Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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slower starvation

31 posts in this topic

I like your second idea better, it would be not only easier to code, instead of doing a complete rewrite of hunger mechanics, it would also be simple enough for the basic player to understand, I myself still have problems understanding the idea of saturation in regular minecraft.(I understand how TFC does tho)


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I like your second idea better, it would be not only easier to code, instead of doing a complete rewrite of hunger mechanics, it would also be simple enough for the basic player to understand, I myself still have problems understanding the idea of saturation in regular minecraft.(I understand how TFC does tho)


Vanilla saturation is just more hidden hunger haunches. For example, in vanilla cooked chicken replenishes 3 haunches. If you eat a cooked chicken when you only are missing a single haunch worth of hunger, the remaining two are still there, but just invisible. So it just takes longer for you to see any decrease on your hunger bar, because it has to deplete those extra two hidden haunches first.


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Honestly I'd like to see a longer period where you are 'starving' but not 'dying.' It takes a long time to die of starvation!


Maybe reduce movement speed, reduce damage the player deals to enemies, increase damage enemies do to the player, maybe apply a greyish filter to the player's vision as a visual indicator that you are in a poor state. This would make it extremely desirable to avoid being in this state.


The handful of times where I have died to starvation have been pretty annoying, and it's usually because I lost track of things while exploring and have low health already, and suddenly I have very little time to get back to a source of food before I die.


Just a thought.


Like I stated, the near-instant death from starvation is actually a bug. In 79, the only way that you are going to die that quickly from starvation is if your health bar is only at like 10%. If for example, you were sitting at 40% health when you started starving, you would have 4 in game hours to get back and actually eat, or just over 3 minutes. It isn't that long if you think about it, but it is a lot better than the instant death that you get right now if you were at 40% and started starving.


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You know, I would like it if having a empty hunger bar didn't kill you, but rather made your nutrition bar drain faster, which is what will kill you.



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Yes, I think that's the better approach. It produces the desired mechanic and makes sense from a believability POV (using up the body's reserves).


I'll be satisfied with the bug fix in B79, but I actually think slower starvation would be more interesting. Contrarily, death in Minecraft isn't that big a deal, but avoiding death is interesting/fun.


And a slower starvation mechanism wouldn't be just about avoiding death -- it's about expanding player choices. You can choose to ignore your hunger for a while in order to concentrate on a project or expedition, enduring physical decline with resultant risks, then recover afterwards.


It would also give you more time to make a start in a bad spawn (desert, taiga, mountains), expanding the kinds of TFC you can play.


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Yes, I think that's the better approach. It produces the desired mechanic and makes sense from a believability POV (using up the body's reserves).


I'll be satisfied with the bug fix in B79, but I actually think slower starvation would be more interesting. Contrarily, death in Minecraft isn't that big a deal, but avoiding death is interesting/fun.


And a slower starvation mechanism wouldn't be just about avoiding death -- it's about expanding player choices. You can choose to ignore your hunger for a while in order to concentrate on a project or expedition, enduring physical decline with resultant risks, then recover afterwards.


It would also give you more time to make a start in a bad spawn (desert, taiga, mountains), expanding the kinds of TFC you can play.

" If the hunger bar is empty, and the player's average nutrition levels are less than 85%, the player will take damage at a rate of 50% max health every 30 in-game minutes."


Being that you keep up all your food levels you will not take dmg for starvation but only after you have had anything to eat in a while and making your food levels drop making better to be always on top of eating and keeping your levels up and hunger full


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