Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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74 posts in this topic

Well, my old nemesis srgnoodles. It looks like we meet in real time again. But this time, I have a secret weapon! My mobile device had only 6% battery remaining so I will be immune to your designs for the next 30 or do minutes. Ha HA!


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Well, my old nemesis srgnoodles. It looks like we meet in real time again. But this time, I have a secret weapon! My mobile device had only 6% battery remaining so I will be immune to your designs for the next 30 or do minutes. Ha HA!


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Yup. And that is how threads get derailed.


This is how threads get derailed.

L4ST P0ST!!!!1

(notice how I said on on a mobile device and yet I still had a 1 after my exclamation marks. Logic!)



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Oh my.... i think not a single one of my thought out suggestions has died peacefully... and yeah dunk, i considered all conundrum a while ago, i think the solution is to tell people, that if they want to post a thought out comment, but there was already a topic, then make sure you are adding something relevant and thought out to the post, rather than necro'ing a thread 3 months old with " I Liek dis".


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Oh my.... i think not a single one of my thought out suggestions has died peacefully... and yeah dunk, i considered all conundrum a while ago, i think the solution is to tell people, that if they want to post a thought out comment, but there was already a topic, then make sure you are adding something relevant and thought out to the post, rather than necro'ing a thread 3 months old with " I Liek dis".

Exactly. For dead threads, a quality post is like a Resurrection spell, whereas shitposting and derailment is more along the line of Create Lesser Undead


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Well, my old nemesis srgnoodles.

oh and btw sence when have i been your nemesis? only i get to chose my nemesi and trust me you do not want to be one of them

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Interesting pluralization you've got there.

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so i will use my AoE magic and *yolo* a little bit to revive it maybe ?

the thing with the lets put stats on armor other then health is

most people dont think about the diffrent kinds of attacks

a medival sword for example is more a hitting weapon than a stabbing one (full plate armor)

a mace is a smashing weapon so basicly wich armor you use you are fucked if hit (so leather armor for better evation)

a javelin is ....... to obvious so yeah


full plate is used for hitting

chainmail for stabbing and their like (daggers etc)

coat of plates for arrows, javelins

the uberkill would be the crossbow, they are the only infantry weapon that was unstopable :3

but a pain in the ass to reload and carry


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so i will use my AoE magic and *yolo* a little bit to revive it maybe ?

the thing with the lets put stats on armor other then health is

most people dont think about the diffrent kinds of attacks

a medival sword for example is more a hitting weapon than a stabbing one (full plate armor)

a mace is a smashing weapon so basicly wich armor you use you are fucked if hit (so leather armor for better evation)

a javelin is ....... to obvious so yeah


full plate is used for hitting

chainmail for stabbing and their like (daggers etc)

coat of plates for arrows, javelins

the uberkill would be the crossbow, they are the only infantry weapon that was unstopable :3

but a pain in the ass to reload and carry

really? i thought chain mail would be most effective agains crushing blows seeing as it's felxible but still metal of course you would need some kind of padding beheind the chains so you dont get a bunch of metal rings slammed into your body

and i thought stabbing would be actually more effective, because with a strong enough stab, you can break the links of mail with the point of your sword/arrow/spear and peirce through

plate armor is best against slashing attacks, because the way the plates were angled, if they hit you, their blade would just go glancing off the armor. crushing attacks on the other hand would dent the metal and be horribly destructive to both armor and knight

(oh and by the way it's spelled evasion not evation)


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<br />

so i will use my AoE magic and *yolo* a little bit to revive it maybe ?<br />

<br />

the thing with the lets put stats on armor other then health is<br />

most people dont think about the diffrent kinds of attacks<br />

<br />

a medival sword for example is more a hitting weapon than a stabbing one (full plate armor)<br />

<br />

a mace is a smashing weapon so basicly wich armor you use you are fucked if hit (so leather armor for better evation)<br />

