Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Lead? :o

17 posts in this topic

I seriously can not think what they have in mind for lead.  It wont be used for shot because well, guns will never be added. and in real life I cant find any uses for it.  I melt so much of it and I don't know what to do with lead.  Its toxic, soft, and heavy.  all I can think of is sinkers for fishing and lead weights for diving.... but that's too in depth.... and it says on the wiki they have future plans for it... your killing me developers haha.  why even add it then if its worthless? :mellow:  I mean maybe you have something up your sleeve that I never would of thought off  :huh:  but what ever it is I hope its neat and useful!! :D


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If they have plans for more complex machinery, lead based solder is a very common repair tool. Lead is also a great shielding resource, and was/is used for things such as radiation/RADAR/Heat signature shielding. Piping was also another common use for it (which is why tap water in the US has trace amounts of lead in it).


Who knows, they might have a more in-depth irrigation system that needs lead piping to work properly.


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Lead is used for soldering and weighting things mainly these days since we've removed most toxic uses of it. And while Bioxx has expressed disinterest in modern tech for TFC, Dunk has stated he plans to add things past where Bioxx leaves off, even if it's done via expansion mods -- which seems to be the preferred way of extending past the early ages, as I understand it.


There's a lot of things in TFC that are non-functional, and may stay that way, but that leaves them open for extension mods to use.


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Lead was used by the romans for all their piping needs...Just look at the roman baths in bath and you will get a good idea.....


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lead is no where near the strangest unimplemented metal.


what intrigues and terrifies me the most is that I have come across pitchblende in the past.


FYI pitchblende is also called uraninite which is the ore from which (you guessed it) uranium is refined.


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lead is no where near the strangest unimplemented metal.


what intrigues and terrifies me the most is that I have come across pitchblende in the past.


FYI pitchblende is also called uraninite which is the ore from which (you guessed it) uranium is refined.



Yeah. TFC's future was really up in the air when things first started, so the foundations for a lot of different directions were laid out, such as uranite for uranium. As the game evolved, we realized that wasn't the direction it was supposed to go in, so it's more of a vestigial mineral.



In regards to the forum's topic, lead was considered (and might still be used) for lead pipes.


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One thing that could be done is, after a whole bunch of development has happened and if anyone is around to work on the project past that point, make it possible to develop slowly but surely into more modern technology. Lead could be used for paint and shot and such, and uranium could be used for really really good armor that slowly killed you as you wore it (but not nearly as fast as the arrows/swords/creeper explosions would have without it).


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Yeah. TFC's future was really up in the air when things first started, so the foundations for a lot of different directions were laid out, such as uranite for uranium. As the game evolved, we realized that wasn't the direction it was supposed to go in, so it's more of a vestigial mineral.



In regards to the forum's topic, lead was considered (and might still be used) for lead pipes.


But isnt lead toxic?  just touching it can cause harm. I wear a gas mask and thick leather gloves when I work with lead.  but I don't know much about lead pipes, all I know is that they were used in Rome for water.


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Lead pipes are... reasonably safe for transporting water. The pipes tend to build up a nice layer of sediment that prevents the lead from leaching into the water too much. Lead poisoning in the old days was more often a case of either the pewter dishwear leaching lead into food or lead 'medicine' used by doctors.


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My sister is doing her phd on lead contamination in water. From what she say, lead pipes are absolutely not safe as they release lead in water. Same for lead solder in copper pipes.

No, you might not die from lead poisoning, but lead in water have bad effect on you health.


It is not just for fun that we stopped using lead for pipes and in paint, it's because it's toxic. 


Honestly, the only safe use I can see for lead is shield against radiation. 


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My sister is doing her phd on lead contamination in water. From what she say, lead pipes are absolutely not safe as they release lead in water. Same for lead solder in copper pipes.

No, you might not die from lead poisoning, but lead in water have bad effect on you health.


It is not just for fun that we stopped using lead for pipes and in paint, it's because it's toxic. 


Honestly, the only safe use I can see for lead is shield against radiation. 


we're not talking about modern day. the romans used lead pipes. Frankly, if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for TFC.


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we're not talking about modern day. the romans used lead pipes. Frankly, if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for TFC.



Check on wikipedia " the Roman water had so much calcium in it, that a layer of plaque prevented the water contacting the lead itself." With clear water, the romans would have suffered more from lead poisoning.


Your "back then argument is not logic. Back then, lead was as toxic as now. The difference is that now we have the knowledge that lead is toxic and we stop using lead as much as we can as we know it's bad.


Also, in modern time, people used lead pipes too, or else north american cities like Toronto would not have lead pipe replacement program. It was good enough for them as they did not knew it's dangerous, so people did suffered from lead poisoning. 


And I guess you can argue "what is modern and what is not", and the fact is that lead toxicity is only a quire recent knowledge.


But a fact is a fact, the use of lead pipes release lead in water and lead is toxic.


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In the 1800's when everybody wanted straight topand bowlers hats, the hat makers used to rub in mercury to keep the hat straight, although that had adverse affects on the hat makers. IT's ok to use lead (i use it for soldering, and used to use it for shooting) as long as after you wash your hands and don't allow it to get into your bloodstream. Lead poisoning won't cause you to die, straight away, although it will have effects on learning, and if exposed to much, will cause you to go crazy......(correct me if im wrong)


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Lead isn't as bad as its put up to be, I handle it quite frequently and I work with it a lot.  Environmentalists get all hyped up on mercury, and lead.  you can handle lead but if you touched some everyday and licked your hands ( i don't know why you would) you would get poisoning.  It doesn't have instant effects like zinc would,  more of long term effects such as lung cancer , reproductive system failure, and brain disorders.

and mercury makes you go crazy btw... lol


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Considering the large number of unused/vestigial ores/minerals/metals/alloys, are there thoughts in B77 to remove some of them and/or find a use for some of them?


Lead, galena ore*, platinum, native platinum ore, brass, sterling silver, graphite, gypsum**, jet, kimberlite***, olivine****, petrified wood, pitchblende, satinspar, selenite, serpentine, sylvite: all of these currently have no use I am aware of.


* after straightening out dual ores in B77, this will most likely be a lead-only ore, and lead has no use

** apparently useless itself but other things can generate in it?

*** gives you diamonds, which are fairly useless themselves... but hey, diamonds

**** used by the Buildcraft for TFC port to make green dye to turn into pipe waterproofing


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Magnetite also produces platinum


Sulfur and saltpeter produce gunpowder which is also currently useless


aren't brass and sterling silver used in red+blue steel?


also while we're at it I've never encountered native platinum, pitchblende, satinspear, selenite, or serpentite but the saltpeter generation seems to be unnaturally large. Almost anywhere I've gone in the worlds I've played in saltpeter is the most common thing I see. Which is irritating since it's basically useless and gets in the way of prospecting


I've only encountered malachite once and I've randomly seen single blocks of petrified wood that the prop pick doesn't detect unless you hit it directly


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Magnetite also produces platinum



Yes, but it's predominantly an iron ore and B77 makes all double ores output only one thing. I.e. the platinum component gets removed. And even in B76, magnetite is still be useful because it generates not only platinum but also iron.


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