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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Life In The Woods?

16 posts in this topic

Has anyone seen this modpack? Seems like it's a collection that hews pretty close to TFC, and since one of the Mindcrackers is doing a series it's getting a lot of attention.


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It's in the title: Life in the Woods. I downloaded it to see what mods it contained. Loks like it's mostly based on Pam's Harvestcraft and Growthcraft. Those two mods have a lot of features like TFC when it comes to crops and cooking. It also has Aquaculture and Oceancraft, which add some new fishing stuff. What is seems to be missing though is a sophisticated mining and metal processing system like TFC. The only mod that seems to come anywhere near that is Tinkers Construct, and that only has the large smeltery multiblock structure. Still though, wouldn't be a bad modpack to play with.


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there's Minefantasy that could be added, that has a good metal system


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I've played around with this modpack. Feels quite nice and a change from other modpacks that lets you use tech to take away some of the grind. Still i can't help the feeling that "Life in the Woods" is more about aestetics and building with the option of some survival thrown in. Also a modpack is not an overhaul like TFC though, so a comparison is not really warranted. But if you like building structures more than survival, the modpack is a welcome change from TFC (where resources are way scarcer).


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I like it, but really TFC is better, imo.  Just add in bibliocraft (with custom NPCs to make the recipes work), Dynamic Lighting, Carpenter's Blocks, and Better Grass and Leaves, and you have Life in the Woods, but with better mechanics.  Hmmm... maybe I'll make a mod pack...


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Honestly if TFC got a few aesthetic blocks in there and got LPers to focuss on builds instead of just going up tiers late game, then we have just as much potential as big modpacks. Most people stay lategame in Minecraft for the build, and that's what's missing for me in TFC at the moment. I love survival but i just end up restarting worlds over and over again because they get boring. Not saying the building in TFC isnt good, it's just not very player friendly with all the gravity mechanics and things like that. There probably need to be more accessible building blocks early to mid game to let people know that building IS possible and doesn't have to take ages to grind a small selection of usable blocks. I know that good roofing blocks should be kept out of early game, and actually support that, but the problem is mid-game for me at the moment. 


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a small selection of usable blocks


Uh, there are only 4 blocks that are affected by gravity: Dirt, Sand, Gravel and Cobblestone.


Everything else you can build with just fine with no restrictions. All the wood both logs and planks (17 different types in 78), smooth stone, raw stone, stone bricks (21 different types in 78). That's at least 97 different blocks you can build with right there that aren't affected by gravity.


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I really have no issues building at any stage.  Logs are perfect for early game, and mid game on I can use most things.  What I'd like to see is more aesthetic things like tables, chairs (with a sitting animation), etc.  


But honestly, I'm perfectly happy just adding other mods for that stuff.  There's no reason to put everything in one mod.  People have different tastes.


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What I mean is that though there's a lot of blocks I can use, the typical easy-access things are really hard to get in any kind of quantity. So My builds are constantly limited by materials, and even as I get red steel and blue steel it's hard to gather blocks. Basically kills endgame, because I've always seen the point of end-tier tools as the facilitation of quicker gathering of building materials and such.


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Oh.  I think Dunk has said something about implementing some machinery.  Maybe it will allow faster gathering.


Out of curiosity, what building materials do you feel are hard to gather.  Most of the things I make are of stone and wood, neither of which give me much trouble.


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I honestly don't know wtf you're talking about with regards to TFC being build-unfriendly. I always feel that vanilla minecraft is so much more bland when it comes to building than TFC is. There are about 20 different colors of wood, 20 different colors of stone, the chisel to make stone blocks that are aethetically pleasing and not affected by gravity - plus making microblocks, colored supports, log piles, thatch, stone walls of every color... seriously, what are you talking about? The only thing that's even close to hard to get is mortar, because it requires the damn flux stone (which btw is a real complaint for me. Being completely stalled until I get flux stone and have to travel a million miles to get it is not cool.) Also, cobblestone isn't even affected by gravity except straight down. You can stack it up as high as you want, it doesn't "roll downhill" like dirt does,. And why would you want to build out of dirt?


And it's really not hard to gather anything except flux. Lots of different trees are almost always within a couple day's walking distance.


Seriously, I'm confused.


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Something I think that would make things a little bit more interesting is if there were certain materials that you just couldn't gather without using certain other materials. As it stands now, the only real difference between the different metals is simply the speed and durability at which they mine. Maybe there should also be different tiers of materials that aren't able to be gathered without first getting different tiers of other tech.


Maybe the agriculture should be expanded so that it's more involved than just crafting a stone hoe to create farmland. Perhaps you could have a few different types of farming tools such as rakes (stone), plows (combinations of different metals and woods) or other implements that create better or worse farmlands that in turn are better or worse for different crops, or crops that can only be planted in, say, plowed fields vs. raked or hoed fields. A plow made out of copper with a spruce handle wouldn't be able to plow as deeply or have much worse durability than one made out of iron with a maple handle. Etc. etc. 


Maybe have some types of stones (or depths due to pressure and compression of the stone above it) that require certain tiers of metal to mine through. 


Basically, something that requires actual progression beyond just "hey now it's a little faster".


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With the fact that it is possible to find surface nuggets of every single metal in B78, forcing mining tiers is kind of pointless. There are already forced tiers in the creating of the tools due to the anvil restrictions.


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With the fact that it is possible to find surface nuggets of every single metal in B78, forcing mining tiers is kind of pointless. There are already forced tiers in the creating of the tools due to the anvil restrictions.


It's been a while since I've played TFC, but i'm sure up to this point that was not the case, right? I mostly remember finding copper ores from the surface nuggets. Does that mean there is no more depth restriction on how far the ore body could be below the surface? Or can any ore body be at shallow levels? Then in turn that would mean any rock type can be at the surface. 


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That's correct. Ores spawning in all layers of stone that their stone types spawn in is a mechanic new to B78. There are still "surface ores" which spawn in the upper regions of the top layer of stone, but everything has the possibility to spawn in the lower regions of the top layer, which is still shallow enough for the breaking of surface rocks to yield small pieces of these veins.


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