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A little romantic suggestion about hostile mobs spawning.

89 posts in this topic

crypts are for the undead, last time i checked creepers looked like fallic shrubberies.

or camouflaged bombers but not subterranean anything

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Whatever creeper hives, toxic waste, wherever you would expect to find a "fallic shrubbery". Personally I'm voting move it to the new Nether since it looks like its going to be fairly random anyways.


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They just dont belong underground, think of those short little stubby legs they have, they won't do for cave living. what if they trip and fall in the dark?They dont have any arms to get them up, and their creeper friends dont have any arms to pull them up, and there isn't a creeper life alert, they will have fallen and NEVER be able to get up! We might as well put them out of their misery and just boot 'em out of TFC, because they sure as hell can't stay on the surface.


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Nether, nether, nether, nether. and are they not just as likely to fall on the surface? Either Nether or creeper hives either one would be pretty dang amazing. I think Dunk could probably make the most BA creeper hive ever.


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But then they could trip and fall into lava in the nether! Think of all those poor little creepers burning to death because they had no arms to save themselves! Oh the horror! the HORROR!


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I'm pretty sure arms don't grant invulnerability to lava.


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huh, thats odd, on my planet the possession of arms grants immortality, cultural differences I guess.


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On my planet existing gave you immortality. Or at least it did, because there was a war that managed to kill my 'immortal' brethren.

*slightly emo*


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When I think of creepers in real life, I imagine this:

That said, I think really creepers should only stay in the mod in any way if they are heavily modified or at least given better purpose than blow shit up because I'm a suicidal life form.


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no, creepers are just misunderstood! All they want to do is spread their explodi-ness to the rest of the world, so that everyone can be happy!


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Jasnatdic if you didn't that creepers were the symbol of Minecraft, you obviously wouldn't have played enough to download this mod. You are lying to us and yourself so stop.

Huh? I'll assume the word you seem to have forgotten is think. Hate to break it to you, but no I don't think creepers are a symbol of minecraft. I basically disable them in whatever manner I can on every server build I run. Creepers arnt even close to the reason I have played long enough to discover tfc. I play minecraft for 1 reason and that is because I can get togather with my friends and take a random world and shape it into whatever we feel like.

You seem awfully certain thet I must like creepers on some subconcious level weather I will admit it or not. I really don't, I think they are stupid, period. You believe they are a staple of the game that should never be gotten rid of, I think they are idiotic annoying things that need to burn and die permanently. We have different opinions on the subject and that's just the way it is.


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So you are a "creative player" that makes far more sense. Although i could have sworn this was survival mode as it should have been. And i could have sworn this game was suppose to be difficult rather than the nothing can do anything to remove anything i have done because I'm too lazy to fix it attitude.

If you didn't want a challenge or survival mode why the hell are you on these forums?


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i am with bsb23 on this one. i like creepers as they are part of the game, i actually like having them around because they give the player to stay on there toes about. to give the creepers somewhere to live, why don't we give them some form of underground flat land, with a materials similar to a mushroom biome with large dimly glowing mushrooms and different colored green water. i always thought of creepers as a form of fungus, that explodes to procreate.

these flat lands would be fairly large, perhaps interconnected with caves and tunnels.

every so often creepers could make there way to the surface, but would prefer to stay in the shadows, not because they would burn but because the caves are there home.

its my opinion that we just leave creepers alone, or at least give them some actual purpose instead of simply canning them, as that's just lazy.


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Creepers were a brilliant idea to add to a construction sandbox where death only costs you your stuff. After all, what, then, have you to fear from death? A temporary wallet puncture, Sonic rings style? No no, your life is not that in minecraft which you must defend. But that 1:1 scale model of boston you spent a month on? You need a good reassssssssssson to fear the night.


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So you are a "creative player" that makes far more sense. Although i could have sworn this was survival mode as it should have been. And i could have sworn this game was suppose to be difficult rather than the nothing can do anything to remove anything i have done because I'm too lazy to fix it attitude.

If you didn't want a challenge or survival mode why the hell are you on these forums?

You seem to make massive assumptions a lot. No, I'm not a creative player, and I'm pretty sure I never said I was, there's much better ways of removing creepers as a threat to a server than creative or peaceful modes. There is a huge difference between the challenging gameplay that tfc offers to survival and stuff blowing up.

Is everyone who doesn't view things the way you want them to a lazy "creative mode" noob? Cause that seems to be what you are implying. It just seems silly to me that you are so intent that minecraft just can't exsist without creepers that you will sit here and continually insult someone in an argument that really has no control or say in the creepers presence in the mod in the first place.


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I play minecraft for 1 reason and that is because I can get togather with my friends and take a random world and shape it into whatever we like.

thats called creative players the ones who go on and make those big art projects. I'm not making any assumptions I'm just commenting on what you said.

