Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I need help

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I am a really new guy in this mod and i tried combining gold with copper and i got a ceramic vessel with 100 units of rose gold but i can not create anything with that. how can i use it? please answer seriosly thx!


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Rose gold isn't a tool-type metal, the only thing you can do with it is make an anvil, or make some red steel.


Tool metals, which can be used for tools and armor are copper, bronze, black bronze, bismuth bronze, wrought iron, steel, black steel, red steel, and blue steel


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Thx for your answer. Can you please tell me how do i make an anvil out of it?


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You'll need 14 ingots. Weld them into 7 double ingots. Combine the double ingots in the crafting grid with 3 across the top, 3 across the bottom, and 1 in the center.

The Wiki is comprehensive and well written on the creation and use of anvils.


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It might be too early for anvils though - if you're still trying to make your first metal tools, use copper or bronze in clay tool molds.


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Here's a few things you should read over, please make sure to read the pages fully to get the best understanding of what I have linked.There's a page on the wiki called Metals which will teach you many things about the different types of metal, namely what each metal can and cannot be crafted into. Refer to box one on this page in order to determine what each metal can make. It also goes over which temperature each metal needs to be at in order to be worked or welded, among other things.The first thing you should make is a Forge as you'll need to constantly reheat the metals, in order to weld or work them. You should also consider making a Bellows as it'll help quicken the process. The next thing you'll need is an Anvil; this page tells you how to make anvils (whether it be stone or metal) and an in-depth tutorial on how to use them. Make sure to read this page fully and carefully. Also, make sure to grab any Flux Stones that you find, you will need them for your anvil, the first box on this page tells you which stones are considered Flux.From there, if you want to make a metal anvil, you'll have to craft Double Ingots. You will have to heat up two ingots at your Forge, as well have a nearby Igneous Stone-anvil, that has a hammer in slot 4 and flux in slot 5. Put both of the heated ingots in the upper most left box and press weld, as displayed on the Double Ingots page. Remember, the Metal will begin to cool once you take it out of the Forge, so you only have a limited amount of time to weld it before you'll have to reheat it -- that means, you should let it heat up to a further degree than just the first level of being able to be welded. This applies to being worked, as well.If you're unsure on how to get Igneous Stone to use as an anvil, all you have to do is find an Igneous Stone block and dig away any blocks that are connected to it's sides -- it will then fall to the ground and you can relocate it to near your Forge. The Anvil page tells you which stone is considered Igneous. Here's another link that will help you when you would like to craft some Armor (by now, if you've read all the pages I've linked, you'll be able to understand the Armor page).


As suggested, you should probably work on Copper or Bronze tools before worrying about an anvil though, but I hope this helped either way. Make sure to refer to the wiki as much as possible, if you don't, you will have trouble with this mod.


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Thx for your answer. Can you please tell me how do i make an anvil out of it?

Like said, you need to make double ingots, then craft them in a 'I' shape.

It takes 14 ingots to make one anvil, plus 7 flux to fuse them

Rose gold is a tier 2 metal, so it needs a tier 1 anvil(copper) if you want to make double ingots out of them.

And to make the copper anvil, you need a tier 0 anvil, or the stone anvil.


Find a block of raw igneous stone block, and right click it with a hammer to make an stone anvil, use that to fuse 14 copper ingots into 7 copper double ingots, turn that into a copper anvil, then get 14 rose gold, and turn that into 7 rose gold double ingots then make the rose gold anvil.


It might be better to forget about the anvil until you get a decent supply of copper


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You can use 7 rose gold ingots to make an anvil, but it's honestly not worth it unless you have an abundance of copper.


What you should do is focus on making copper and bronze tools, and saving your extra bronze as ingots, when you have 14 use a stone anvil to make them into 7 double ingot and make a bronze anvil.


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You can't weld bronze ingots on stone anvil. You need copper anvil.


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