Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Reduce Repetitive, Mindless Clicks

15 posts in this topic

In TFC, survival is supposed to be challenging, and require patience, and knowledge, i get that, and like that.

But in some parts, just make the player click a bunch to accomplish things-- when there's little or no strategy, and no curiosity, or chance of surprise with the outcome.

A couple suggestions:

* Chopping down a tree gets you logs and sticks. It seems unballanced that getting sticks is more work than getting logs. It isn't plausible that the branches vanish when you cut down a tree. I know the scythe makes stick harvesting easier, but that's not plausible either-- the scythe IRL is a grain/hay harvesting tool.

* The campfire is implausibly limited. IRL, a meter-wide campfire can roast a lot of items at once-- it isn't limited to scrambling one egg at a time, or charring one stick. Constantly removing & replacing items onto the campfire (or multiple campfires) is pretty mindless. Why not allow stacking in the campfire, and also for the forge? It would be more plausible and less tedious.


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The reason for not getting sticks is too balance the game , you see when you chop down a tree if you're lazy and don't want to work you don't get sticks , but when you want them you will have to first destroy the leaves then the logs !

Again for the campfire , you can make more of them , and if you make more of them you can roast more things , but to get more of them you cannot be lazy and just chop a tree but you have to destroy the leaves :)

Hope this helps !


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Chopping a tree down and getting all the sticks, although seemingly unbalanced may be more balanced than you think, as it only provides sticks, you won't get saps, meaning tree farms will diminish if you don't gather saps. And the campfire issue isn't an issue at all, it's just how it's supposed to work.


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Chopping a tree down and getting all the sticks, although seemingly unbalanced may be more balanced than you think, as it only provides sticks, you won't get saps, meaning tree farms will diminish if you don't gather saps. And the campfire issue isn't an issue at all, it's just how it's supposed to work.

Maybe if cutting down trees had a reduced drop chance. (Of sticks).

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The reason for not getting sticks is too balance the game , you see when you chop down a tree if you're lazy and don't want to work you don't get sticks , but when you want them you will have to first destroy the leaves then the logs !

Why is it balanced to get a whole Kapok tree worth of logs with one long click (if your saw/axe lasts) but sticks must be gathered one or a few at a time? That might make sense if sticks were more valuable and/or rare, but this is not the case.


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Chopping down a tree should yield an amount of logs equal to the number visible below the crown of the tree. And then an amount of branched logs equal to the amount of logs hidden in the crown. Those branched logs should then be able to be further processed into a log some 4-6 sticks and a chance of a sapling. The scythe should really only be used in farming and cutting grass which should be able to produce compost. Fire pits should be able to handle a few different items at a time. But stacking is just as silly an idea as only being able to cook one item.


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I think the firepit is fine as it is.

However, as someone who has recently dug eleven mineshafts down to bedrock lava in a search for flux stone, I am all for making the gathering of sticks less mind-numbing. :wacko:

(For the math challenged: 11 shafts with ca. 140 ladders each, and 7 sticks per 3 ladders: (7*11*140) /3 = ca. 3600 sticks... and that's not counting the other uses for sticks along the way.)

And don't think for a second that it would make things too quick or easy. Punching the leaves wasn't the time-limiting factor in my case, oh no. Growing or finding enough trees to have leaves to punch, now that took forever and a day. I deforested an entire biome, regrew it, and deforested it again, twice. The actual punching was simply mind-numbingly boring, and it doesn't need to be.


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I like the idea of leaves falling to the ground after chopping down a tree, following dirt-like physics. That way, you can still break them for sticks and saplings. If you're not bothered to collect them, they rot away just as they would in vanilla minecraft, but without dropping anything. I think that would be realistic and balanced.

As for the firepit thing, I think it's pretty good as-is. The ability to heat multiple items is the benefit of having a bloomery and forge. Although I enjoy realism in TFC, there's only so much I can handle: what if someone made the argument that cooking eggs in a forge is unrealistic? ;) Besides, after your first couple of ingots, the tedium of the campfire is long gone. The first thing I do after getting a pick/chisel is build a bloomery/forge. (trees, on the other hand, will always play a part in your routine)


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Chopping down a tree should yield an amount of logs equal to the number visible below the crown of the tree. And then an amount of branched logs equal to the amount of logs hidden in the crown. Those branched logs should then be able to be further processed into a log some 4-6 sticks and a chance of a sapling. The scythe should really only be used in farming and cutting grass which should be able to produce compost. Fire pits should be able to handle a few different items at a time. But stacking is just as silly an idea as only being able to cook one item.

You realize how much pain it will be to gather enough for a big coal pit then, right? This system will yield three branched logs for most of the trees, and then the whole two normal logs when willow chopped down.

Short saying, both industial types of trees will be rendered useless, because they have most of their logs in crown. Unless you now will say that branched logs can be used in coal pits too, which is illogical considering coal-burning process present in TFC.


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I like the idea of leaves falling to the ground after chopping down a tree, following dirt-like physics. That way, you can still break them for sticks and saplings. If you're not bothered to collect them, they rot away just as they would in vanilla minecraft, but without dropping anything. I think that would be realistic and balanced.

That would be more realistic and more balanced, but I think it can be better. If you've ever chopped down a tree, the force of the fall usually provides a lot of broken branches for you.

I think the idea sounds cool, but from a practical standpoint, the larger trees would produce an excessively large number of falling leaf blocks that would very probably lag things significantly. Maybe when felled, some of the leaf blocks can be destroyed and drop sticks/ saplings, and some can fall. The proportion could be determined by what doesn't kill servers.

As for the firepit thing, I think it's pretty good as-is. The ability to heat multiple items is the benefit of having a bloomery and forge.

The forge has the ability to heat thing hotter, and faster, right? That's sufficient advantage to make it worthwhile. Also I'd argue that the forge should also be able to accept stacks, so little advantage is lost.

Although I enjoy realism in TFC, there's only so much I can handle: what if someone made the argument that cooking eggs in a forge is unrealistic? ;)/>

Players are much more forgiving of unrealism when it is in their favor. And in a world without cook stoves, cooking at forges isn't so crazy.

Besides, My main complaint is of the tedium. The fact that it is also unrealistic is only a supporting argument.

Any fun and/or finished game is going to be full of unrealistic stuff. I accept that. Realism is only good in the service of fun or flavor.


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You realize how much pain it will be to gather enough for a big coal pit then, right? This system will yield three branched logs for most of the trees, and then the whole two normal logs when willow chopped down.

Short saying, both industial types of trees will be rendered useless, because they have most of their logs in crown. Unless you now will say that branched logs can be used in coal pits too, which is illogical considering coal-burning process present in TFC.

I'm not quite sure how someone could miss this. Like I said in the original comment, processing the branched log through the use of an axe returns an un branched log. Unless you thought that this unbranched could not be used in a coal pit, this should mean that you still got the same number of logs as before.


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I'm not quite sure how someone could miss this. Like I said in the original comment, processing the branched log through the use of an axe returns an un branched log. Unless you thought that this unbranched could not be used in a coal pit, this should mean that you still got the same number of logs as before.

Technically, comparing to how things work in TFC1, I got only about half of the logs I chopped in the first place, considering the axe durability lost during processing.

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Technically, comparing to how things work in TFC1, I got only about half of the logs I chopped in the first place, considering the axe durability lost during processing.

I don't mean before to mean tfc1 I mean before to mean as usual.


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I don't mean before to mean tfc1 I mean before to mean as usual.

There is no other before nor usual in this case.

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There is no other before nor usual in this case.

You based your comment on either the tfc1 system or what your usual was in your head and then criticise me for doing the same.


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