Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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New metals and early game

9 posts in this topic

Just wanted to start a separate thread for this issue in particular to see what peoples' thoughts are on it. I understand that the new metal system and addition of thatch blocks were supposed to extend the early game out to give a more robust feel to the Neolithic, but it seems to me that it is actually shortened quite considerably.


In previous builds, gathering enough surface ores could take a few days and the process of melting them down was pretty slow. It was usually necessary to go through several stone axes, shovels, and have cobbled together a decent wooden house before you could think about going underground. But now, it isn't hard to gather enough metal and materials to make a bronze pick-axe and propick before the first or second day is over - and that's playing at the forced fast 24000 days! This doesn't seem to me to at all match the intent of the modifications. Instead of extending the Neolithic, it basically has gotten rid of it completely (provided you spawn in a world with a top rock layer capable of containing copper).


I'm sure there will be many more tweaks to come in future builds, but I'm not really sure how they can address this using the new metal system. It's just so much easier now to build a full suite of bronze tools. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea behind the new metal system, I just think it's disappointing that the early game is so short and whose dominant activity is surviving waves of zombies.




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I'm finding the opposite in my new world. I have found almost no ores, and my house is rather simple. A cave that I layered with thatch, and mostly blocked off the outside.

Of course, i'm taking it slow. I'm not aiming to get everything I need ASAP, im just letting things develop at a leisurely pace. The game is much harder, and much more rewarding (IMO) when you don't immediately rush towards your goals. It does seem to be more a matter of circumstance now. Access to copper can quickly slingshot you out of the neolithic, but without a supply of copper, you will be stuck for a while with little to work with in a harsh environment.


Sadly, there is one thing I noticed with the recent changes... leather is, on a developmental scale, above metals now, but you feel very little draw to use it. Maybe it should be established as a crafting material for a few other items.


Secondarily, a straw and hide bed would be a nice addition for the early-game, but maybe have it modify the time scale instead of instantly skipping through the night. It would quicken the pace that night passes, but keep beds are a viable, and useful upgrade.


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It can take a very long time to find copper. I like the new build and how it lengtens the stone age since you can't make Tier-0 tools but I'm not a fan of the 1.6.2 hostile mobs.  I always found the minecraft hostile mobs to be ridiculous but that's the paradigm were working with.  I would much prefer if the weird creatures spawned below sea level leaving you got be attacked by aggressive wolves, bears, etc. above ground in the early game.  It's just a personal preference.  I would rather a pack of territorial wolves hunting me down than a hoard of mindless zombies.


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it's not that long to find the required ore, and it can be a mix of the tier 0 and copper ore to make bronze for example. with 20 small ore, you are good to go.


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It depends on the seed.  It's March 7th in my game and I've travelled countless kilometers.  I've found Granite, Marble, Quartzite, Shale, and Mudstone. They just keep alternating.  I have plenty of "useless" ;-) tier 0 ores but no sign of Igneous Extrusive stones. In other seeds, I've started right next to copper and I could get started right away.


It can be quick but it can also take a very long a time to get started. I hope I find some copper soon.



Edit: I found my first Dacite rock on April 1st.

Edited by mrtux

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For me the early game went faster than before but getting to iron and better takes sooo long


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I think there does need to be a way to set spawn in the early game.  Skipping the night is a lesser consideration, IMO, though it's certainly nice.  


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Hmm, good comments and thoughts in here.


Sadly, there is one thing I noticed with the recent changes... leather is, on a developmental scale, above metals now, but you feel very little draw to use it. Maybe it should be established as a crafting material for a few other items.


I'm glad you brought up leather. I remember having thought the same thing but forgot to bring it up. Tanning was around a very long time before we ever started melting metals and it really makes very little sense to require a saw before one can tan some leather. I've found in all of my test games that a saw is a near-necessity for a first metal tool simply because of how much isn't possible without one.


It can take a very long time to find copper. I like the new build and how it lengtens the stone age since you can't make Tier-0 tools but I'm not a fan of the 1.6.2 hostile mobs.  I always found the minecraft hostile mobs to be ridiculous but that's the paradigm were working with.  I would much prefer if the weird creatures spawned below sea level leaving you got be attacked by aggressive wolves, bears, etc. above ground in the early game.  It's just a personal preference.  I would rather a pack of territorial wolves hunting me down than a hoard of mindless zombies.


It [surface metal] depends on the seed.


I agree. Some worlds there is an abundance of copper everywhere but most worlds so far that I've made I'll find well over 100 tier 0 ores before I ever run into copper (in any form).


I think there does need to be a way to set spawn in the early game.  Skipping the night is a lesser consideration, IMO, though it's certainly nice.  


Definitely... especially with the reduced animal spawns, I have a couple of worlds that I have never found any sheep in. Oddly (probably coincidence) the worlds with sheep seem to also have a lot of copper.


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We have enormously big vessels, that can hold vast amounts of items. I think tanning should be switched to take place inside of those instead of barrels.


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