Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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new storage idea

3 posts in this topic

iam thinking of an inventory system like diablo 2

each item has a size and a mass.

the mass says, how much items has 1 stack.

and the size determands, how much slots they use in the inventory!

so, diffirent storage blocks/items have diffirent slot amounts/configurations.

tiny items need 1 slot (ofc)

very small items need 2 slots above each other

small items need 4 slots in a square

medium items need 3 slots above each other

large items need 6 slots like a door recepie

storage solutions:

all here mentioned storage items should be placeable for astetics and useage

chests and amphora can only be used as storage blocks

all other has to be used with special slots.

normal chest: normal vanilla size (in slot amount) but with a special setup, so you cant stow large items

double chest: has the normal vanilla size and slot setup, so you can even store large items (but they take alot space)

pouch: craftet with 1 cloth and 1 string. has one row with lets say 3 slots, so you can stow 3 stacks of tiny items in there

can be carried at a belt

bag: craftet with more cloth and strings this one has 2 rows with each 5 slots. (up to small items medium)

can be carried at the backslot

backpack: craftet with some lather, cloth an strings. it has the same slot setup like the single chest, but fewer slots.

can be carried at the backslot

amphora: craftet with clay and need burn ofc. 2 rows with 7 slots each.

basket: craftet with sticks. has 2 rows with 4 slots each.

can be carried at the backslot

quiver. (2 types)

can only hold arrows

small quiver craftet with cloth: 3 arrow slots

quiver craftet with leather: 6 arrow slots

player storage slots:


beltslots can hold tools, weapons (size dont yount here ofc) and pouches.

they dont add armor

beltslot: you can have some diffirent types of belts:

simple cloth belt: has 2 beltslots (craftet with cloth)

simple leather belt: has 4 beltslots (craftet with leather)

belt: has 8 beltslots (craftet with leather and metal)

an addition to the chestslot 1 backslot.

backslot can take:

bag, backpack, quiver, basket, weapons, large tools like shovel/pickaxe, spears


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I always love games with this style of inventory. I can't speak for the TFC devs but as an indie game developer myself, I can say that systems like that are an absolute nightmare to code even from scratch, and shoehorning that into minecraft would be even harder, probably requiring that the entire codebase for inventory be completely rewritten and perminantly breaking compatability with other mods. I would LOVE to see this if they can find a way to make it happen, but id be surprised if they did.

Now, what they maybe COULD do is assign like a weight/bulk numeric value to items and limit your total weight and bulk carried with that. Still some modification to the inventory basecode but significantly less and it would be less compatability-breaking


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I always love games with this style of inventory. I can't speak for the TFC devs but as an indie game developer myself, I can say that systems like that are an absolute nightmare to code even from scratch, and shoehorning that into minecraft would be even harder, probably requiring that the entire codebase for inventory be completely rewritten and perminantly breaking compatability with other mods. I would LOVE to see this if they can find a way to make it happen, but id be surprised if they did.

Now, what they maybe COULD do is assign like a weight/bulk numeric value to items and limit your total weight and bulk carried with that. Still some modification to the inventory basecode but significantly less and it would be less compatability-breaking

Completely agree with the above post, it is probably hard to implement, but would be really cool if they could.

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