Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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better block destruction

10 posts in this topic

I propose that many changes are made to the ways blocks are destroyed.

1. Swinging speed:

your character should swing his tool 1/3 of the current speed,with each hit being 3x as strong: making blocks take the same amount of time being destroyed as in the first place; without it looking ridiculous.

2. No more automagically healing blocks:

Instead of blocks resetting to factory default when you stop hitting them before they break, i believe it would be better if they stayed cracked after you hit them, so you could come back later and finish the job.

3. Better durability system:

to compenstate for blocks remaining cracked, i think that durability should be taken from a tool based on how many times it hits the block: not just if it's the tool that breaks the block; this would prevent from using a steel pickaxe to mostly break it, then using a tin pickaxe to finish it off.

0. Other things that could be taken into account but that might be considered overkill:

strength of the tool and hardness of a block--- im thinking that certain woods, dirts, and stones could be harder than others, taking less or more durability, and less or more mining speed.


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(based off something captain sparklez said in his videos, a mod, and something someone said in these forums) I believe that durability should be taken from a tool based on how many times the tool hits a block, along with the quality and teir of the tool, the hardness of the block, and the height of the tree. to accompany this, when you stop hitting a block, it wont automagically heal itself, but instead keep the cracks you left on it when you hit it. (this could be accompanied by having to "fix" a block after you destroy it, but that just seems like overkill) I also believe that hitting a block shouldn't go: bambambambambambam--pop, but instad go bam...bam...bam--pop ; meaning hits would be of more force, have delays between them, and take around 2-3x more per hit (due to there being only being around 3 hits per block instead of a bomard of hits). this would be a fix to the current tree chopping system, if an axe doesn't have enough in it to chop down the tree, it breaks while chopping the block, leaving a crack, then you switch to another axe and finish it off, or come back later when you want to.

I believe this has been already suggested; so (and I'm going to regretfully use your phrase, achartran) lurk moar, please. Also, organize this wall of text; users might not even bother to read.




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I believe this has been already suggested; so (and I'm going to regretfully use your phrase, achartran) lurk moar, please. Also, organize this wall of text; users might not even bother to read.

alright , im gonna attempt to ocd this post up, right after i hit the shuteye (or was it get some sack?)


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I've just started to surf the minecraft/forge source code, and trying to achieve what you are proposing would need a rewrite of the whole block damage control in minecraft.

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but blocks do not have a damage level state. You can't set a block to, lets say, 80% damaged.


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There was a mod for that, it was handling block damage via tile entities. I don't think you would want to have even more entities around now that there's already quite a few with all those chiselworks. Also TileEntityDetailed and TileEntityDamageHandler interactions will be quite hard to set properly. Or it's require to TileEntityDetailed to act as DamageHandler, which I can think of how I would do it myself, but it's either many flag variables or gradual block destruction, which is sweet notion as of itself, but quite violent on performance and griefer-friendly for good measure.

As of damage control without block damage memory, this can be emulated in same way tree felling works now, as of durability loss will be arbitrary set at some number. Although you will need to forget about "higher tier tools == faster breaking" thing, otherwise it will be too much effort to just get it to work for this little profit.


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Ya. Right now, given TFC's not-exactly-perfect computer usage, we REALLY don't want more entities. And the mod was called MultiMine. ;)


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Instead of making two separate entities, why don't you use the TileEntityDetailed to act as a damage handler for pretty much everything, adn throw away the "block texture getting lines as you hit it" approach vanilla took? For example, while using your pick on a rock, it will start to get lots of microcubes being blown apart by the pick, which looks a lot better than just crackings and a popping block. Every hit has a chance, in rock blocks at least, to give you the rock item. And when the full block was "chiseled" (or picked?) away, the blocks around check as normal if it can cave-in or not. Using it as a damage handler has the advantage that the Op was looking for: damage is saved. You can stop mining, and the hole you left won't go away. Of course it isn't limited to picks and rocks: axes on logs, shovels on dirt/sand/clay/gravel... pretty much all blocks can get detailing when the right tool is used on them. Of course, as much detailing as you can give when just hitting something with that tool...

Yeah, i know, performance issues. Being part of the users who suffer them the most, i shouldn't be making this kind of suggestion. Even less when i don't know how hard this is to do... But yeah, just something from the top of my head.


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oh well, i just found it very peculiar that someone could swing a pickaxe 3 times a second


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Instead of making two separate entities, why don't you use the TileEntityDetailed to act as a damage handler for pretty much everything, adn throw away the "block texture getting lines as you hit it" approach vanilla took? For example, while using your pick on a rock, it will start to get lots of microcubes being blown apart by the pick, which looks a lot better than just crackings and a popping block. Every hit has a chance, in rock blocks at least, to give you the rock item. And when the full block was "chiseled" (or picked?) away, the blocks around check as normal if it can cave-in or not. Using it as a damage handler has the advantage that the Op was looking for: damage is saved. You can stop mining, and the hole you left won't go away. Of course it isn't limited to picks and rocks: axes on logs, shovels on dirt/sand/clay/gravel... pretty much all blocks can get detailing when the right tool is used on them. Of course, as much detailing as you can give when just hitting something with that tool...

Although I'm pretty sure we got a no from Dunk when we were talking about something along those lines in thread about horses and roads'n'such.

And just as I said, this mode will be a performance hog (especially on SMP, when several guys will mine their blocks) and quite griefer friendly, despite the fact that it's quite neat. Also, mining stone and getting cobble is fine, but what about bricks, smoothstone, planks, hell, even simplest dirt blocks?


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When the detailed block is finally blown away, you get the block as usual ._. Not believable, but well, it's something.

And yeah, just now i remembered that... Forget it : my idea won't make it into the game.


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