Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cave collapse

10 posts in this topic

Hello. I recently tried out your modification and I must say it is quite exciting. It really reminded me of the first days of minecraft when I didn't know how to do anything and everything was scary and dangerous! There seems to be an issue however. One of the main features I like about the mod is the cave collapse system, which does not seem to work for some reason. I built a 6x6x12 "cave" (ceiling was 6 block high), using limestone in my creative world, switched my game mode to survival and started mining away with a red steel pickaxe. Not only did I not experience and type of collapse, but the structure remained stable even after I destroyed on of the walls entirely. Everything else behaves as intended I think; dirt collapses easily, trees turn into logs immediately, crafting is ok, etc. Is there something wrong with my test cave? Or is something really messed up with my installation? I installed with Magic Launcher, btw.




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Collapses are pretty rare. If you want to have your cave collapse at every chance, there is an option in the configurations file.


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Oh, thanks I had no idea. Thanks for the quick response! :)


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Hello. I recently tried out your modification and I must say it is quite exciting. It really reminded me of the first days of minecraft when I didn't know how to do anything and everything was scary and dangerous! There seems to be an issue however. One of the main features I like about the mod is the cave collapse system, which does not seem to work for some reason. I built a 6x6x12 "cave" (ceiling was 6 block high), using limestone in my creative world, switched my game mode to survival and started mining away with a red steel pickaxe.

Just a suggestion though... if you go gifting yourself the best tools in the game, you're going to miss out on a lot of what this mod has to offer. You might as well be playing vanilla at that point. It's sort of missing the point of the mod completely.


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If you want an easy collapse, you can increase the chance by mining first the blocks below and then the other blocks. This way it's easy to collapse a cave:

X=Funny stone

Y=you...why no?


1=First you mine this block

2=Then you mine this block

3=And then you mine the others









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Just a suggestion though... if you go gifting yourself the best tools in the game, you're going to miss out on a lot of what this mod has to offer. You might as well be playing vanilla at that point. It's sort of missing the point of the mod completely.

I only did this in order to test the cave collapse mechanics, not actually play. Duh.

Basically, I have two worlds atm. One for tests and one for playing.


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Hello. I recently tried out your modification and I must say it is quite exciting. It really reminded me of the first days of minecraft when I didn't know how to do anything and everything was scary and dangerous! There seems to be an issue however. One of the main features I like about the mod is the cave collapse system, which does not seem to work for some reason. I built a 6x6x12 "cave" (ceiling was 6 block high), using limestone in my creative world, switched my game mode to survival and started mining away with a red steel pickaxe.

Just a suggestion though... if you go gifting yourself the best tools in the game, you're going to miss out on a lot of what this mod has to offer. You might as well be playing vanilla at that point. It's sort of missing the point of the mod completely.

Hobbes, as puxapuak has stated, you are not allowed to test the cave-in mechanics for this mod by getting the quickest pick and quickly mining out a large area. I don't care if you clearly stated that this was for testing purposes. This mod is in beta, no testing. It doesn't matter if you're a new player, no testing. Testing is bad. Shame on y-testing for testing. Testingtestingtestingtesting. puxapuak, he clearly-testing-said he was testing-testing-which means that's not-testing-how he actually plays, he can test how he pleases.

I only did this in order to test the cave collapse mechanics, not actually play. Duh.

Basically, I have two worlds atm. One for tests and one for playing.

Damn you for posting before me.


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Yeah, I've realized I've never seen a cave collapse on my server, I'm thinking that I should change the settings, we're mostly in the bronze age so it's not like we can't make supports lol


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Hello. I recently tried out your modification and I must say it is quite exciting. It really reminded me of the first days of minecraft when I didn't know how to do anything and everything was scary and dangerous! There seems to be an issue however. One of the main features I like about the mod is the cave collapse system, which does not seem to work for some reason. I built a 6x6x12 "cave" (ceiling was 6 block high), using limestone in my creative world, switched my game mode to survival and started mining away with a red steel pickaxe. Not only did I not experience and type of collapse, but the structure remained stable even after I destroyed on of the walls entirely. Everything else behaves as intended I think; dirt collapses easily, trees turn into logs immediately, crafting is ok, etc. Is there something wrong with my test cave? Or is something really messed up with my installation? I installed with Magic Launcher, btw.



I only did this in order to test the cave collapse mechanics, not actually play. Duh.

Basically, I have two worlds atm. One for tests and one for playing.

It doesn't say that explicitly. A 'test cave' can be built in any world, and certainly does not require anything special. I understood your words differently than you meant them. It is my mistake and the suggestion was unnecessary.

Hobbes, as puxapuak has stated, you are not allowed to test the cave-in mechanics for this mod by getting the quickest pick and quickly mining out a large area. I don't care if you clearly stated that this was for testing purposes. This mod is in beta, no testing. It doesn't matter if you're a new player, no testing. Testing is bad. Shame on y-testing for testing. Testingtestingtestingtesting. puxapuak, he clearly-testing-said he was testing-testing-which means that's not-testing-how he actually plays, he can test how he pleases.

Now that's just being trollish. I misunderstood his post and offered a suggestion that didn't apply. It happens. Get over it and move on with your life. It doesn't even remotely impact you. If you want to be a troll, go hang out on 4chan or something.


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You can only get a cave collapse by breaking CEILING blocks, not walls. At least I think...


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