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Re: Polls

8 posts in this topic

I know the mod is yours, and you will do with it what you please, but you polled AND re-polled and in both cases the votes tallied up pretty strongly toward the larger world size, and you just flat out ignored it. I don't take this personally, but if you have no intention of basing your decision on the result of the poll, why even give us the illusion of input in the first place?

the suggestion here is re: the site.

If you're not actually going to take the user input into account, don't bother with polls. You might alienate the users that responded.


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I know the mod is yours, and you will do with it what you please, but you polled AND re-polled and in both cases the votes tallied up pretty strongly toward the larger world size, and you just flat out ignored it. I don't take this personally, but if you have no intention of basing your decision on the result of the poll, why even give us the illusion of input in the first place?

the suggestion here is re: the site.

If you're not actually going to take the user input into account, don't bother with polls. You might alienate the users that responded.

Bioxx tells me time and time again that the community isn't always right, no matter how unanimous. I agree with you that world's need to be larger (I heard someone travelled the equivalent of the equator to the pole in like 5 mc days). Just because Bioxx doesn't listen to the community on this issue doesn't mean he finds your ideas and oppinions worthless. There are many suggestions and topics that have fueled and started concepts and ideas that go directly into the game. "Kingdoms" was thought up because of some of the economy idea threads on the forums.

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and besides of the above bioxx will probably implement a way to choose the size of the world at least in SSP!


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Welcome to the forums Jack, but i want to point out (came from the Change log by bioxx) "The hard coded world size is currently 20k blocks from equator to the frozen wastes. I may add an option for this later. DO NOT ASK FOR IT OR YOU MIGHT GET KICKED/BANNED IF I’M IN A BAD MOOD. NO it is not necessarily a good idea at this juncture of development. Also after plenty of world tests I think that 20k is underestimated in size."

Key word, may.


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In this particular instance though, it seems like the poll was his attempt to get the community to vote on what he already wanted, which seems a bit pointless. Especially given the re-poll with his explanation and obvious distaste for the results of the previous poll, paired with his assumption that we didn't understand what he was on about. (mentioning the thread about world size etc.) Thats all I'm saying.


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In this particular instance though, it seems like the poll was his attempt to get the community to vote on what he already wanted, which seems a bit pointless. Especially given the re-poll with his explanation and obvious distaste for the results of the previous poll, paired with his assumption that we didn't understand what he was on about. (mentioning the thread about world size etc.) Thats all I'm saying.

I've talked to him. He still thinks that people don't know what they really want (I think he underestimates some of your intelligences) but what he did tell me is that variable world size makes it rather difficult to recreate and solve certain bugs that will inevitably arise in the future, therefore if we do add this feature, the date will be leaning towards the final release of TFC (like 1.0.0 for MC back in November 2011)

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I don't think is a matter of intelligence but about gamming and deloping I know one thing: the consumer isn't always right because he doesn't know what he is really saying. Developers walk that tight rope having to deal with what they can do, what they think the community wants, what the community says they want for the game and of course what the developer wants to do.


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In this particular instance though, it seems like the poll was his attempt to get the community to vote on what he already wanted, which seems a bit pointless. Especially given the re-poll with his explanation and obvious distaste for the results of the previous poll, paired with his assumption that we didn't understand what he was on about. (mentioning the thread about world size etc.) Thats all I'm saying.

Considering that in the second poll lower world size options were removed and included with the second poll was a long post that essentially said, "large world sizes are great, feel free to vote for them", I'm not sure that this is fair or makes any sense. It really seemed like bioxx wanted a larger world size and then during development actually tried to play in a 50k world, but that's just conjecture.


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