Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Suggestion of more weapons and craftables

2 posts in this topic

Suggestion of more weapons and craftables

I would like to see more weapons and craftables, who doesn't?

So, my ideas are these:

Crossbow: Higher damage than the bow, but quite a long reload time. Craftable with one plank as the stock, 2 copper/bronze/iron sheets (would be better with a special recipe for a lath) and 2 strings or Vines as the bow string (a craftable item would be best, made of like 4 strings or 2 vines, to make a durable bowstring). It would be created in 3 parts: First the lath (the bow part), then attach the lath to the stock (plank), and lastly attach the bow string to the plank with the lath on it. It would have high durability BUT have a chance of the string breaking, needing to be restringed. It should have high range where the bolt would travel almost entirely straight, but after a certain range the bolt will loose altitude really quickly.

Optional idea for the crossbow is that the better the metal used, it does not get higher damage, but the further the bolt can fly before falling to the ground.

Combat staff: Longer range than the sword, but drastically reduced damage (about the same damage as the knife), unless the hit is a critical. Alternate attack with it could be a push, doing minimal damage but pushing the target back 1-2 tiles. It would be crafted with either 2 sticks, or two planks (possibly with string too, to keep the two pieces together) or by placing a knife some way in the crafting area with a log. Wood type would decide durability. Would only be craftable with hardwood if using the log idea.

More bows: Different bows, like a longbow, composite bow, short bow and so on. They would have minimal differences. Smaller bows do less damage, but you can shoot them with full power more often. Bigger bows would have a little higher damage, and increased range, but take longer to draw fully. Would be craftable through new system Fletching? Also, increase durability of bows, but add the ability for the string to break, so you need to restring the bow.

Halberd/Partisan: Long range melee weapon. Normal attack is a slash/hack, alternate attack would be a stab which would push the target backwards and do damage. Due to their size they are slower to attack with. Craftable like a staff, but you add a metal axe head to it for the Halberd, or a metal knife for the partisan (although this would just make it like a spear).

Spear: A staff with a knife in the end of it. Does more damage than the javelin in melee (javelin melee damage that is). It would break easilly, but be craftable with a stone knife (or flint, as flint spears have been used before in history).

Sickle: Not a weapon, but used to get more saplings of a tree. Would increase the chance of getting a sapling greatly. Must be made with metal of copper or better quality, tin is not hard enough (not sure of how good zinc would be though). Should be craftable with silver. Should also be used to cut vines.

Spindle: Made out of wood. Used to make Wool into strings. Would be crafted by carving a log with a knife(wood carving should be implemented, sort of like knapping).

Rope: Made out of strings or vines. Vines uses less material than string. Rope could be used to make winches (although, the use of winches maybe someone else has a good idea for) and maybe hand operated elevators? Hand operated elevators would be cool to have, and I do believe they were used long before man started using iron.

Food bin and water trough: Used to feed and water animals in captivity. Animals need to be made more advanced anyways. Wheat would still be needed for breeding, this would just be to keep them alive.

Loom: Used with string to make rugs/cloth. Cloth could be used to make "armor" that does not have any defence value, just change the players appearance.

More food: Change stew so it feeds you more (due to the fact it cannot be stacked). Ability to combine bread with meat to combine their efficiency. Egg + Milk + stew makes omelett that completely fills your hunger (not stackable). Implement stove needed for advanced cooking ;-)

More lightsources: Torches are fine, but I would love a chandelair, a "tiki torch", lantern (can use olive oil which would make olives usefull).

New mode for the chisel (or a new tool: Masonry tool): Stone wall. Like the fence, but stone. It would remove 3 layers of stone from the side you are watching (horizontally) and the opposite side, and makes the stone act like the fence, so it cannot be jumped.

Also, if used on a stone block that is in a corner it would turn into a corner piece (would need the two stones it is connecting to be "walls" already, for simplicity). You should be able to make high walls too, so if you make a stone house, you can do the same on the walls.

Or make stone walls craftable, and copy the behaviour from fences, probably much easier :P

Carpentry tool: Used to change the location of doors, so you can make a placed door move between three settings, front/middle/back or the tile. Doors should be placeable in the middle of a tile, so it can align with window panes.

Just a few of my ideas of things I would love to see. Don't know how many of them have already been said, or even if some might be planned.


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So, um, that's a lot of ideas. Some of them were suggested, though.

Crossbow: Seems good, materials used for bowstring should affect the chance of breaking and velocity of the bolt (and max distance, of course)

Combat staff: Good as-is, for the combat update. And it could be named quarter staff.

More bows: I'm in! I'm personally very interested in bowcraft and carpentry (my hobby).

All the weapons are quite good, so I'll skip them.

Sickle: Good, but could also increase chance for dropping wheat (Chance when harvesting by hand would be ~20%)

Everything related to tailoring: That post

Rope: Would need more uses.

Food bin and water through: For semi-automated animal tending?

Animals will have to eat regularly in a few updates, it's coming :D

More food: Cooking revamp is coming!

Masonry: You should be able to jump over walls.

Lightsources: No permament light sources would be good.

Surviving would be more fun.

Carpentry tool would be good for precise trapdoor placing.

That's all.

Also, use search next time to see if your suggestion was already suggested.


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