Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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66 posts in this topic

Thanks for the insult. Some people don't like the idea of playing in a game that adds drugs they see it as wrong, and although I know now that Hemp isn't just a drug not everyone does. That was one of the reason I never played BTW because of what I thought was drug reference. It may seem weird to anyone who has gone through high school but not all of our players have, honestly I still don't play games with drug references. This is a personal choice that people make, do not insult others views, its absolutely rude and uncalled for.


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My point is simple. If you don't add hemp because one of it's gender's has medicinal purposes that gets mis-used, then you're basically putting hemp up on a stage. If however you add hemp because of it's other uses, then you make more people aware of it's non-illegal uses. If you don't add hemp, people might never learn the more common uses of such a usefull plant. If you add hemp, people might think you're supporting the drugs they already either use or are surounded by. If you don't add hemp, you're playing to a younger crowd (that's more impressional.) If you add hemp, you're playing to an older crowd (that are dying out more everyday.) This is a no win situation. Bioxx has the last say and if he adds it then he's simply moving the mod where he thinks best. I don't think us taking this personally on either side (for or against) is going to change his mind. Let's get back on topic like adding looms or spinning bobbers to turn, whatever Bioxx decides, into things like string and giving string more purposes.

P.S. Save the sheep!


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Thanks for the insult. Some people don't like the idea of playing in a game that adds drugs they see it as wrong, and although I know now that Hemp isn't just a drug not everyone does. That was one of the reason I never played BTW because of what I thought was drug reference. It may seem weird to anyone who has gone through high school but not all of our players have, honestly I still don't play games with drug references. This is a personal choice that people make, do not insult others views, its absolutely rude and uncalled for.

well i guess we shouldnt have potatoes or tomatoes, as part of the plants are extremely poisonous. oh and rule out any for of wheat or fruit, because those can be used to make alcohol just because part of it can be used in a specific way doesnt mean it will

we arent adding drugs, we're adding a plant that will be used for making fibres and ropes out of, NOTHING ELSE,

hemp was used for centuries as a material for ropes and even cloth before its uses as a drug were discovered


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I think you guys are all failing to understand something... Hemp Plants and Marijuinna plants are two separate plants! Very closely related? Yes. Look almost identical? Yes. The same? No!

I for one think of hemp string my homechool group used to make bracelets when I was really young. Or hemp shirts.


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Can we start talking about string again, instead of hemp?


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He's dead Jim.

(requests thread lock)


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I think you guys are all failing to understand something... Hemp Plants and Marijuinna plants are two separate plants! Very closely related? Yes. Look almost identical? Yes. The same? No!

eternal says otherwise...

Me? I haven't the slightest idea who is right, and I'm too lazy to look it up :)

He's dead Jim.

(requests thread lock)

yes, please.

Thanks for the insult. Some people don't like the idea of playing in a game that adds drugs they see it as wrong, and although I know now that Hemp isn't just a drug not everyone does. That was one of the reason I never played BTW because of what I thought was drug reference. It may seem weird to anyone who has gone through high school but not all of our players have, honestly I still don't play games with drug references. This is a personal choice that people make, do not insult others views, its absolutely rude and uncalled for.

oh shit, to be honest I didn't realize how nasty that came out. I shouldn't have gone so far as to add stupid. But I still think it is a somewhat severe reaction to something that really is completely unrelated to drugs...

(following your stated logic I assume you've never played fallout, if not you are missing out, big time.)


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Last comment, I promise then I will move straight to methods for getting string.

If you don't add hemp, people might never learn the more common uses of such a usefull plant. If you add hemp, people might think you're supporting the drugs they already either use or are surounded by.

So it boils down to whether or not we will want to lose players for a plants reputation.

well i guess we shouldnt have potatoes or tomatoes, as part of the plants are extremely poisonous. oh and rule out any for of wheat or fruit, because those can be used to make alcohol just because part of it can be used in a specific way doesnt mean it will

we arent adding drugs, we're adding a plant that will be used for making fibres and ropes out of, NOTHING ELSE,

hemp was used for centuries as a material for ropes and even cloth before its uses as a drug were discovered

You've misunderstood me, no one will stop playing because of poisonous potatoes as nobody think of those as morally bad. We might lose people for adding beer but not as many people are offended by beer. We certainly wouldn't lose people from wheat as people know that that isn't it main use unlike hemp. There is far less association with the two no one thinks of wheat as morally bad.

I think you guys are all failing to understand something... Hemp Plants and Marijuinna plants are two separate plants! Very closely related? Yes. Look almost identical? Yes. The same? No!

I for one think of hemp string my homechool group used to make bracelets when I was really young. Or hemp shirts.

Drugs can be obtained from Hemp to my knowledge but this is exactly my point many people are uneducated and immediately associate drugs and hemp. It's just a misconception some people have.

Achartan: it may be severe but it happens.

Either way you're guy's/girl's opinions are set and couldn't be moved no matter what I said. I respect your endurance but I hope you also can read through this thread one last time with an open-mind. If I haven't convinced you by now, only you can convince yourself.

I promise not to say hemp or respond to anything referring to it anymore. I just wanted one last ditch effort. Also don't lock this, we still have plenty of string-related things to discuss. In fact, I honestly have no clue how string is made from fibers or how we might create rope.


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ok, back on topic,

I looked at string under a microscope in forensics today, it was kinda cool.

(did you really think I would bring us back on topic? :P)


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Hemp can in no way be used to make drugs to my knowledge. The reason it is illegal to grow in the US is the plants are so similar to marijuana plants that one could easily sneaky grow marijuana hidden in their field of hemp.

Totally not sure about this, I read it on the back of my hemp granola box... Watch eternal call me a fool and complete prove me wrong :P


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hmm, hemp granola box, sounds credible. I once read that granola was made of Styrofoam and deer pellets on the back of a granola box. I kept on munching though, because you know what? That was complete bullshit, don't believe everything you read :)

(this story is completely fictional and in no way represents actual persons or events)


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Hey, it was a good granola! It had all kinds of study quotes on the back and such. It looked legit.


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Maybe the recipe for a "spinning bobber" could be two sticks on top of each other. (like these dots [:]) To make string just put in a fibrous plant in with the spinner and you get string and the spinner takes some damage.

S.O.S. (Save Our Sheep is responsible for this message)


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I like the spinner bobber idea. I'm not saying we need every tool that ever produced string. I just think a few might be useful. In the interest of SOS, how about carding combs to clean the wool?

Just one thing about hemp though, because I'm vastly confused. Until I read this discussion, I never even HEARD of hemp as a drug??????


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I remember this popular mmorpg that I used to play that have some hemp rope/string thingy. Nobody got bothered with that at all. But I guess it's because it's already a rope.

Honestly, I wasn't even aware hemp and marijuana is even related. No wait, actually, I never even knew what's hemp at all until I read all this.


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Political correctness makes me a sad panda.

As far as using a comb on wool. You could always use a bunch of bones from larger fish to create the comb, not sure how viable it would be, but it's a step in the right direction. These same bones could be used for needles if any such thing is ever needed. When both butchering and TFC fishing are added, this could be one of the drops.


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