It really doesn't matter too much either way


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i am with bsb23 on this one. i like creepers as they are part of the game, i actually like having them around because they give the player to stay on there toes about. to give the creepers somewhere to live, why don't we give them some form of underground flat land, with a materials similar to a mushroom biome with large dimly glowing mushrooms and different colored green water. i always thought of creepers as a form of fungus, that explodes to procreate.

these flat lands would be fairly large, perhaps interconnected with caves and tunnels.

every so often creepers could make there way to the surface, but would prefer to stay in the shadows, not because they would burn but because the caves are there home.

its my opinion that we just leave creepers alone, or at least give them some actual purpose instead of simply canning them, as that's just lazy.

If this happens, every time a creeper explodes it should produce 2-4 "minicreepers" that don't explode and run and hide from the player. When 2-3 days of minecraft time pass, if they haven't despawned, they should grow into full creepers with the behavior thereof. Would bring new meaning to potential creeper swarms, and give you reason to kill them not just trigger their explode.


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If this happens, every time a creeper explodes it should produce 2-4 "minicreepers" that don't explode and run and hide from the player. When 2-3 days of minecraft time pass, if they haven't despawned, they should grow into full creepers with the behavior thereof. Would bring new meaning to potential creeper swarms, and give you reason to kill them not just trigger their explode.

This is both terrifying and intriguing. I am in favor of minicreepers, and in general of multi-stage behavior of a mob, though the mob despawning due to how hostiles are coded in minecraft versus mobs like villagers, cows, sheep, etc. might become an issue in that you might never see the full gestation take place for most of them.


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Ok I'm gonna play middle-man (cause I'm just dumb enough to try.) Creepers mean alot of things to alot of people, weither that's just seeing their image as an icon or loving their creations being blown to tiny pieces or modding them to make them no-go-boom. We cann't just remove them flat out and moving them to a place we will never deal with them isn't any better. Creepers have been loved, hated, and they love to be hated too. Instead of trying to push the problem away (by removal or by moving them), let's change their little natures so they do something other than going boom. Instead of having an arguement about who is dumber than whom, let's make some ideas on things that the Devs can change their natures to.

Signed Your Neighborhood Idiot,


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Make an option "REMOVE CREEPERS".


tatabadaba-da tapata-bada-tabada...


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I agree with Ryuugumo's devil's advocate statement above. Trust me, I hate the shit out of creepers.... Worst part is when you spend all that time making an anvil, and one spawns in your house (even when you have a zillion torches everywhere) and the bastard takes out your brand new anvil :(, but I wouldnt want them removed entirely. Destruction of the world isnt really that bad IMO. They leave a small hole in the ground, the grass covers it up quickly, and we all have more than enough dirt to fill in the 3x3x1 hole they typically leave. Provided you stick to well lit area's at night, and dont take your MC smoke breaks standing on your porch, creeper-player built home interactions are pretty rare. The only way that I would really like to see them changed, is to reduce the number of them that can be spawned at any given moment, or to set them in specific chunkes, like slimes. Having to evade one or two creepers is ok, but the times that TFC throws half a dozen, or more at you at the same time is just mean. With mob spawning being slowed down by 'living' in a chunk or whatever, its only going to reduce the already low rate of creeper home damage, and if they were to spawn only in certain chunks like slimes, then you have only yourself to blame if you build your home in a creeper factory :P

edit - also please fix the creepers exploding on the other side of opaque walls.... that shit sucks


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no problem with the grammar, I like your suggestion! I don't know if we'll be keeping creepers though, being surrounded by them gets really frustrating and losing structures in a mod where structures are so much harder to make can really hurt.

Assuming we can find and tame ocelots, I don't see any reason why creepers should be removed... they're a huge part of Minecraft's identity and I like the idea of monsters occasionally being a threat. There are plenty of ways to kill creepers from a safe distance, and the only way a creeper sneaks up on you is if you're not paying attention.


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... There are plenty of ways to kill creepers from a safe distance, and the only way a creeper sneaks up on you is if you're not paying attention.

That's not what People Against Creepers (PAC) has a problem with. PAC's issue is that for absolutely no reason creepers will blow up when your five to ten blocks away. It's my understanding that it's supposed to be one to three blocks. PAC's arguement is either fix creepers so that they don't blowup when you are soo far away from them or remove them. My personal arguement is remove the blowing-up part and replace it with a different siege ability. In my oppinion their are more fun siege mechanics then sapping (which is just annoying.)

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If this happens, every time a creeper explodes it should produce 2-4 "minicreepers" that don't explode and run and hide from the player. When 2-3 days of minecraft time pass, if they haven't despawned, they should grow into full creepers with the behavior thereof. Would bring new meaning to potential creeper swarms, and give you reason to kill them not just trigger their explode.

Ok, you converted me, that sounds awesome

Assuming we can find and tame ocelots, I don't see any reason why creepers should be removed...

And why in all that makes sense should creepers be afraid of cats? That imo was one of the worst and stupidest design decision of VMC -.-


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EDIT: ARRGGTAUFHAUHWFLIUHIUH! I keep double posting by accident! sorry guys. >.<


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