Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some suggestions about making it even more replayable.

5 posts in this topic

I would like first of all thank you for your effort put into this mod, secondly I was browsing the code to see if I could give any assistance with it (like you guys need any, right?) anyway the obfuscation of some vanilla functions make it very annoing to see it in JD-GUI, with eclipse it simply won't work for me it guets even more obscure, so I have to ask to kindly provide the .java build, I understand if you don't want to.

So what I do whant to suggest in this post:

About Rock Hardness

I've seen that rocks aren't differentiated other than for some recipes, and It would give a sort of "each game is new" if the rocks were differentiated by its hardness, let me give you an example: if you spawn near a schist formation it should be easier to dig through it so you can make bigger and complex dwarven tunnels, but if you spawn near a granite formation the caves would be much harder so the digging should be more thought out.

A couple of suggestions for that:

1. The pick wears faster on harder rocks, this would be resource demmanding and at the beggining everyone would avoid harder formations which could be good bringing a kind of tier based mining but it won't make it more replayable unless the gains brought by exploring those rocks compensate the losses so it would bring back the system that each formation has different concentration of ore.

2. The rock takes longer to break, this has to be really thought out and tested so it won't be annoying to break diorite or to be too easy to break claystone.

This would obviously give more advantage to those that spwan in sedimentary and weak metamorphic environment, so one thing that would balance it is that the buildings made of those rocks would be easier to break, a fort made out of basalt and diorite not only looks badass but it also should feel that way, also bringing me to the next subject.

About Cave-ins

Cave-ins are generalized, if it can fall it will fall and that is good, but what if those rocks that are easier to break also are easy to fall on your head. You see, when we are minning a sandstone formation it all can just fall on you but if you are on a quarry it can have 20m of formation unsupported and be safe. My suggestion is making the BlockCollapsable different for each kind of rock I think I could do that if I could mess around with the code without facing some obfuscated classes.

Not only that and this would be not so easy to programm, but rock formations have fracture planes so that they may fall if cut on one way but are safe on the other, this would also bring different types of mines, and make many different approaches so that not only you would seach for the ore and go on ahead but you would have to think how you will approach that ore.

About Recipe Sorting

Why the rules aren't random? When we craft ingots it is always hit, hit, hit. And it was said that the randomness of these recipes was a must, so each time you go to the anvil is different.

I think that is it. I would really like to help out with this mod!


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I'd like to see cavins be more directly related to passage/room width than simply breaking a block that is above an air block, as the latter makes digging upward staircases a risky proposition, and doing that should be 100% safe.


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Ingot crafting is always the same. Tool head crafting isn't


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About Recipe Sorting

Why the rules aren't random? When we craft ingots it is always hit, hit, hit. And it was said that the randomness of these recipes was a must, so each time you go to the anvil is different.

I think that is it. I would really like to help out with this mod!

Ignots are random like everything else but the difference is that ingots do not have a durability like the rest of the items so just getting it anywhere in there is good enough. Its the other items where the patterns are off by 1-2 points that makes it so you have to line them up in order to make them perfect... Granted most people do not care any more and just use damaged tools but do be aware that 10% of something like a shovel is a couple hundred uses that are lost by that being a bit off.. It all comes down to if you want those extra uses or if you want to cycle through resources more often.


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I was talking about the rules to make them, not where are the arrows, this I did understood is random


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