Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Rammed Earth construction

13 posts in this topic

In light of the recent change that dirt can no longer be stacked high, perhaps rammed earth construction would be a better alternative for early game buildings to dirt huts, and not to mention a decent alternative to wood. It should be similarly labor intensive to cutting down trees so it's not the obviously better choice, and it should require a heavy investment of dirt to do.


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Working on making some videos to show "rammed earth" in TFC. (just posting this to remind myself)


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With some tweaking this can also be applied to desert biomes in the form of adobe.


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Building a rammed-earth wall involves compressing a damp mixture of earth that has suitable proportions of sand, gravel and clay (sometimes with an added stabilizer) into an externally supported frame or mould, creating either a solid wall of earth or individual blocks.

I think we found how to make meter cubes of dirt :P


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I 2nd ( or 3rd? ) this idea. Would work really well, dirt would still be fairly useful and this is a method used in the real world, perhaps also mixing it with some wheat (before milling) to make bricks like the ones used in many places in africa.

This has potential.


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I would like to see mud hut building similar to what I have seen used in places such as africa. Basically you pound verticle sticks into the ground and then place the mud/clay/grass mix in and about the sticks makeing the walls, then a frame and reed roof.

As far as a starter structure, the current hostile mob scheme is moveing to crypts, and you will then have to deal with wild animals, which I have seen hintings at that they will keep back from fires and such. So it isn't inconcievable that you will be spending your first weeks under the stars huddling around your camp fire.

As far as a replacement for dirt to have a house on the first or second night, id say I'm against this, and id like to see a shelter system maybe useing lean-to type things. Especially if enviornmental heat and cold and weather threats are made real in tfc.

Is even go as far as to say id like to see log and plank yields redced greatly useing stone axes, so a tree that would normally plop out 5 logs drops 2 instead with a stone axe, and currently any axe makes 3 planks, stone would make 2. Who knows, I'm probably alone with that one.


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I would like to see mud hut building similar to what I have seen used in places such as africa. Basically you pound verticle sticks into the ground and then place the mud/clay/grass mix in and about the sticks makeing the walls, then a frame and reed roof.

As far as a starter structure, the current hostile mob scheme is moveing to crypts, and you will then have to deal with wild animals, which I have seen hintings at that they will keep back from fires and such. So it isn't inconcievable that you will be spending your first weeks under the stars huddling around your camp fire.

As far as a replacement for dirt to have a house on the first or second night, id say I'm against this, and id like to see a shelter system maybe useing lean-to type things. Especially if enviornmental heat and cold and weather threats are made real in tfc.

Is even go as far as to say id like to see log and plank yields redced greatly useing stone axes, so a tree that would normally plop out 5 logs drops 2 instead with a stone axe, and currently any axe makes 3 planks, stone would make 2. Who knows, I'm probably alone with that one.

This^, except for that last part. Trees could fall and you have to chop it up individually, (maybe faster on the ground, gravity and all), but they shouldn't yeild less. Conservation of matter and energy need to be conserved.


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This^, except for that last part. Trees could fall and you have to chop it up individually, (maybe faster on the ground, gravity and all), but they shouldn't yeild less. Conservation of matter and energy need to be conserved.

Reason for last part is a crude sharpish stone on a stick is going to hack up a tree pretty clumsily, and waste parts of the tree because its just not going to cut cleanly.

Also trees falling over when you cut them down is pretty much impossible to code, WAY to many variables to account for, like what if it falls on a mountain, what if it falls over a ravine, and like 2000 other what ifs.

if all trees had 30 free blocks of 100% level terrain around them then it wouldn't be to hard, but in TFC most of the trees have a lot of non-level terrain about.


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Reason for last part is a crude sharpish stone on a stick is going to hack up a tree pretty clumsily, and waste parts of the tree because its just not going to cut cleanly.

Also trees falling over when you cut them down is pretty much impossible to code, WAY to many variables to account for, like what if it falls on a mountain, what if it falls over a ravine, and like 2000 other what ifs.

if all trees had 30 free blocks of 100% level terrain around them then it wouldn't be to hard, but in TFC most of the trees have a lot of non-level terrain about.

We already have the wasted material present in planks. A saw cuts better, and therefore yields 8 planks instead of 3. Making that present in logs doesn't make sense, as you are just making them smaller for transport, not cutting them to exact dimensions.

And I know falling trees would be hard, but I still want them :P . Maybe just have the height (above where you cut it down) calculated, transfer them into sideways logs, and randomly pick a cardinal direction, spawn them in a line in that direction, and make them obey gravity? Of course, peices of log would fall down (or up) cliffs when terrain interferes, but...

I dunno. Along with making them grow, have roots (so you could dig up a tree), have a difficult to remove stump, having them naturally decay and regrow leaves overtime so random twigs can be found around them (less punching leaves all day), thinner, automatically plant trees next to it, but have longer growing times, etc. etc. I liek trees. They are fractal. I like fractals.


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well on the topic of mud bricks, i think these have already been talked about in another thread that i seem to have misplaced under my pile of gerbils

but anyway, mud bricks would be made with obviously mud and maybe straw for stability, you leave them out to dry in the sun and then you get some nice filthy mud bricks

also, you could have some nice thatch roof blocks and complete your little pesant hut and go back to living in squallor while giving almost all your crops to the local lord!


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We don't give our crops to the king. We don't even have a king. We're a anarcho-syndicalist commune, we take it in turns to act as sort of a chief executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer must be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs but by a two-thirds majority in the case of a more major ...

Anyhow, mud would be awesome as I have some constructions that would need things like wattle-n-dab. I.E. timberframed mid-class houses, hoardings, rafters, ... Also, could we make them white-washable?


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It would be nice if the colors varied by the type of soil.


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It would be nice if the colors varied by the type of soil.

Maybe a more desaturated form of the soil colors but still enough saturation to keep the varity.

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