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Villages Add-On pack?

10 posts in this topic

I've wanted to have villagers of some sort around for quite a while. It'd be nice if they would spawn occasionally, with ability to trade, or something along those lines.

A few mods I have looked at that would be nice if they had compatibility

I think it could work fine if someone were to modify minecolony to allow for the structures to be built with the materials available in TFCraft.

EDIT: I have to correct myself, I have found minecolony to be a bit out of date.


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The developers of TFC already said no to NPC's quite a few times.

You didn't understand the title, did you? I was meaning for another user to create an Add-On for TFCraft to allow for this. I know that there are a few people who desire this.


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You didn't understand the title, did you? I was meaning for another user to create an Add-On for TFCraft to allow for this. I know that there are a few people who desire this.

Making and distribution of TFC addons is also not allowed.


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Making and distribution of TFC addons is also not allowed.

If they mess with the TFC files then yes, but if not, they can be distributed. Also, suggestions aren't for add on's or whatever, use the discussion forum

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If they mess with the TFC files then yes, but if not, they can be distributed.

You're right, my bad. If they make an addon that would work fine with vanilla Minecraft aswell, but the addons contents themselves were scaled up to TFC's standards (e.g. health), that would be no problem. But considering these are villages we're talking about, that would definitely require messing around with TFC code.


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You're right, my bad. If they make an addon that would work fine with vanilla Minecraft aswell, but the addons contents themselves were scaled up to TFC's standards (e.g. health), that would be no problem. But considering these are villages we're talking about, that would definitely require messing around with TFC code.

Not necessarily. I tried out millenaire, but it seems that only a slight modification would be needed to get that to work properly. Millenaire villages were working okay, but some blocks weren't working properly. If someone makes an add-on for that that allows it to use TFCraft blocks, we'd be good to go. The mod in its own right is actually semi-functional with TFCraft at the moment. Just some block errors. You'd probably want to scale down some of the roles of villagers, but other than that, you'd be able to get it to work somewhat.


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I agree that millinare would be epic in tfc, but aside from compatility and health, millinare wold need some serious rebalancing, if nothing else make the player pay a much higher price for breaking blocks and stealing from a village, as in they all attack you, because I can't tell you the number of times I stole millinare crops, slaughtered millinare animals,(they respawn indefnately) and vandalized millinare houses for money. the game would be far too easy if you could survive and prosper by stealing from villages with no repercussions.


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I agree that millinare would be epic in tfc, but aside from compatility and health, millinare wold need some serious rebalancing, if nothing else make the player pay a much higher price for breaking blocks and stealing from a village, as in they all attack you, because I can't tell you the number of times I stole millinare crops, slaughtered millinare animals,(they respawn indefnately) and vandalized millinare houses for money. the game would be far too easy if you could survive and prosper by stealing from villages with no repercussions.

Good point. But still, compatibility would be nice, it just makes minecraft feel more alive.


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Survival mode as it should've been.

For me that means being mostly alone, or in a small group, out in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness fighting for your life, and trying really HARD to survive. Imho, TFC is still way too easy :)

And it's not much of surviving if you have a full established village around the corner where you can trade and get help,

or raid and rob to get easy recourses...which is not my definition of survival.

But i really do understand wanting to combine other cool mods line this one with TFC.

Minecraft is just a much better Minecraft with TFC installed B)


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