Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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sheep milk

13 posts in this topic

there are cheeses made from sheep milk. i cant find cows to save my life, so making cheese from sheep milk would be a good option.


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Horse milk would also be a realistic option


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Neither of these will be added because each mob has it's own specific purpose. If sheep could give milk, you would never have a use for cows since sheep provide everything that cows do, and have more offspring. Because each animal has its own purpose, you have to actually go out and find them all, instead of just finding a breeding pair of a single animal and never needing to go find anything else.


Currently these are the individual purposes:


Sheep - Wool for beds, bows, fishing rods, paintings and carpet

Cows - Milk for the nutritional health boost

Pigs - Ridiculous amount of offspring makes them ideal for breeding and slaughtering for meat and hides.

Chickens - Eggs (a very slow rotting protein) and feathers for arrows.

Pheasants -  An early source of feathers, but cannot be bred which encourages the hunt for chickens

Horses - Fast transportation

Wolves - A friendly pet to follow you around and protect you

Bears - Hostile mob, only there to kill you

Deer - Last ditch food option, mainly there to decorate the landscape.


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Cows - Milk for the nutritional health boost, as long as you can make vinegar. Since, you know, you can't actually drink milk yet.





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What if we had goats that give milk, but cannot be bred?

The cow version of pheasants.


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What if we had goats that give milk, but cannot be bred?

The cow version of pheasants.


Goats could be kinda hostile, that way you can't breed them, and to get the milk takes risk in getting hurt. Plus it would be awesome to see someone get rammed off the side of a mountain. :D


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Since you aim to split hairs: That bug's already been fixed for B79.


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I actually wouldn't mind milk coming from more than just cows.

While I understand Kitty's argument, it not only rubs my suspension of disbelief the wrong way (no believability, oh noes!), it also seems - yes, I'll risk saying so - quite flimsy given that in her examples several animal mobs serve the same function or their 'purposes' easily overlap (providing food in case of most animalsand a sole function in case of deer as well as what is decorative and what's not is really subjective, feathers in case of both chickens and pheasants in equal measure as in the wild player can easily find both). And there are plans to add even more animals anyway, so sooner or later the whole idea of specialization will be either making less sense or won't work even more.

Details of differences between those animals taken into account (as differences are mostly in details), I wouldn't mind it if goat would be giving milk less often and it wouldn't lead to exactly the same results as cow milk when processed - then the difference would be as big as they tend to be now (and here, values can be easily adjusted).

Really, in some biomes and parts of the world, raising sheep or goats instead of cows is both more logical and immersive, min-maxing profits from game mechanics nonwithstanding.


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Since you aim to split hairs: That bug's already been fixed for B79.


Has it really? FANTASTIC.

Though I'd be a bit sad if you can just drink it straight from the bucket, since that's a fucking LOT of a hard-to-digest liquid to down at once. I hope they added a milk jug that milk barrels spit out after placing an empty jug in. That would make me happy.


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Has it really? FANTASTIC.

Though I'd be a bit sad if you can just drink it straight from the bucket, since that's a fucking LOT of a hard-to-digest liquid to down at once. I hope they added a milk jug that milk barrels spit out after placing an empty jug in. That would make me happy.


Yeah, the bug was because Dunk had copy/pasted the water jug code, which had a damage value check on it that doesn't exist in milk buckets. I fixed it like a month ago for 79.


And buckets of milk actually have a tool tip on them stating that they only contain 20 oz of milk, which really isn't that much. Drinking the bucket replenishes 5 oz of hunger, and an amount of thirst somewhere between water bottles and water jugs.


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each animal is good for one thing, as kitty said, and that isn't changing.


It's one of those times where we slip away from believability in favour of gameplay.


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each animal is good for one thing, as kitty said, and that isn't changing.

I assume that if it's official word the suggestion is shot. But is it really like you/Kitty says? As mentioned above, it seems that many animals despite minor differences still serve the same function, especially since players don't find them in linear fashion (one can often find chickens before pheasants in regards to feather, deer being just there for food as whether it possess any more aesthetic value than, say, a pig is subjective etc).I really suspect that as new animals will be added, claim of their specialization will look more and more questionable. Guess time will tell.

It's one of those times where we slip away from believability in favour of gameplay.

Personally, I'd claim that humble degree of variation and alternative offered to the player in his choices would improve gameplay, not just believability in this case, but since I am not the one working on this mod, this opinion may not be valued much.Well, whatever differences in opinions, thanks for sharing devteam decision on this all the same.

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I assume that if it's official word the suggestion is shot. But is it really like you/Kitty says? As mentioned above, it seems that many animals despite minor differences still serve the same function, especially since players don't find them in linear fashion (one can often find chickens before pheasants in regards to feather, deer being just there for food as whether it possess any more aesthetic value than, say, a pig is subjective etc).I really suspect that as new animals will be added, claim of their specialization will look more and more questionable. Guess time will tell.Personally, I'd claim that humble degree of variation and alternative offered to the player in his choices would improve gameplay, not just believability in this case, but since I am not the one working on this mod, this opinion may not be valued much.Well, whatever differences in opinions, thanks for sharing devteam decision on this all the same.


I personally am in charge of allll of TFC's animals, so it kinda is the way things are gonna be :P


I will amend my first statement though; the spawn locations of certain animals are limited, and getting a hold of them can be difficult. Any given geographical region type won't have animals with the same function, just as no two animals fill the same niche in the same habitat, but can exist in similar ones when far apart, ie bison are the large grazing animal in north america whereas zebra, wildebeest and antelope fill a similar role in Africa. Although in terms of TFC, it is player uses that are filled, not ecological roles. 


Right now, cows are a source of large hides, meat and milk. They reproduce slowly however, and so beef farms are slower to generate meat.


Pigs are a source of small or medium hides and meat. Having an average of 10 piglets per litter, they reproduce very fast and so are a good source of meat.


Sheep are a source of wool, small to medium hides and meat. They reproduce faster than cows, being not limited to 1 baby per pregnancy, but still cannot compete with pigs. Wool will be more useful in the future.


Horses drop large hides and can be ridden for transportation, as well as drop meat. Like the cow, they reproduce slowly.


Chickens are a source of feathers, meat and eggs, and drop a very small amount of meat.


Pheasants function similarly to chickens, but do not lay eggs. They are one of the first examples of diversification of animals: they serve a similar purpose as the chicken, but the chicken is limited to jungle climates and pheasants can[/should] be found in colder areas.




It's quite likely that different areas will get animals that fill some of the roles that are already filled by existing animals, but in a way that it will be unlikely for players to have both animals.


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