Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cooking specialization

11 posts in this topic

edit: added some spice suggestions above the scavenging suggestion


Okay, my last cookering suggestion is a while back (even be4 prepare surface implementation)

and i had some new ideas.

i combined my old ideas with the prepare table.


the prepare surface is the main gui to create meals.

but you have diffirent ways to heat up your meal and those ways have diffirent effects

wooden bowl can only be used for cold meals

sticks can be combined with alot foods like dough, all meat types, onion etc to heat it up over the fire, its only 1 use! (warm up)

ceramic bowl has a chance to break after eating the meal. (warm up)

ceramic pot. (cooking)

pan /from all metals/ (frying)

ceramic vessel (baking)


warm up dont add any additional effeckts.

cooking improoves effeckts from crop and vegetable meals

frying improves effeckts from meat meals

baking improves effeckts from bakery meals


in order to cook stuff, you need an pot with water. (milk improve effeckts slightly)

in order to fry stuff, you need seed oil, or pork/beef in the meal (i cover the seed oil later)

in order to bake some stuff, you need at least primitive dough (i cover that later aswell)


seed oil could be implemented via rape as crop. you can grind rape grain in the quern with an jug in the output slot. you need quite some grain in order to fill the jug up.

when herbs get implemented, oil could be used to make herb oil for cooking and medicine

and it could be used to impregnate wood. for example impregnated sticks are more durable handles for tools (maybe?)


to produce early flour, we could use simple stones: stone + 3x grain of the same type = 1x flour

and mortar and pestle (from pottery): motar and pestle + 2x grain of the same type = 1x flour

3x flour 1x jug wit water = 1 primitive dough

primitive dough can be baked to flatbread.



spices could be improve meals aswell.

for example salt increases buff duration

pepper increases buff effekts


to get salt, pls check my water suggestion:

pepper seeds could be provided rare from primitive crop grain (check my scavenging ideas!)


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Definitely an interesting idea for cooking, though it might have to be a multi-part structure to condense all the functions down to a single GUI.

There is also the concern about the difference between foods before and after access to this. Maybe foods cooked directly on a camp fire become something along the lines of "charred meat" and decrease thirst if you eat them, whereas anything cooked in a more advanced manner (rock slab over fire) actually turn in to real food.


I don't believe you should be able to heat food directly in a wooden bowl at all. Preferably, you heat a rock, and combine it with the bowl in your crafting grid to get warmed food and a cooled rock. Preserves the bowl, is a bit more realistic than throwing a wooden bowl over a fire.


Good focus on utilizing the new pottery.


Re-name the primitive dough in to unleavened dough. Call it hardtack or flatbread.

Possibly more advanced breads by combining the dough with a bowl, then placing it like you do a jug. Let it sit there for time, and it can develop more. The bread fills you up more, and has a lower impact on thirst, but at the penalty that you can't create it on the go.

Yes, I am aware that you would need to add yeast, but lets skip that step for the sake of usability.


I would also suggest that grains be more common in nature, or when they do spawn, they spawn in slightly larger patches. If most of this cooking idea requires a few more sophisticated tools, primitive man would spend more time scavenging. Currently, scavenging isn't too viable compared to hunting, and it would be nice to be able to utilize plants more before developing in to the farming stage.


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hm, added some of your ideas.

i had some scavenging ideas aswell in the last time.

i just added them aswell.


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kay, ur right, added an "maybe" to random seed.

well the glue could be used for weapon crafting, like arrows and spears


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I've always wanted to roast in TFC.  I imagine this implemented as a spit block above a fireplace block, (might be difficult to code up).  The benefits of roasting would probably just be a higher capacity of cooking food.  i.e. You can put more than 1 food on the spit at a time.  Only works with meat.


In the same vein an oven block could be added, which needs a slow burning fire under it to cook.  The oven would obviously be used for baking.


