Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Shadow

B47 Biome Distribution

7 posts in this topic

I've played on a couple of different B47 worlds now, and I see a very restricted number of biomes.

In both worlds, I've seen Plains1 and Forest1, and in one I've seen one example of Taiga5. Nothing else (not counting rivers), and I've done quite a lot of wandering around. A friend of mine who just started playing TFC started in a swamp, though I don't know the number.

Is it supposed to be this way? I seem to recall seeing it mentioned somewhere that Bioxx wanted the game to play through very differently each time - does the seed determine certain biomes to be dominant, and then the occasional exception?


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As I understand it, the very definition of a "Forest1" biome changes depending on the seed. For instance, in my last world, Forest1 had surface diorite over basalt, with Sycamore, Maple, and White Cedar. In my current world, Forest1 has surface Slate with White Cedar, Chestnut, Spruce, Douglas Fir. (No idea what's below that as I still don't have a pick.)

I don't know of any weighting of certain biomes over others. I would guess that's just reading patterns into small random data. In my time in my first world I saw a total of 13 biomes, and 14 so far on my current world.


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13 or 14 biomes?! Like I said, I've only seen 2 or 3. Am I just getting a weird luck of the draw?


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How far have you traveled? I'm about 1.5 km west of spawn, though I zigged and zagged a lot so I probably covered a distance closer to 3.

How many biome transitions have you seen? Are you maybe in one giant plains biome? Plains can have forest as its sub-biome, similar to how hills sub-biomes work. Those forests are usually pretty small, like maybe 10-15 chunks.

I have on rare occasion seen a vanilla biome that was more than 3km/side, so if TFC uses similar biome distribution code, you could be in something like that.


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I've done quite a lot of wandering - like you, about a click and a half from spawn. Plus lots of exploring from my main base for ore.

Now that you mention it, I did think the forests were rather small compared to the plains. And I can honestly say I've never seen a 3km vanilla biome except for oceans.


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I think it's possibly your seeds..

I've not F3'd all the biomes I've been through but I've certainly seen (and been through) hills-edge, jungle, forest, desert, ocean, plains, swamp, and some river. Exact sub-types I can't say. I may also have been close to a Tiagre, but as I hate snow biomes I tend to avoid them (if I can) when they show up on Rei's mini-map.


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On the few maps I've played, the distribution seems to be fine. I can find any biome category I'm looking for within a day's march (one-way) from my chosen base location.


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