Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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water problem idea

5 posts in this topic

you should not be able to pick up water source blocks with any buckets.

better buckets can carry more water.

only way of moving infinite water sources should be any types of pumps (archimedes screw for example)

as long the pump is in action, it generates a new water source block at a new position. (it needs an normal sourceblock to pump it upwarts ofc)


would it be possible to change the picked up water based on the biome?

so you only get saltwater from water in an ocean biome.

fresh water from river biomes.

clear water from underground spring/ lake

dirty water from small, still water puddles on the surface.


ocean water, river water and spring water should be infinitife.


clear water provides the most thirst  replenishment.

freshwater a bit fewer.

normal water has normal thirst replenishment

dirty water replenish some thirst but should make sick in some way

saltwater increases thirst


you can cook dirty water in a jug or metal bucket to make it better drinkable.

when you boil saltwater a while, you get some salt (cooking, food preversation)


in order to get drinking water in ocean biomes, you could place crucibles, bowls, vessels and stuff empty, without an ceiling. when it rains, those containers could fill up.


snow should be smeltable in ceramic jug or vessel


when you place water yourself, it should not be changed to the biome specific one.

but when you place water at or above dirt, it gets dirty over time. (so you have to place your water in stone cisterns)

Edited by Mileaos2

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Well i believe that it could work, esspecially the first part of your post. This would still cause additional metadata to be added to the bottle though.


when you place water yourself, it should not be changed to the biome specific one.

but when you place water at or above dirt, it gets dirty over time. (so you have to place your water in stone cisterns)


im not sure about that though? are you trying to say that water when placed will keep it's data given from when it was picked up?

Besides from that, i guess this could work, and could also cause a "water trade" to appear on servers, as not all people would have access to fresh/ clear water......


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Occasionally I could see someone wondering why the water from a swamp isn't salty but the water from the ocean biome right beside it is. Other than that this sounds like an easy and simple way of finally adding saltwater and making thirst an actual concern. 


Right now thirst is more an annoying thing you have to deal with once in a while than an actual survival mechanic. ((For example I usually stand in 1 block of water while knapping or molding clay XD))


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yeah, i do the same.

or while i waiting for day


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