Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Little note about Farming

18 posts in this topic

A long time ago I found this topic on MC http://www.minecraft...0-now-released/ I loved its farming features

and how hard it was to farm on it, I think this mod could be used as reference for the new farming system at-least somewhat (I do dislike the levels system on it though, horrid idea

on trying to slow down the player).

Features to Focus on From this Mod:

Watering Can, This was a nice feature on making farming harder making the player having to come back to their plants 1 to 2 times a day to water their plants dependant on weather as well as rain would keep them from needing to be watered.

Multi-Harvest Plants, Some plants should be-able to be harvested multiple times. Not all plants should have this feature only some.

Drying Peroid, Dependant on the Weather during the day the plants can dry out unless you have water near the plants.

New Foods, I like the Drinks idea I think there should be some drinks and a way to grind up Fruits into juices for your self somewhere along the line. Maybe a Plugin called "Technological Age" which would come after TFC is finished.

Seed Bags, Small pouches you can use that will beable to stack 128 of the same Seed in 1 slot.

Extra Ideas:

Grates, When Irrigation comes along I'd assume it would be tubes or a Aquaduct system. If so there could be a Grate Tube or Block that will "rain" the water allowing people to use redstone to water their plants.

Agreeable Comments:

Farming, I know farming, I'm a farmer! (like really, I'm a organic farmer IRL)

First off I have to say, super impressed with the farming update Bioxx and Dunk have brought us. The fact that they went far enough into detail to actually include different nurtrient types is amazing. However, there is some things that bother me.

1: you don't eat more then one small onion or garlic raw unless you're trying to A; kill your sinuses, B; poison yourself, or C; overload your kidneys and dye. Seriously, the last one was a bit morbid, but you don't freakin eat large amounts of raw onions or garlic, they're spices for crying out loud!

2: like the OP said, some plants are multi harvest, namely tomatoes. Once a tomato starts flowering (which is very late) it will continue to produce shit tons of tomatoes until it dies. Or until it gets cold.

3: some plants should result in multiple items. Like corn and potatoes! Potatoes will give you roughly a dozen good sized potatoes, and corn can give you about a half dozen ears of corn reliably.

4: some harvests can be directly replanted. *points at potatoes*. There is a reason why potatoes are a super crop, you can just keep multiplying them. Nuff said.

Most harvests can be directly converted to seeds. Tomatoes, corn,


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A long time ago I found this topic on MC http://www.minecraft...0-now-released/ I loved its farming features

and how hard it was to farm on it, I think this mod could be used as reference for the new farming system at-least somewhat (I do dislike the levels system on it though, horrid idea

on trying to slow down the player).

Features to Focus on From this Mod:

Watering Can, This was a nice feature on making farming harder making the player having to come back to their plants 2 to 4 times a day to water their plants.

Multi-Harvest Plants, Some plants should be-able to be harvested multiple times. Not all plants should have this feature only some.

Drying Peroid, Dependant on the Weather during the day the plants can dry out unless you have water near the plants.

New Foods, I like the Drinks idea I think there should be some drinks and a way to grind up Fruits into juices for your self somewhere along the line. Maybe a Plugin called "Technological Age" which would come after TFC is finished.

a watering can is only something you'd use in gardening, not farming.

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So, then that means we need garden plants which require *just the right amount of irrigation, meaning a watering can. (I know nothing about gardening.)


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hmm this makes sence seeing as most of us dont build big commercial farms, i know at leaswt the "farms" i build are more like gardens, so why not treat them as such?


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hmm this makes sence seeing as most of us dont build big commercial farms, i know at leaswt the "farms" i build are more like gardens, so why not treat them as such?

Thats what I was thinking... but Dunk apparently doesnt agree.


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Thats what I was thinking... but Dunk apparently doesnt agree.

well you did call your thread "little note about farming"

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I would like rain filling confined spaces with rain, so resevoirs would actually work, IE aqueducts would be possible with this. as well as damns and irrigation.


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I garden all the time in TFC. I do this by placing little roses and dandelions around my dirt and plank hovel to distract me from the fact that I'm a vile metal-less peasant as of writing.

Farming, however, I do in large quantities near a lake close to my hovel, which has very large fields that I use to plant decent quantities of all manner of things.

Watering cans are for flowers (and arguably 'home' plants like tomatoes and carrots). Irrigation ditches are for crops. Capice?


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aaaahhh so that's how you spell it, well you leanr something new every day! ^_^

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aaaahhh so that's how you spell it, well you leanr something new every day! ^_^

well really there's supposed to be an accent over the 2nd 'c', but as I have an american keyboard...


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well really there's supposed to be an accent over the 2nd 'c', but as I have an american keyboard...

When Irrigation comes along you could water your plants with grates or something that could be added Eternal or this could be an optional feature or something.


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When Irrigation comes along you could water your plants with grates or something that could be added Eternal or this could be an optional feature or something.

...orrrrr, we could just, y'know... dig ditches


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Farming, I know farming, I'm a farmer! (like really, I'm a organic farmer IRL)

First off I have to say, super impressed with the farming update Bioxx and Dunk have brought us. The fact that they went far enough into detail to actually include different nurtrient types is amazing. However, there is some things that bother me.

1: you don't eat more then one small onion or garlic raw unless you're trying to A; kill your sinuses, B; poison yourself, or C; overload your kidneys and dye. Seriously, the last one was a bit morbid, but you don't freakin eat large amounts of raw onions or garlic, they're spices for crying out loud!

2: like the OP said, some plants are multi harvest, namely tomatoes. Once a tomato starts flowering (which is very late) it will continue to produce shit tons of tomatoes until it dies. Or until it gets cold.

3: some plants should result in multiple items. Like corn and potatoes! Potatoes will give you roughly a dozen good sized potatoes, and corn can give you about a half dozen ears of corn reliably.

4: some harvests can be directly replanted. *points at potatoes*. There is a reason why potatoes are a super crop, you can just keep multiplying them. Nuff said.

Most harvests can be directly converted to seeds. Tomatoes, corn,


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Actually that brings something to mind, I think we should have more varieties of mushrooms and berry producing bushes, SOME of which are NOT healthy and some of which are severely & deadly poisonous, and we should have to figure out which to avoid eating.


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More berries and mushrooms? BRILLIANT, also, soy, soy is like the cash-crop of cash-crops.


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a watering can is only something you'd use in gardening, not farming.

I actually wonder if a watering can with X number of block uses would be a viable way to potentially restore nutrients as well as hydrate a bit. Before most of the farming in america became so automated a garden hose or a bucket of water would be a viable way to get water to it.. and in a game where things are condensed a bit like minecraft and TFCraft this may not be a bad idea out of hand.

EDIT: Ok guys, I had to delete 2 pages of bullshit to try and save a thread with some potentially good ideas to send to Bioxx for consideration in farming. I did Not alter anyone's warning status or the like but I am going to be just handing out bans of an undetermined length if anything about the off topic posts comes back into this thread.


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Love the variaty of foods maby make flower with the wheets and do some bakery cooking :D


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