Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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repotting of certain crops/ trees

9 posts in this topic

so, this idea goes side by side with the tree grow idea here:

my suggestion is: make it possible, to repot alive plants. just dig them out with an shovel, then you get the collectable item (lets say a dirtblock with a young tree on it)

just place this one in a 1x1x1 hole, water it with one bucket of water and done.

so you can grow a lot of trees in a small area to a certain size and replant them further away, where they have more space. (so you could sell allready growed trees on multiplayer servers)

the same thing with certain crops like tomatoes and pepper. crops, which are complex to grow and yield more than one time "fruits".

and some big pots from a pottery system would be cool too, so you could plant trees/ certain crops in those pots and carry them around. (trees, which grows to big destroy there own pots and grow together with the ground.)

you have to water your crops/trees inside a pot yourself, when they are inside a house.

the good thing with a house is, you can temperate it, so you could grow your crops early in the year and repot them in spring.

but when you place a crop/tree in a pot in your crafting table, you get the crop/tree on a dirtblock and the empty pot, so you can replant your plants.

and ofc you can use those pots for dekoration. maybe "big" pots, which can carry more than just 1 flower, or a bush. (maybe berr bushes later?)

and would it be possible, to keep trees small, so you can keep them forever inside a pot? for dekoration?

small/ young trees should have leves ofc.


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Sounds a lot like the idea i had in the very same thread and i support it truly!

What i would like to add is that plant life should ONLY be stored in such manner! as i mentioned in the tree growth thread, stuffing your chests full of living plants that all need to breathe, sunlight and moisture doesn't seem very logical to me! to heck with free choice and convenience! force the fucking player to build a flipping greenhouse if he wants to store a stack of sapplings!


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What I actually though of now is that you don't get saplings from trees at all. What you can get is acorns and such. Those can be stored in chest without problem, but to actually grow into a tree they should pass sapling stage.

I.E. you punch leaves, you get <acorns>, you store them in chest. When you want to plant them you can either plant acorns and they will evetually grow into saplings and then in trees, or you can grow them in appropriate pottery first and then plant grown saplings at will.

I also do believe that some <acorns> are edible/can be used in brewery and cooking.


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What I actually though of now is that you don't get saplings from trees at all. What you can get is acorns and such. Those can be stored in chest without problem, but to actually grow into a tree they should pass sapling stage.

I.E. you punch leaves, you get <acorns>, you store them in chest. When you want to plant them you can either plant acorns and they will evetually grow into saplings and then in trees, or you can grow them in appropriate pottery first and then plant grown saplings at will.

I also do believe that some <acorns> are edible/can be used in brewery and cooking.

i like that.

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You most certainly can cook or eat some acorns, although some of them are quite bitter depending on age.


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The primary problem with this is that acorns are from oaks and pretty much nothing else. It might be better to use a mixture of "seed" methods. Acorns for oaks, pinecones fore conifers and, I guess sapling or whatever for the deciduous trees.


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you do realize that if we add acorns, we will have to add squirrels too....


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The primary problem with this is that acorns are from oaks and pretty much nothing else. It might be better to use a mixture of "seed" methods. Acorns for oaks, pinecones fore conifers and, I guess sapling or whatever for the deciduous trees.

Acorns, pinecones, nuts, catkins, whirlybirds, seed capsules, aments, pods, achenes, fruits even. Names is not so difficult to do. The point was in regards to obtaining saplings and storing them as an item in chests.

you do realize that if we add acorns, we will have to add squirrels too....

Maybe. They will come eventually, I think.

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It would be nice to have different seed types from different trees. Just so long as the seed types make sense.


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