Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Different "times" for Single and Multi Player?

4 posts in this topic

This is sort of a question mixed with a suggestion. So, follow me a little bit here:

Things like Crops and Breeding take a lot of time in TerraFirmaCraft, and that is fine by me... I love to have to "work" for my meal. But "time" as far as I understand, work differently in Single and Multi-Player.

If you're playing solo, not connected to a server, time only passes when you're playing.

If you're playing multi-player, connected to a server, time passes as long as there is someone connected and in chunk" (TerraFirmaCraft may have a general system to keep track of time globally because of the seasons, but I'm not sure).

So, here is the deal: a Cow takes (AFAIK) 120 Minecraft Days to Breed, that means 40 hours in "Real Life".

- In a Multiplayer server, you mate two cows and come back almost two "real-life" days later.

- In single-player mode, you would need to play for almost 40 hours straight to see your first little cow.

At first I thought that a system that "compares" the current time and the time you've last saved (in case you're loading the game) and then simply make time "pass" accordingly, could work very well for Single-Player, mimmicking the multiplayer experience. But then, I'm not sure MineCraft can access your computer clock. So maybe this could end up being a pain to implement.

So, maybe there could be a "single-player" switch, were things simply take less time than multiplayer?

What do you guys think?


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i like this, if only because it'd allow multiplayer servers to speed up breeding too :D


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Just two notes:

1. Multiplayer time passes as long as the server is up, regardless of if anyone's in. So theoretically you can run the server for yourself and join as the only player rather than playing SP, but I understand if that's a lot of work.

2. You can change the amount of minutes per day, days per month and days per year in the configs. Don't know exactly where, cause I haven't done it, but others may.


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Hello there StringBurka and Killster, first of all thanks for your replies!

String, I'm not entirely sure, but isn't the "Breeding/Growing" time measured by ticks? So, changing the amount of days in a month (or a year) would probably only change time it takes to change seasons? About changing the time for days, this could make breeding/growing happens faster, but at the same time day and night would be just extremely short cycles, right?

About keeping a Multiplayer server on, While this is a good idea, I don't usually like keeping my PC turned on while I'm away from home, and some times I'm away for days. While I'm at my House I usually just let the game run on "Lan-Mode" so it doesn't pause;

But anyway, thanks for your comments! I'll do a search here to see If I can discover how to change the days/months/years as you've said and see how far I can go. I will update this post as soon a find it and test it.


Here is what I found out, so far.

I've been able to change the amount of ticks per day and days per year (you can find it into the TFC config file, it is inside your minecraft directory, in the config folder)

From what I gathered and tested:

- Changing the amount of "ticks per day" makes the days and nights longer or shorter, but it has no effect on crops, you'll basically have to wait the same amount of "ticks".

- Changing the amount of Days Per Year makes seasons come and go faster, then again... no change in the speed of crops/breding.

Now, I recalled an "old cheat" in minecraft that is "/time add 10000" (or any other number) that simply adds the current amount of ticks to the time, making things. With that animals do breed and crops do grow.

So, as a "temporary fix" I can simply calculate how much time has passed (IRL) since I last played and simply add the current amount of ticks to the game. I kind of wish there was an "official" way to do this, but I guess this will have to do!

Thanks for the support guys, hope one day this gets worked into the mod.

Thank's again!

Edited by Ratone

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