Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Realistic Cow Milking

19 posts in this topic

Time to ocd up this post to remove the strain on your eyes caused by the infamous wall of text.

Milking should work this way:

1. You can only milk domesticated female cows

+ Cows can only be milked after they give birth, and milking stops when the calf becomes an adult. (when in doubt, use google)

2. Mama cow can't be milked infinitely, give her some rest: cows should only be able to be milked once a day.

Edited by fliffy101

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meh. Aurochs will probably be milkable only when they have babies but domestic cows probably will be milkable all year round. I've tried to make bulls unmilkable in the past, but I need to look into how servers handle the genders vs clients more.


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Maybe bulls could be a seperate mob: they have horns and while cows flee when a pack member is attacked, bulls attack you.


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Maybe bulls could be a seperate mob: they have horns and while cows flee when a pack member is attacked, bulls attack you.

You don't know much about my plans, do you?

If I wanted to, I could make every animal in minecraft a single mob with a single class and still make it work the exact same way it does now. I certainly don't need a seperate mob, that would actually make it MUCH harder to breed them.


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You don't know much about my plans, do you?

If I wanted to, I could make every animal in minecraft a single mob with a single class and still make it work the exact same way it does now. I certainly don't need a seperate mob, that would actually make it MUCH harder to breed them.

Very true, maybe a separate model and behavior for the males at least. You know, controlled by a variable.


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Very true, maybe a separate model and behavior for the males at least. You know, controlled by a variable.

oh of course. That's a given. But I don't know if I need a separate model. Male and female deer share a model, but only males have antlers, which slowly grow new prongs each year until they reach adulthood

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oh of course. That's a given. But I don't know if I need a separate model. Male and female deer share a model, but only males have antlers, which slowly grow new prongs each year until they reach adulthood

Cool, I didn't notice this!

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Cool, I didn't notice this!

Me neither! In fact, I never thought about shifting the antlers out of a model's head to simulate growth either. Nice one Dunk!

p.s. I am a great idea man, adept coder and a good modeler. (Do you know how cool the snake I made in Teche looked? It looked like a real cartoon snake!)


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Me neither! In fact, I never thought about shifting the antlers out of a model's head to simulate growth either. Nice one Dunk!

p.s. I am a great idea man, adept coder and a good modeler. (Do you know how cool the snake I made in Teche looked? It looked like a real cartoon snake!)

Shifting? The antlers are made up of a number of segment prongs. As the deer ages, more are rendered.

Coding and modelling is completely covered. I can't outsource the modeling to someone else because how I animate the animals is directly dependent on the model. I now have avi to help with entity coding and any modeling that I don't have time to finish on my own. Thanks though, I appreciate the offer.


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Coding and modelling is completely covered. I can't outsource the modeling to someone else because how I animate the animals is directly dependent on the model. I now have avi to help with entity coding and any modeling that I don't have time to finish on my own. Thanks though, I appreciate the offer.

Yea, I figured that. I just really want to help. The mod is AWESOME! Thanks to you and Bioxx for making it. Though there IS one thing I'm concerned about:

The forums is full of life and prosperity, but I've noticed that many people are unsure on what you are planning. And I don't blame you for keeping it secret. But if you guys had a Dev Blog, the community would be less skeptical on certain subjects. After seeing the boats being shot down along with tiers of chests, I've found people less sure on how the mod will end up. I feel that if there was someone to devote time to clear this stuff up, then people would feel more at ease with the choices you guys make. What I'm thinking is a weekly blog made to inform people on the basic ideas on where the mod is heading. Instead of 1-3 sentence summaries, in-depth explanations could allow for a more relaxed community. Now I do have to agree, boats can take a good sum of coding simply for another feature already in the game, and chests are VERY OP's. But if we could give examples and in-depth reasons, it could easily improve on the amount of suggestions useful to you developers. Each week, forum members can vote on the subject of next week's blog, then the main devs could PM the blogger their basic ideas on how they are thinking it could go and such. Pictures would help too. At the end of the week, the explanation of the mod's aim towards that subject would be revealed and then the community would be able to sleepeasier knowing their idea's place in the mod.

I'm not suggesting I do it, (I'd like to but I know there's others who are better and probably have more than 6 hours free time on the PC a day) I'm simply suggesting there be some way to better explain the state of the mod in specific regions.


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To be honest, I have not liked much of anything 1SDAN has ever said here. From day one I wrote him off as 'another noob who doesnt know when to stop'

well, hate to say it, but damnit 1SDAN, you've got a point about a blog. grats, now I have to like you... 172 posts late: Welcome to the forums 1SDAN.

(hopefully this did not come out as insulting. supposed to be a complement.)


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who said boats were absolutely shot down? their just not in planning (like dunk said on naval suggestions thread, their not implied, he never said a straightout no ;)


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who said boats were absolutely shot down? their just not in planning (like dunk said on naval suggestions thread, their not implied, he never said a straightout no ;)

For the most part. they're shot down. I just haven't stated explicitly "no". What this means is that we will not be implementing them, but if at some future date it seems to be needed, we might implement them then. A "no" means that the idea won't come back on the table ever.

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To be honest, I have not liked much of anything 1SDAN has ever said here. From day one I wrote him off as 'another noob who doesnt know when to stop'

well, hate to say it, but damnit 1SDAN, you've got a point about a blog. grats, now I have to like you... 172 posts late: Welcome to the forums 1SDAN.

(hopefully this did not come out as insulting. supposed to be a complement.)

Sorry about coming off as a noob. I have tried to avoid that. To be honest, I've studied many mods and coded a bunch of mini-programs, but I still don't know all there is to know. But to be honest, the lock-picking idea wasn't the best example of my knowledge. While it was a good idea, it really needs to be worked so that griefers can't get their hands on them for evil. Maybe locks only work within national borders.

But yeah, I may come off as a noob. But I think that's mostly because I'm still 14. A 14 year old in 9th grade Math and Science, but still 14 and very much a newb in PvP affairs. Thanks for finally accepting me.

p.s. Yes I agree Dunk, Crates are VERY OP'd, maybe they should be used instead like a game of Tetris, with each object taking up a certain space. Kind of like in Kid Icarus Uprising.

p.s.s. The boat thing I really don't understand. Too much coding? Maybe. I think this should be the first Dev Blog.

p.s.s.s. I've been thinking of making a mod of my own. But I still think TFC will be the penultimate overhaul mod for at least 2 years.


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Penultimate means 'second from last'. I don't think that was the word you wanted.


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fancy word fail, loool.


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LOL sorry.

p.s. I've gotta stop talkin' to me toilet


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Y' know, I guess I really went overboard with this suggestion. To simplify it, I really only want milking to be believable. (It kinda breaks with the immersion when you can get unlimited milk for a wild male cow) I would just like for you to only be able to milk female domestic cows and for there to be certain conditions to be able to milk the cow, such as waiting periods between milking and the cow being well cared for.

EDIT: Oh and thanks to dunk for making me lord of gophers :3

Edited by dunkleosteus
un double posting :)

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Oh and thanks to dunk for making me lord of gophers :3

np, going to un double post you.

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