Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Dirt Block Names/Stacking

13 posts in this topic

I did search the forums, so forgive me if this has been covered already, and the previous OP mocked and heckled mercilessly.

On to the suggestion...

I've found it a bit annoying to have so many types of dirt (each stone seems to have a varity) all with the same name "Dirt". It leaves me with an inventory of small stacks of very similar looking dirt blocks that I can't properly match up without throwing them all on the ground.

What I'd suggest is tweaking the names so that each dirt block has a unique name based on their stone type. This would help immensely for those of us who like to stack and sort our things.

For the record, I am not objecting to all the types of dirt. I think that's great! Just that it is hard to keep them all straight.


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or NOT use a thirdparty mod and replace some name folders :D


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I definately could NOT do it myself, but it would seem helpful for everyone to NOT have.


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You mean, only one kind of dirt or what?

No, I mean, there are 23 22 kinds of dirt if I am reading the class file correctly, all named "Dirt". As they are not stackable, you end up trying to combine Dirt (3) with Dirt (12) and Dirt (9). The Inventory icon is not distinctive enough to tell (for me, at least) which is which.

I want to keep all the dirt types, but I'd like to name them after the stone they seem to be based on. So I can see "Granite Dirt" vs "Diorite Dirt", similar to how stone is now.

Makes sense?


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The thing is - in the game you can't get all this types of dirt as they round up to about three or four types.


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That's good to know if true, but even the three or four of them are enough to cause confusion.

If they round into 3 or 4, how can you lay down dirt to match the biomes you're in?


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The thing is - in the game you can't get all this types of dirt as they round up to about three or four types.

I already have about 10 dirt types..

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I already have about 10 dirt types..

I have not found any dirt I could not pick up and lay right back down matching the nearby dirt blocks. I'll do a bit of research later paying attention to what is going on in my inventory and see what I can find out.


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I have always wondered if there is actually one type of dirt for every rock or one type of dirt for every colour of rock. So chalk, granite and other white rocks have all that whitey dirt on top of them ._. It would make this more of an easy change without giving the player too much of a hint, as knowing which rock layer you are in is pretty useful... I mean, if there is just a couple of dirt types for every colour of rock, then you could just name them something like "reddish dirt", "whiteish dirt", and so on...


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I have always wondered if there is actually one type of dirt for every rock or one type of dirt for every colour of rock. So chalk, granite and other white rocks have all that whitey dirt on top of them ._. It would make this more of an easy change without giving the player too much of a hint, as knowing which rock layer you are in is pretty useful... I mean, if there is just a couple of dirt types for every colour of rock, then you could just name them something like "reddish dirt", "whiteish dirt", and so on...

When it comes to blocks, there is as many types of dirt as there are types of stone. Same applied to sand. But I still believe that some of the dirt types don't drop normally at the moment for the sake of slightly easier inventory management.

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