Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Rock Piles

16 posts in this topic

What if the cobblestone block was replaced with a rock pile, similar to the log pile? You would create it by left-clicking with a rock in hand, and it could store some reasonable number of rocks. The texture would be the same as before, and the type of stone would be decided by the kind of rock in the first inventory slot of the pile.

When/if construction is implemented, you could combine rocks with mortar to make a block with the same properties as the old cobblestone (for structural purposes, it would be too easy too take down any building made out of rockpiles).


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It would make cave-ins a bit more dificult. Don't worry about how the game is now. It's a constant work-in-progress, and will continue to update in the future. Things are changing, I assure you.


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It would make cave-ins a bit more dificult. Don't worry about how the game is now. It's a constant work-in-progress, and will continue to update in the future. Things are changing, I assure you.

You're right, I didn't think about falling cobble...

Can't wait to see these changes you speak of :3


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Cleaning up spills or cave ins would be a mess, but imagine if creepers blow up cliffsides, you'd have a huge pile of liquid rocks everywhere... and how would you even deal with them? (ie, break them)


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Cleaning up spills or cave ins would be a mess, but imagine if creepers blow up cliffsides, you'd have a huge pile of liquid rocks everywhere... and how would you even deal with them? (ie, break them)

You left click and pull the rocks out. Same way you break a log pile.


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Right click, but i understand your point, would you have stone drop more rocks or what?


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I would love to see rock and dirt and sand and gravel storage be more like a morphing pile than a block you fill with other blocks like log stacks.

To make my point clearer, basically you build a boarder for the pile out of stone bricks, or something of that nature. This boarder would be 5x5 with 1 side left open, leaving it 3x3 in the middle and 3x1 in the open face for the material within to slope to. Any given storage pile could then be 3 blocks high. Then instead of placing the dirt you just throw out the dirt out of your inventory into the pile and it auto adds it to the pile, similar to how a bloomery picks up charcoal and ore thrown in the top.

Also, it would always assume that the pile is only the first type thrown in, so if granite was first down it would only accept granite, requireing a stack for each kind of stone, and each kind of dirt. Also, if possible the pile graphics would resemble the material within.

These pits would be equal in size to 27 single chests not counting the required space between chests. Single chests being a storage of 9 slots, and materials stacking to 64 currently, not sure if that will stay the same. Basically a pile should hold equal to 27 chests or 243 stacks, if the material stack size remains the same 15,552 individual pieces. So a single resource pile should hold more than enough for even large projects.

Anyhow that's my thoughts on open air storage, I'm sure there will be plenty of people with big explinations why that much storage is bad for TFC, but minecraft is about one thing and one thing only; building things. TFC is about surviving while you do one thing, build.


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Why would cave ins give rock piles. Cobblestone is practically a rock pile, just not for storage. Make rocks place rock piles for storage and leave cobblestone as it is.


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Agreed, it's not like you can put a mountain in a pile of rocks...


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Why would cave ins give rock piles. Cobblestone is practically a rock pile, just not for storage. Make rocks place rock piles for storage and leave cobblestone as it is.

But then you'd need some way to obtain cobblestone out of rocks...

This has more ramifications than I thought of :P.


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But then you'd need some way to obtain cobblestone out of rocks...

This has more ramifications than I thought of :P.

When you mine cobble you get cobble. They are big chunks, easy to move and collect with the leverage of a pickaxe, not hands, no need for actual breaking (although that's what the game would suggest). Piles of rocks are small and can be collected with hands.

Also when you mine stone I doubt you will pulverize it into the gravel you see scattered around the world on the surface. I thought the little rocks were the ones to be able to made into storage when placed. Also we could have a pickaxe mode to break the stone into small pieces for storage, but we need a way to cement them to take them out of their storage state and into usable state. Possibly 4 rocks in a crafting table.


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It would make cave-ins a bit more dificult. Don't worry about how the game is now. It's a constant work-in-progress, and will continue to update in the future. Things are changing, I assure you.

Might be bypassed by adding a different block for how many rocks are in the pile, with a block of cobble being a full area and a stone being just one. Would probably take a lot of work though.



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No can do. Cobble and rocks are a done deal. Sorry guys


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That being the case, will there be a more intuitive solution to the disparity between small rocks in the ground and their placed versions? Seems odd to pick up a small rock and then place it as a huge block of cobble.


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That being the case, will there be a more intuitive solution to the disparity between small rocks in the ground and their placed versions? Seems odd to pick up a small rock and then place it as a huge block of cobble.

lol yes, definitely.

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