Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Suggestion Forum Organization

9 posts in this topic

Since the forum is quite full of duplicated threads (some of which I am guilty of, I apologize), would it not make sense to divide Suggestions into a subforum of suggestions the moderators have noticed (which have not been summarily shot down), and a subforum for new-ish suggestions?

Make it so normal users can't add threads to the "known suggestions" forum, and have the moderators move a truly new idea thread from the "newish" subforum into the known suggestions subforum when they notice it and think it might be worthy. That way we dont have to sift through the giant pile of junk that forms at the bottom of the suggestion listings to find the listing of ideas that have been suggested and noted.

SOME ideas are fairly easy to find with a search, some use very common words, and are not quite as easy to single out from other postings with a simple search.


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Yeah... Id rather just close topics as I come across them and see that they are duplicates as opposed to having to move threads around after they get so old.. and I am not sure how this would stop duplicates from being made and likely just make them happen more often since now suggestions are in two areas?


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Yeah... Id rather just close topics as I come across them and see that they are duplicates as opposed to having to move threads around after they get so old.. and I am not sure how this would stop duplicates from being made and likely just make them happen more often since now suggestions are in two areas?

It would make finding the worthwhile posts SO much easier for those of us that actually DO want to look. Instead of simply locking the posts, maybe deleting them might alleviate this? The major thing that makes me not really want to search the 18 pages manually in the event of unsuccessful search with the forum search engine is that they're pretty much ALL posts created EVER.

or would there be a way to merge them, bascially dump the posts off one thread into another if there are any that are worthwhile?


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Honestly I just think that Jed Lumy should reorganize his thread directory like this, and maybe try to add as many threads to it as he can


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Honestly I just think that Jed should reorganize his thread directory like this, and maybe try to add as many threads to it as he can

thats fair, if we keep the list fairly complete it should suffice for the purpose

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It would make finding the worthwhile posts SO much easier for those of us that actually DO want to look. Instead of simply locking the posts, maybe deleting them might alleviate this? The major thing that makes me not really want to search the 18 pages manually in the event of unsuccessful search with the forum search engine is that they're pretty much ALL posts created EVER.

or would there be a way to merge them, bascially dump the posts off one thread into another if there are any that are worthwhile?

I have thought about deleting them but I am actually a rather large participant on the StackExchange sites as well and we leave duplicates in existence for search results. People can type in different words looking for the same topic/question. Leaving an old topic that is closed will let them find it in another way potentially. Due to the way forums work the older posts should just naturally filter down to the bottom since they can not be updated.

Maybe we should link to the other posts on the topic though as opposed to just telling people it is a duplicate so they can find the information more directly? That should be doable...


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Yeah, there's no real way to make things open and organized at the same time. Too many people have ideas. :U

We could make thread tags required from a list of predetermined tags (or else the thread is locked on sight) If this were done I'd reorganize my post to alphabetically list every thread under each tag. The problem with this is that it's hard as balls to apply retroactively. I personally wouldn't mind a Suggestion Forum 2.0, as long as the current were only closed and not removed. We could salvage posts and threads from it bit by bit. Let's be honest, what we stand to gain from some kind of organization would benefit the community by bringing the good ideas forward--this is probably worth closing these threads. The disorder here is why I made that one thread, and that didn't seem to be enough.

Forcing specific thread tags (and therefore forcing people to at least gloss over the thread list) should eliminate thread reposts from pretty much all of the thinking, reading users. :U

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Yeah, there's no real way to make things open and organized at the same time. Too many people have ideas. :U

We could make thread tags required from a list of predetermined tags (or else the thread is locked on sight) If this were done I'd reorganize my post to alphabetically list every thread under each tag. The problem with this is that it's hard as balls to apply retroactively. I personally wouldn't mind a Suggestion Forum 2.0, as long as the current were only closed and not removed. We could salvage posts and threads from it bit by bit. Let's be honest, what we stand to gain from some kind of organization would benefit the community by bringing the good ideas forward--this is probably worth closing these threads. The disorder here is why I made that one thread, and that didn't seem to be enough.

Forcing specific thread tags (and therefore forcing people to at least gloss over the thread list) should eliminate thread reposts from pretty much all of the thinking, reading users. :U

Number of corrections made to this post: >10

Oh gods I called the directory Jed's x_x

Sorry Lumy, my bad bro


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Oh gods I called the directory Jed's x_x

Sorry Lumy, my bad bro

Oh dear :S :P

The mind control device is working ... First this forum, and then .. The world !! ¬.¬


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