<br />

a javelin is ....... to obvious so yeah<br />

<br />

etc<br />

<br />

full plate is used for hitting<br />

chainmail for stabbing and their like (daggers etc)<br />

coat of plates for arrows, javelins<br />

<br />

the uberkill would be the crossbow, they are the only infantry weapon that was unstopable :3<br />

but a pain in the ass to reload and carry<br />


<p> </p>

<p>Longswords are slashing, or cutting weapons. Hitting sounds like basic bludgeoning, which is the job of a mace, or as it is, a stick or a rock. Objects with a point, instead of a cutting edge or heavy bludgeoning head, have more force and are more lethal, but it's harder to hit and hit well, especially since most of them are long(ish) range.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Plate was usually reinforced with a sort of "scaffolding" inside, to protect from bludgeoning until it was broken down. Otherwise, bludgeoning takes a lot more force to be as lethal as slashing or piercing weapons, but is largely unaffected by armor. Leather only provides minute protection for all types, just mainly blocking minor scratching and bruising, but allowing for maximum mobility. Chain blocks slashing very well, but doesn't stand at all to piercing. Plate is best pierced through with a long arrow, javelin  lance, etc., or repeated bludgeoning. Some people wear chain under plate for extra protection.</p>

<p> </p>



<li>Bludgeoning- gets around armor better, takes more force to be as lethal, slower and heavier, turns metal armor into shrapnel and takes a lot of material to make, breaks bones. The heavier, the better, unless you can't hold it.</li>

<li>Slashing- blocked easily by metal armors, kills easily, medium speed and weight, medium accuracy, takes some skill,    medium materials used, cuts skin, tendons, vessels, etc. Sharp, thin edge, heavy right behind the cutting point, but still balanced is best.</li>

<li>Piercing- gets through armor, but doesn't break it like bludgeoning, very lethal, less accurate, light and fast, takes a lot of skill, best adapted for ranged combat, not much materials required, breaks easy, goes straight for the vitals and soft spots. A small, sharp point on a flexible rod, weight variance for different range/power values.</li>

<li>Hacking- an extra weapon effect, this is when it is designed to get stuck in the foe so it damages them more on the way back out. Barbed arrows, hooked blades, spiked maces, etc. Little more material used, but takes time and extra effort to get it back, and you might not be able to dislodge it. Makes wounds harder to treat and heal.</li>


<p> </p>


<li>Plate- Lots of materials, most protection, bludgeoning breaks scaffolding. Piercing is best, but must be heavy and long. Heavy, uncomfortable, hot, and requires leather padding.</li>

<li>Chain- Not as much metal, but difficult to make. Protects very well against slashing, piercing goes through like butter.   Light and mobile, holds up better than plate to blunt damage than plate, but still hurts.</li>

<li>Leather- Extremely light and mobile, only really used to protect from scratches and bruises. Tears easily.</li>

<li>Piecemail- Any mix of the above.</li>



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Woah, something broke I think.


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borked stuff

what the nugget happened to your post?

it looks all borked and stuff


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what the nugget happened to your post?

it looks all borked and stuff

Yeah, i dunno. Help?


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Yeah, i dunno. Help?

eh i dont think im qualified to help with forum stuff, i cant even correctly put a picture up look

Posted Image


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<p> </p>

<p>Longswords are slashing, or cutting weapons. Hitting sounds like basic bludgeoning, which is the job of a mace, or as it is, a stick or a rock. Objects with a point, instead of a cutting edge or heavy bludgeoning head, have more force and are more lethal, but it's harder to hit and hit well, especially since most of them are long(ish) range.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Plate was usually reinforced with a sort of "scaffolding" inside, to protect from bludgeoning until it was broken down. Otherwise, bludgeoning takes a lot more force to be as lethal as slashing or piercing weapons, but is largely unaffected by armor. Leather only provides minute protection for all types, just mainly blocking minor scratching and bruising, but allowing for maximum mobility. Chain blocks slashing very well, but doesn't stand at all to piercing. Plate is best pierced through with a long arrow, javelin lance, etc., or repeated bludgeoning. Some people wear chain under plate for extra protection.</p>

<p> </p>



<li>Bludgeoning- gets around armor better, takes more force to be as lethal, slower and heavier, turns metal armor into shrapnel and takes a lot of material to make, breaks bones. The heavier, the better, unless you can't hold it.</li>

