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Tool repair in Minecraft 1.4

21 posts in this topic

No it isn't, where did that hammer came from?!


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No it isn't, where did that hammer came from?!

Yeah, what's this? Vanilla crazy feature or mod?

However, I think that something more detailed is needed.

For example you can have cheap repairing tools, a carpenteer workbench, your tools, the materials needed to repair them. <--This isn't so detailed, but it's an idea from where you can start.


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Cool? No, this just looks like typical Vanilla garbage. It's just repair with enchanting, complete crock of shit. How the fuck are you supposed to combine diamond things into one anyways? Much less do it cold with a metal hammer. Once again Vanilla manages to add a complete fucking failure wast of a feature.

Bioxx, PLEASE, never add potions or enchanting or powerup temples or free diamond generating structures! Minecraft was so much better with out it. God, vanilla is just getting worse and worse. About the only good changes since 1.0 is the AI, their half slab/stair tweaks, and colored wood. Maybe jungles, but those have been ruined with their frequency.

Thank the gods for TFC.


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seems im not the only one that thinks mojang should better focus on killing all the coding fails instead of adding stupid new features like the power-up pyramid...


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I don't think it's a dumb or wasteful feature. It's great in the context of vanilla MC, there needed to be a way to repair enchanted items without losing the enchantment. It'd be fun to be able to combine enchantments too.

TFC should definitely never have anything of the sort, though. I look forward to being able to repair tools in TFC by working them again on the anvil, or something else believable, some day.


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Of course enchantments will damage TFC and of course they don't fit. Look at this feature only like a repair tool,

"Aside from the standard repair type, it is suggested that combining two different enchanted tools might produce a new tool, carrying the benefits of both".

The only feature that I've opened this topic to discuss IS THE REPAIR. Forget about enchantments.


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Of course enchantments will damage TFC and of course they don't fit. Look at this feature only like a repair tool,

"Aside from the standard repair type, it is suggested that combining two different enchanted tools might produce a new tool, carrying the benefits of both".

The only feature that I've opened this topic to discuss IS THE REPAIR. Forget about enchantments.

Well...enchantments can be a cool thing. Now it's all crap, but this because they were made in a bad way, not the right one. Enchantments are the thing that must be implemented after all the other things. Enchantments for now are only a piece of creative mode on a tool, but this because the mojang team hadn't enough fantasy to make something new. Only cheated tools. Currently there are very cool enchantments that can be made in that game, but no one seems to think about this. I'm not saying that this mod needs enchantments, but if they will be implemented, they need to be not overpowered, 80% fun and 20% useful. :)

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Enchanting in and of itself is fine in Vanilla, but I think it's kind of just too easy. There's no kind of tech tree really, its just Get Iron (Iron is extremely abundant and easy to get), Get Diamond (Diamond isn't that hard to get, especially once you get fortune) Get Enchantments (Enchantments have become pretty easy to get, even without mob grinders and such). All of that can be done fairly quickly without much thought put into it. Once you're set, you're set. Getting more ores and stuff is really easy, getting more enchants is easy, whatever. And I guess to a certain extent that's fine, if you want a game that's focused on building stuff.

But I don't think that this should be my only option. I'd like that kind of game to be a "Peaceful" mode kind of thing, where things are easier like they are now, while you could go on the "Survival Mode" for more of a challenge, where setting up in your world is more of a feat, etc.


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Focus people! It is about Tool Repair!


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If you pay close atention, there is nothing new on the repair side. it's done the exact same way, the 2 diff durabilites of each tool gets added, just like now


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Yeah, the only difference is that now you don't do it in the crafting grid, but in a "New 'n' fancy"* GUI of an item which will probably be made out of rock or iron ._.

However, i have to admit this does have a positive effect in the TFC community's gameplay: That shitty "Oh, shit, my pickaxe is almost broken... let's magically combine it with another to get even more uses! :D" mechanic will no longer be an option for us, as the mechanic will probably be moved to this anvil and we won't be able to make it.

I don't like to repair my items? OF COURSE I DO! But the vanilla way is just... crap ._.

It also has a downside, of course, though i'm not sure if it will really be that much of a problem. That is, that we won't be able to combine two uncomplete molds with the same metal to get a new one with the metal from both. I say "i'm not sure" because maybe there is a way to keep this repairing mechanic only for molds and nothing else... I don't really know.

Here ya' go, some themes to discuss here.



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The tool repair mechanic is a piece of shit, what more is there to say about it?


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So it can just be thrown away, nobody will even care... Ok.

Just as a reminder it still is uncertain how it will work, as far as I know at least.

Treyflix seems to really hate vanilla minecraft.

The thing is, with each new item and block they add there comes more hooks and codes modders can use. Don't forget that even though a lot of things sucks in vanilla they opened ways for us to work the good parts.

The view you guys need to develop is pickup the good parts of each new block.


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It also has a downside, of course, though i'm not sure if it will really be that much of a problem. That is, that we won't be able to combine two uncomplete molds with the same metal to get a new one with the metal from both. I say "i'm not sure" because maybe there is a way to keep this repairing mechanic only for molds and nothing else... I don't really know.

You are not supossed to do that, use the firepit instead

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Some months ago I thought about items repair. I thought that a tool can break only its head and not its handle, or viceversa it can break its handle and not its head, so you have the pieces to make a new tool. Obviously these pieces have decreased durability. Practically two durabilities, one for the head and one for the handle.


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You are not supossed to do that, use the firepit instead

1) I know, but you are able to do it either ways. Besides, it's faster to combine them up in the inventory, rather than go look for a firepit : IMO.

2) As far as i know it uses the exact same algorithm but in a GUI instead of the crafting grid, so the problem is still there.


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2) As far as i know it uses the exact same algorithm but in a GUI instead of the crafting grid, so the problem is still there.

Nope, the repair mechanic gives you free metal, the firepit system doesn't, it will be taken out sooner or later


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Damn, then i have been cheating this whole time without even noticing D:


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why cant we have repair through recycling? like if your tool breaks you keep a broken pickaxe head for example. and that you can smelt into an ingot. to prevent this for beeing an unlimited source of metal you could add a modifier to it, so you dont get a Full ingot but a half or so.


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It was suggested a while before... But Bioxx simply didn't liked it. Sad thing : but oh well, is his (and Dunk's) mod after all...


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