Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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7 posts in this topic

Well, I suppose this would be best implemented in the new TFC when everyone will be starting new worlds.

Basically, I have seen several different topics suggesting different types of arrow heads (even I had made one). To be honest, I do not think there is anything wrong with the arrows now. Perhaps more there is something wrong with the bows. They seem too overpowered. I can easily get a bow before my first sword or mace along with quite a lot of arrows. Personally, I think a sling shot would be more appropriate for the stone age.

Then maybe during the early metal age there could be a new type of mechanic for fletching (creating arrows and different bows) It could include a new type of block that functions similar to an anvil, but uses a (metal?) knife instead of a hammer. The bows could require planks, string, and possibly flux to create. Bows could also be of different durability, range, and power based on the plank type used to create them.


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A bow is a sitck and a sting , a sling shot requires some kind of less elastic material , and i think bows are underpowered


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I think bows are perfect where they are. They're quite a big step up from javelins in ranged damage, and can take out most enemies with decent ease if they're alone, but they're still limited enough that getting a sword is a priority.


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A bow is not actually just a stick and a string. A bow is carved out of a plank (which is nearly impossible with a stone knife). It requires a waxed string so the string will not snap (which is not something easily done in the stone age). It also requires carved arrow shafts (which I also think should be made at a fletching table) heads (which I suppose could be added to anvils or just use default stone heads if arrow heads are unwished), and I suppose feathers to help make it arrow dynamic.

Meanwhile, a sling shot can be made by carving a piece of leather (which is much easier to do with a stone knife) and only requires stones as ammunition.

Besides being a great ways for players to customize (if different planks made different types of bows) I really feel like the process of going from a javelin, to a sling shot, to a bow would make an interesting feature in TFC. Perhaps even one day you could even upgrade to a crossbow.


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Near impossible with a stone knife? Native Americans used bows for hunting and warfare for thousands of years while also using predominately stone tools.

Europeans used linen and hemp for their bowstrings, Native americans used multiple plant fibers including milkweed, silk has also been used and sinew or

rawhide could also work but needs to stay dry to remain effective. As for wax it is more for the preservation of the string than it is to allow it to be used, any fiber

with enough strength can be used to string a bow without wax.

The only change I could see to the current bow is to change it's recipe to use a log or plank with a knife instead of sticks and possibly a woven plant fiber or

sinew instead of string. Instead of increasing the damage of the current bow a more powerful version requiring higher level technology should be added,

a composite bow. The composite bow body would be made by combining multiple wood pieces to create the core, horn lining the outside, lined on the inside

with sinew, all held together using animal glue and finally strung.


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You people should listen to this man^^^^^

he might /look/ like a newbie but he is a old member here who really does know what he is saying /most/ of the time.(sun is green argument being an exception ;P)

I, having checked a number of sources, can attest that bowmaking can and has been done in a number of ways with a number of materals with a... ehem... Number of results. Thats a lot of numbers.

Let me explain how I see this. Bows when made should use a system similar to meals(minus the potion shit)

each added materal has its own stats. wood A is hard and inflexible, wood B is soft and very flexible and wood C is perfectly balanced. With this knowlage you can create your wood based items for the bow. Next, you look at your string materials who have similar stats and you choose from them. In the end, your constructed bow has stats that work like meals: each sub value is added/multiplied to reach the total value which is what the bows worth is.

this system could be applied to other weapons as well where the sum of its parts determines what the material is. of course for the /fun/ of it and to prevent meta gaming, the potions system could be used to have one material be much greater then the sum of its parts making for the whole server going out and experimenting the same way people do with current cooking.


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@ECC: I am trying to find how to close down this topic as I made a more detailed, "range weapon revamp" suggestion. It explains my reasoning far better.


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