Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Hunting Overhaul

7 posts in this topic

Hunting overhaul - More mob models coming soon!
New Mobs: I added some small game or a future suggestion of mine
Pheasant (Male and Female)

Fish (trout in freshwater, cod in saltwater)

Altered mobs: these mobs take place of their vanilla counterparts in the wild. The vanilla mobs can be obtained by domesticating the animals. To domesticate them, look further below.
Pig = Wild Boar
Cow = Aurochs
Chicken = Red Jungle Fowl
Sheep= Mouflon

Block changes:
Tall grass is now 1.5 blocks tall. This is so it's more of a challenge to find small game such as chickens (or jungle fowl), rabbits, and pheasants. Arrows and javelins deal reduced damage if the target is in tall grass, so it makes it worth your while to flush game.

New resource: resin
Resin is a glue that can be obtained from certain trees. It is used to upgrade and craft certain tools. To harvest resin, right click one of a a pine, spruce, fir, or sequoia tree's log blocks. A groove texture will be applied. After 48 hours, a resin drop will appear. Right-click to harvest it. You can now use it in crafting. If the resin is left alone on the tree, it will turn into amber, which can be turned back into resin by heating it in a firepit. Each log block can be harvested twice before needing to make another groove.
Putting resin in the crafting grid with a stick and a tool will increase its durability a little.

New items
Atlatl: allows you to throw your javelin 50% furtherance does more damage. To craft, put a stick and a knife in the crafting grid. To use, put a javelin and an atlatl in the crafting grid at take the 'atlatl with ___ javelin.' You can launch it the same way as the javelin alone, but it goes 50% further and deals 30% more damage.
When you hit. An animal with a bolas, it is slowed by 95%. Argentinian cowboys throw them at the legs of wild horses and cows to capture them without hurting them in real life. Using a bolas makes it much easier to catch animals
Crafting: O is rock, R is resin, S it string or yarn.

Fleeing changes:
Whether a mob flees is dependent on two factors- sight and sound.
Sight- if the player is within ten blocks in a 180 degree cone in front of the mob, it will flee. HOWEVER. If the player sneaks while in tall grass, you can get within three blocks of the mob before it sees the player. (You have to consider sound as well as sight when trying together close to an animal)
Sound - sound is affected by two things, armor, and movement speed. Metal armor makes more sound than leather armor, and leather armor makes more sound than none. The more armor you wear, the more the effect is compounded. With each piece of metal armor worn, the detectable range of the player is increased by one block. Metal chestplates increase detectability by two blocks. Leather boots, helmets, and leggings increase detectability by .5 blocks, leather chestplates by one.
Sprinting makes a lot of sound. If an unarmored player sprints within 15 blocks of a mob, it will hear you and flee. Walking armorless will allow you to get within ten blocks of the mob. The closest you can get to prey is three blocks, by sneaking without armor in tall grass.
Aurochs, boars, and mouflon will spawn in groups of 2-5, with one or two males per group. If one group member is hit by an arrow/javelin, all animals in the group will flee directly away from the player for five seconds. Mobs hit by arrows will be 10% slower (per arrow; arrows will stay embedded in mobs like in players), those hit by javelins will be slowed by 20% (per javelin hit; javelin heads will stay embedded in mobs like Clovis points). This will make it easier to catch and identify mobs you have already hit.

Behavior Changes:
During "breeding season," male mouflon, aurochs, and boars will be aggressive. Breeding season will be defined as certain months, which depends on how the modders or coders want. Males will only charge if they detect the player by sight, and will knock them back as well as damaging them. If a group member os hit by theplayer, the male will move two blocks close. Aggressive males will have red eyes, so it will be possible to tell the difference between aggressive and passive males.

Luring animals
Shift-right click with grain in your hand to place it on the ground. Animals within twenty blocks will be attracted to it. Once attracted, animals can be killed or, if preferred, domesticated.

If you sneak towards the animal with a bundle of grain in your hand, it will not run away. It will slowly move towards you and stop when it is within one block of you. Feeding the animal by right clicking will tame it. Tamed animals will follow you if you have grain in your hands. To domesticate it, you must breed it. After 1-5 generations, the child will be domesticated. The offspring of a domestic and a tamed animal will be domesticated. Domesticated animals drop 50% more meat, and domesticated sheep's skins drop 4 wool when refined.
Tamed and domesticated males do not become hostile during breeding season and can breed at any time of year.

Fishing in streams will only give trout, cod in saltwater. When the fishing rod is cast, any fish within thirty blocks will be attracted to the hook. The chance of hooking the fish is the same as vanilla fishing. Fish can be caught using fishing arrows, crafted by one arrow and one yarn or strong below it in the crafting grid.

There. Hunting made believable. I hope it doesn't get obnoxious. Also, I'm adding pictures, so stay tuned, guys!


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Awesome suggestion, well thought out and organized, I have wanted believable animal behavior in minecraft for ages now, just never got it. By the way, I live in Argentina, like the bolas idea (they're actually more commonly referred to as Boleadoras, and we call cowboys Gauchos). When using bolas you swing them around your head until they pick up speed and the three rocks (all attached by string to each other in a Y shape) separate. When thrown, they fly through the air and spin, keeping the rocks equidistant. When the boleadoras come in contact with the animals legs, they immediately wrap around them (because they were still spinning when they were flying through the air), bringing the animal crashing down, unharmed. 


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t. By the way, I live in Argentina, like the bolas idea

I know my fair share of information about gauchos, I just couldn't recall it off the top of my head. The boleadoras, I also know a lot about, I recently read a book on horses and man and they had a section on Guachos, and I also played Rengar a couple weeks back in League of legends. His bolas is so OP.

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All what you suggested is already coming. Though noone except Dunk can give you assessment on to when's it coming exactly.


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All what you suggested is already coming. Though noone except Dunk can give you assessment on to when's it coming exactly.

Okay. Thanks for the info. Guess I know now. Where did you get that information from , by the way? I want to take a look at it

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Okay. Thanks for the info. Guess I know now. Where did you get that information from , by the way? I want to take a look at it



The information isn't really stored anywhere. We tend to chat about that kind of stuff in IRC.


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The information isn't really stored anywhere. We tend to chat about that kind of stuff in IRC.

Okay, cool. I'll keep updating here since I made a bunch of models for wild and domesticated animals already and the skins are almost done. I'll check for the topic around the forum

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