While they are at it they could make ceramic bowls, putting wooden bowls in a fire always seemed a little absurd to me.  Ceramic kettles/pots for boiling water for tea and coffee might also be novel.


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I suppose it doesn't have to be this way.  But I imagine that it is pretty hard to put a wooden bowl on spit, so that rule's out meals.  Bread is also kind of silly to put on a spit and roast, and would be better served in the oven I proposed.  Eggs are similar, in that they would never be roasted on a spit.  As of right now, you can't cook vegetables so that doesn't really leave much else to roast.


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I suppose it doesn't have to be this way.  But I imagine that it is pretty hard to put a wooden bowl on spit, so that rule's out meals.  Bread is also kind of silly to put on a spit and roast, and would be better served in the oven I proposed.  Eggs are similar, in that they would never be roasted on a spit.  As of right now, you can't cook vegetables so that doesn't really leave much else to roast.


Absence of items to roast does not mean restriction. Why not add roasted vegetables, at the end of the day? Even some fuit are good roasted, like apples. And we also have shrooms.


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well, i ment you have to have atleast meat in your frying meal OR seed oil (when it gets implemented)


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I've always wanted to roast in TFC.  I imagine this implemented as a spit block above a fireplace block, (might be difficult to code up).  The benefits of roasting would probably just be a higher capacity of cooking food.  i.e. You can put more than 1 food on the spit at a time.  Only works with meat.


In the same vein an oven block could be added, which needs a slow burning fire under it to cook.  The oven would obviously be used for baking.


While they are at it they could make ceramic bowls, putting wooden bowls in a fire always seemed a little absurd to me.  Ceramic kettles/pots for boiling water for tea and coffee might also be novel.

I suppose it doesn't have to be this way.  But I imagine that it is pretty hard to put a wooden bowl on spit, so that rule's out meals.  Bread is also kind of silly to put on a spit and roast, and would be better served in the oven I proposed.  Eggs are similar, in that they would never be roasted on a spit.  As of right now, you can't cook vegetables so that doesn't really leave much else to roast.


Actually you could. The way the spit could be implemented, would be that you would have to tripods, made out of the desired material (tripods would probably have uses, as it's being re heated all the time, wood would eventually burn, metal could weaken ect) each tripod would go on the opposite side of each other from the firepit like so. 






O=random block (like dirt or whatever,)




so currently we have a firepit and two tripods. suspeneded between the two tripods would be a rod, which would be a material of you choice (same as before with the tripods) Once crafted you would then be able to place a range of different foods, onto the rod (ill explain the foods below). This rod (once food is on it) would then be placed across the fire, which would be getting held up by the 2 tripods. When placing the rod between the tripods you could have the option to choose the height that the rod would be above the fire. Low would be for quick, scorching cook, while high would be for roasting (slow cooking) 



Dampa- australian bread made out of water, flour, salt, and sugar if desired. It would be wrapped around the rod and cooked. 

vegetables- would be speared with the rod and cooked. Could produce a kebab, if combined with meat.

Meats- Would simple be speared.


Going over the Op i think the more choice is better in TFC, and this follows this rule. I like the idea of the oven being a multi block system and also thiong that having spices, slat pepper ect could add more also.


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If you've played Minefantasy, you know that to get salt, you need to right click water with a piece of paper in your hand to retrieve salt.just take this a bit further: right click ocean-biome water with a bowl in your hand to retrieve a bowl of salt. Salt could be use as a meal ingredient, too. (Also for salting meats, something I'm going to post soon)

And the spit? Just place a stick and a knife in the crafting grid (to sharpen it) and get a spit. I like the tripod idea

The glue can also be used between a tool head and a stick to increase its durability, because the glue keeps the tool head attached. Composite bows also need glue to be made.

Placing a raw stone block above a fire pit, then chiseling it down until it thin can be used to fry things. A heated shale slate can be used to fry eggs and whatnot. Why not other things?


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