<li>Slashing- blocked easily by metal armors, kills easily, medium speed and weight, medium accuracy, takes some skill, medium materials used, cuts skin, tendons, vessels, etc. Sharp, thin edge, heavy right behind the cutting point, but still balanced is best.</li>

<li>Piercing- gets through armor, but doesn't break it like bludgeoning, very lethal, less accurate, light and fast, takes a lot of skill, best adapted for ranged combat, not much materials required, breaks easy, goes straight for the vitals and soft spots. A small, sharp point on a flexible rod, weight variance for different range/power values.</li>

<li>Hacking- an extra weapon effect, this is when it is designed to get stuck in the foe so it damages them more on the way back out. Barbed arrows, hooked blades, spiked maces, etc. Little more material used, but takes time and extra effort to get it back, and you might not be able to dislodge it. Makes wounds harder to treat and heal.</li>


<p> </p>


<li>Plate- Lots of materials, most protection, bludgeoning breaks scaffolding. Piercing is best, but must be heavy and long. Heavy, uncomfortable, hot, and requires leather padding.</li>

<li>Chain- Not as much metal, but difficult to make. Protects very well against slashing, piercing goes through like butter. Light and mobile, holds up better than plate to blunt damage than plate, but still hurts.</li>

<li>Leather- Extremely light and mobile, only really used to protect from scratches and bruises. Tears easily.</li>

<li>Piecemail- Any mix of the above.</li>


how hard do you try to be special ?

as an reenactor and member of a medival fighting league i think i know my trade :P


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how hard do you try to be special ?

as an reenactor and member of a medival fighting league i think i know my trade :P

I'm not trying to be "special", I was just providing more detail and accuracy as your post was quite vague, and I have done extensive research in the past while trying to improve D&D to a level where I didn't want to destroy it all for power imbalance and lack of any historical accuracy at all. I tend to be simulationist. So I fell in love when I met GURPS. Still needs some fixes though.

I'm sorry I took your area of expertise, but I've seen secondhand that chain is not good for blocking piercing weapons, but can hold strong easy from a three-and-a-half pig katana.


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then please fix your messy post, it hurts srsly dude (the special was meant for the codes, not its content)

the chainmail, like cevlar today, was used to block stabs (if it is crafted well) also slashes,

but only to block not to absorb, the same with bulletproof wests =), you still have broken bones etc

i was knowingly vague, because i dont like to work (creating structure translating, sourcing) and then ether get a tl dr or meh i dont like it this way,

many threads got killed like this


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then please fix your messy post, it hurts srsly dude (the special was meant for the codes, not its content)

the chainmail, like cevlar today, was used to block stabs (if it is crafted well) also slashes,

but only to block not to absorb, the same with bulletproof wests =), you still have broken bones etc

i was knowingly vague, because i dont like to work (creating structure translating, sourcing) and then ether get a tl dr or meh i dont like it this way,

many threads got killed like this

I didn't use the Special BBCode thing if that's what you're talking about, and I don't know how to fix it. I will if you can tell me how.

didn't hold up to piercing very well, even with
. Good against
, though. Of course, either way, it'll hurt, alot, because mail is flexible and doesn't stop the force being exerted. That's why blunt weapons aren't very affected by it.

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I didn't use the Special BBCode thing if that's what you're talking about, and I don't know how to fix it. I will if you can tell me how.

didn't hold up to piercing very well, even with
. Good against
, though. Of course, either way, it'll hurt, alot, because mail is flexible and doesn't stop the force being exerted. That's why blunt weapons aren't very affected by it.

click edit and then select the piece of text you want to delete, click delete or backspace :P

(trollmode disengaged)

thats an arrow dude, aaand nobody wears it without leather or cloth beneath, just sayin

i hope you dont believe the katana vs longsword myth, these kind of test videos always put the things tested out of context


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one way to solve that


you could make chain or scale armors out of different metals and those would be much lighter than solid plate armors

Or shields, these would require you to be active and block on correct times, but you would have less weight. So you can be active with your shield or slice with heavy armor and letting your armor take the hits.


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Well honestly, until we get an update on how the new system will work, i think this forum post should hibernate :)


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