Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Packs and Inventory management

28 posts in this topic

This proposes to entirely rewrite inv and make it entirely nerfed for beginning players.

I think this is exactly the purpose, and for the way TFC is going I think there isnt really anything wrong with this.


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By nerf, I mean Unplayable. Literally. Think about the EXACT tasks you go though to get your first house. lets assume its a log house at the very least. 1-2 slots makes it ENTIRELY impossible.

2 stones, 1 stick> axe

Axe, tree> logs

Logs, Axe>8 planks(max)

annnd going past that is a tedious timed process where if you take longer then 5 minutes you lost half the stuff.

And yes, I see the argument of crafting bench and chests being quickly made. But tell me, would a newbie think that? or only the veterans? Hell, a newbie wouldn't get as far as an axe(it took me a while, I know that for sure.)

2 slots, absolutely not. That makes it unplayable. I dont mind removing the hud for them, but functionality needs to stay for the game.

Edit 1:I may have misread something, so before you overreact, know its been a LOOONG day... court sucks

Edit 2: yeah I misread something. I think someone was agreeing with me and I read it as some argument about only 2 inv slots... Well, leaving the post in case someone wants to bring it up. lol


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Ok, don't worry I've thought through scenarios already. First off I'm not concerned about noobs, Why? Because we have the magic wiki, and they can't get to the axe without looking at that anyways.

Next the two slot problem, what would i do if I had to pick up something while I had something in my hand? I would most likely drop it by jove. And if I were to collect a large amount of something where would I put it? In a pile by jove. Obviously piles of resources won't solve all problems though although they may solve a lot. So I began to think where do I put all of my random things? On my desk/table by jove! Simply just make it so crafting tables don't kick items out(I know that isn't as simple as it sounds). Now the crafting table needs to be easier to make otherwise that is a worthless idea, so we remove the crafting tables you heard me throw them out the window. Now whenever we right-click on a 'solid' block aka stone, wood, planks, etc. it opens a 3x3 table.

An additional idea as an alternative although it would take more coding. We keep crafting tables, only open a 2x2 with a solid block and our inventory is switched to a 1x2 crafting table.

I am aware this would take a lot of coding but I firmly believe Bioxx could do this.


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