7 days old, i would advise against posting things like "i like this" without a constructive comment. (People will get on ya for being a necromancer)


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