Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Log Gathering / Processing

29 posts in this topic

While a chopping block is well known from the last 2000 years, there's very little evidence that they were used in pre-history. We haven't worked it out quite yet, but if we DO do this (not confirmed, mind you) I think we could kinda shift it so that you wouldn't really need anything that can't be crafted in a player's inventory. For starters, with the armour revamp comes a change in night time. Creepers, the undead and spiders will be moved underground and super-powered. Fighting them without proper armour is a death wish. The surface will be replaced with more animals. Punched mobs will punch back so to say, they won't just freak out. Wolves and bears will be hostile (taming will probably survive in some manner?). All in all, the night won't be neccessarilly less dangerous than it is now, but there will be more you will be able to do to protect yourself. For one thing, there won't be any creeper explosions or skeleton arrows. Firelight will probably ward off the wolves and bears under specific conditions. You'll most likely spend your nights in open-doored thatch-roofed clay/mud brick huts.

I've never found much of a difference chopping wood sitting on the ground or on a log (irl). It's just a log.

It's funny, in vanilla minecraft, a crafting table is so necessary that we don't think of it as an advancement.

But with knapping and leathercrafting, we will have tools and armor without a crafting table.

I really like the idea of making mid-endgame items require a crafting table.

Maybe we could make metal tools require a 2-stick handle à la vanilla.

Also, if we're making crafting tables more expensive, what if the required a saw blade or similar?

I think I'll make a new thread for this.


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Maybe we could make metal tools require a 2-stick handle à la vanilla.

Also, if we're making crafting tables more expensive, what if the required a saw blade or similar?

I find this part funny.

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I find this part funny.


If you look at the crafting table texture, it has a saw on it.

But the 2-stick handle bit was just to add a gameplay reason to require a crafting table.


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