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[B66] Maize

8 posts in this topic

Wiki says:

"Maize will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop."

But harvesting a stage 5 maize crop gave me 2 maize as a drop. Not always though.

Game bug? Or wiki mistake?


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Neither, I suspect. I think it's just a bit of a subjective definition. Most crops reach an edible stage that persists for a while, even though the plant continues to grow and mature. 'Fully mature' could just mean 'ready to harvest', it doesn't necessarily mean the plant is at the end of its life cycle.

It's... a-maize-ing, no? :rolleyes:


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Neither, I suspect. I think it's just a bit of a subjective definition. Most crops reach an edible stage that persists for a while, even though the plant continues to grow and mature. 'Fully mature' could just mean 'ready to harvest', it doesn't necessarily mean the plant is at the end of its life cycle.

It's... a-maize-ing, no? :rolleyes:

So you say it's fine that harvesting the crop earlier yield more product?

To make it more clear, some crops like wheat, cabbage and garlic yield exactly wheat, cabbage and garlic, unlike carrot which yield 1-3 carrot.

The same goes to maize, it should yield only maize (1), BUT I was able to get more then that..


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Even with maize sometimes dropping more than one ear of corn, it still won't yield as much flour and thus bread as the grains like wheat/rye/rice/etc, so it's probably ok if it drops more than one.


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I think there being differences in crops is just fine, you don't just get one ear of corn from a stalk.


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So you say it's fine that harvesting the crop earlier yield more product?

To make it more clear, some crops like wheat, cabbage and garlic yield exactly wheat, cabbage and garlic, unlike carrot which yield 1-3 carrot.

The same goes to maize, it should yield only maize (1), BUT I was able to get more then that..

Why do you think you should only get one? There's no reason that it should only yield one... to pick up on what renadi said, you get a lot more corn cobs than you do those other grains (by volume) in the same amount of crop land. It makes perfect sense.

Also the number you get is a bit random. Sometimes you get one, sometimes you get two.


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Why do you think you should only get one? There's no reason that it should only yield one... to pick up on what renadi said, you get a lot more corn cobs than you do those other grains (by volume) in the same amount of crop land. It makes perfect sense.

Also the number you get is a bit random. Sometimes you get one, sometimes you get two.

I'm not saying anything.. I'm quoting the wiki (again):

"Maize will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

Same as cabbage, or wheat:

"A cabbage will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

"Wheat will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

Crops that yield more then 1 drop are carrot for example:

"1-3 carrots will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

So maybe the wiki got it wrong..


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I'm not saying anything.. I'm quoting the wiki (again):

"Maize will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

Same as cabbage, or wheat:

"A cabbage will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

"Wheat will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

Crops that yield more then 1 drop are carrot for example:

"1-3 carrots will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

So maybe the wiki got it wrong..

...No, Vlad, you're getting it wrong. Again. The words do not mean what you think they mean. "Maize" "Maise" and "Corn" are all plural. Please stop assuming that everyone around you is wrong. Assume you are wrong first. Question your assumption. Verify it using other sources. THEN if you find a problem.. bring it up. Otherwise, stop cluttering the forum with pointless semantics.


Looking back, I see that this is actually the problem too. You do not understand the singular and plural state of these words. You said 'carrot' when you should have said 'carrots' and 'maize' thinking it was singular. Again, from our PM talk, remember that this isn't your first language and that English has some really inconsistent (and occasionally stupid) grammar quirks. That makes it even more important for you to assume you are wrong first. If you are unsure, ask the question. Do not simply state it is a bug or mistake. That's generally considered rude. And just makes you look a bit foolish when you have made an incorrect assumption about basic grammar.


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