Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Heat-level and transference for blocks

5 posts in this topic

Each block has two properties:

heat level (in degrees C which we currently use)

heat conduction (air has a high value since heat passes through air better than solids)

The heat conduction is the percentage amount of heat that gets passed into the block. This takes into account the block's own temperature. A really cold block touched by something hot will quickly heat up, but gradually slow as it gets closer to the heat source's temperature. Of course, if this 'heat source' (which could be any block) isn't generating heat of its own, the hot block would also rapidly cool and both would be somewhere in the middle.

For instance, a low heat conductor (insulator) will practically stop heat transfer in its tracks. Things like wood (not a whole lot) and glass would fall into this category. If we consider an application of this in real life, only the side touched by the hot block will get hot, but the other side will stay cool, so possibly each side of a block will have a temperature value.

Take the following room example:









Will the heat go to the whole top of the room?

Heat radiation: the simplified heat field mechanic will hit the left side wall, but since the sides of the blocks are getting warmer, they also start to radiate their own heat. So, in short, yes, the top part above the floor WILL get warm, but it will take longer. The left side of the room at the top will heat up quicker than the right side, but both sides will eventually reach equilibrium.

To reduce lag from these calculations, maybe the heating can be updated every 40 ticks (two seconds). Heat isn't something that needs real-time constant updating to be an effective feature.

Copied from another topic I posed this in and edited to be standalone.


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A.) What use is this to us?

B.) on a 2d plain, heat transference begins to exponentially increase loss of frame rate. On a 3d plain, you up the speed of this decay.

C.) there is no way to reduce lag from this short of a engine rewrite. Even a nigh perfectly written engine would feel the ramifications of X^6 block update cycle at any number of consecutive checks at any rate.

D.) If this does not make sense to you, make a huge floating sand structure in flatland generator and update a single block. Now imagine that the instant lava is detected within chunk loading distance. Or water. Ice even. any block that changes 'standard temperature'

Great idea, but not plausible for game play.


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This is a super cool idea, and if someone were to think of a way to implement it without lag, I would be really impressed. Let the discussion commence. Maybe this heat transfer will not take place on the small scale of blocks, but over large areas, and in 2D?


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A.) What use is this to us?

B.) on a 2d plain, heat transference begins to exponentially increase loss of frame rate. On a 3d plain, you up the speed of this decay.

C.) there is no way to reduce lag from this short of a engine rewrite. Even a nigh perfectly written engine would feel the ramifications of X^6 block update cycle at any number of consecutive checks at any rate.

D.) If this does not make sense to you, make a huge floating sand structure in flatland generator and update a single block. Now imagine that the instant lava is detected within chunk loading distance. Or water. Ice even. any block that changes 'standard temperature'

Great idea, but not plausible for game play.

Dunk wants heat transfer


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wants, but its not really plausible because you create a huge energy net structure that causes massive amounts of updates. Giving a block a 'heat radius' would be no real issue. giving each block a separate heat conductivity and level is another matter entirely. Im not against the idea for what the idea is, Im against it because its not possible without breaking the game.


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