Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Juan Vino

Water Changes

10 posts in this topic

I came up with this very small idea, which will add some sort of prettiness into the world, but still keeping it believable/realistic.

This pretty much consists on the water colour changing due to certain characteristics in TFC, such as:




-Rain (63, 120, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 8000)


-Temperature (Latitude)


- Water Depth


For example, let's give a case: An island in the Equator. Rain level 8000.  Rock: Chalk: Biome: Plains


The high rain level makes it so that everything is green and overgrown, rather than the desert, or a yellow grassland.

Usually if the sea nearby is warm, there's plenty of rain. As it's in a plains biome, the island shouldn't go steeply into the seabed, but making it's way smoother. So as the water is not so deep, the sea is warm (If the rain and temp is way up, let's say it very warm) it should be more or less a greenish-turquoise coloured water. Because of the white coloured sand, the sea looks like more transparent. If the rock was basalt, the colour will  still be the same, just contrasted by the black. If it was mountains, the water colour will be more of a  greenish sapphire. 


Biomes only affect the water colour very lightly, more hilly biomes will usually have darker water.


If it had a very low rain, such as 63? There's no rain because of a rain shadow caused by the very cold water. So water should be a navy blue, maybe a bit brownish on the shore.


In colder places, water colour will be slowly decreasing, so around -/+18000 water should be navy blue, shore colour depending on the rain. Except with a few exceptions (I will talk about this later in another suggestion thread, it's more or less minor as well, but consists on world generation, for example, the mediterranean has that greenish water, and it's around 30 N and 45 N.)


Here's how it will work: (++Very High (Only for rain), + High, = Normal, -/+ Somewhat Low 0, - Low, -- Very Low)


+Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour: Turquoise (8000 rain)


+Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour:  Somewhat Darker Turquoise (4000 rain)


=Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour: Sapphire Blue (2000-1500 rain)


-/+Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour: Blue (1000-500 rain) 


-Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour: Deep Blue (250 rain)


--Rain +Temp (Biome: Plains) Water Colour: Navy Blue (120-63 rain)


These are the default values at the equator with plains.


The colder it gets, water colour changes lightly.


The more mountainous the biome is (Plains < Rolling Hills < High Hills < Mountains) water colour changes slightly as well. i.e: A Mountain biome with +Temp and +Rain It will be on the shore a darker, darker turquoise. And on the deep water Sapphire Blue.


The idea itself is pretty simple, I went with the details a bit more because of that's how I think it should be, could have just been: 'Make water colour change with temperature, biome and rain values'

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope it gets added.
















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Would be difficult to code but Biomes O plenty did it. Not quite how you have it setup  but they have like 30 different water colours


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It's pretty much using a .png image containing all shades of blue. Vanilla Minecraft Beta used something similar, both to identify the water colour and grass colour, based of a chart, it's pretty much consisted of hotter places with a lighter water colour, and drier places a tad darker, though we will need to expand this chart, and add some coding to fit with the biome and rain levels. 


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Sorry for this!


Giving this a bump, first and only I'll make in this thread, unless I want to point out something important


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Well i was actually kinda thinking that the water in different areas would actually be different, not just having an aesthetic colour change.


so, like, in swamps or jungles, the water would be a nasty green colour, and drinking it would probably poison you in some way or another


also, water from from the ocean would be salt-water, also not good to drink or water crops with, but boiling it away could get you salt, which could be used to preserve food, and other things


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Not all water is drinkable. Some can be unhealthy for you to drink because they have salt, or lots of dirt, or because they are simply brimming with bacteria.

Right now, we can drink water from any place, let it be a swamp or a ocean, or even a puddle on the ground. 

I think there should be 4 different types of water. Salt water, dirty/muddy water, foul water, and water.


Salt water will generate in oceans and beaches.

It will have a dark blue-ish color, and drinking it will drain your thirst bar instead of refilling it.

Crops near saltwater will die, and boiling a bucket/jug of saltwater will give you a bucket/jug of salt.

Salt can be used to season food or can be mixed with water to make saltwater.


Water next to dirt, grass, or farmland can turn into muddy water.

Farmland will have the highest chance to make /muddy water, followed by dirt, then grass.

It would have a slightly brownish-blue color

You can't drink dirty water(would you drink a water that's brown and muddy and full of dirt?)

But you can put muddy water in a barrel and seal it to make mud. Mud would be like a cheep alternative to clay, mud vessels jugs, and molds have to be sun-dried. and if under lots of heat(used in a pit kiln, for example), or dropped from a height, it will break. Mud jugs and molds have a 100% chance to break after usage, and mud vessels can only hold 2 stacks of items. Muddy water does not hydrate as much land as (clean) water, and flows like lava(4 blocks, not 8)


Foul water will generate in swamps, and sometimes in jungles.

It has a light green/aqua color and drinking it has a high chance of making you sick.

It slows down crop growth and crops have a chance to die  every time they grow up(move to the next stage)

You can boil it in a firepit/forge or seal it in a barrel with some salt to kill the bacteria/virus/whatever and purify it into water.


Water generates in lakes, rivers, planes, mountains, forests, etc.


If water is next to grass, it has a 5% chance to turn into muddy water. On dirt, it has a 30% chance, with clay, 25% and with farmland, 40%


On a side note, I can't think of what should happen if water of different types meet.

Any ideas?


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I heard that different types of water are being added in an upcoming version. I like the muddy water Idea though


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Interesting, though I think the muddy water in barrels is a little over the top especially when Extrafirma made mud bricking so well. I think the concept of different water would enhance the survival aspect, especally with construction planning.


I'd like to add that muddy water should be more prevalent around swamps and should make player sink into it if they walk though it.


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Rather than muddy water, like Biomes O' Plenty has; we should either pick up mud from places like in the bottom of rivers or so. Anyways, interesting that both threads got merged, this is nice.


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Anyways, interesting that both threads got merged, this is nice.


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  • Newly Created Topics suggesting something that has already recently been suggested (even if slightly different), will be merged into the older topic.

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