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Cheese OP?

36 posts in this topic

Lactose tolerance is a genetic anomoly originally spread by Europeon farmers. There is nothing realistic about rolling randomly for genetic factors


Also dunkleosteus has said no to no to coding anything "disgusting"


If he is not willing to code manure (a valuable product with many uses), hes not willing to code vomit, diarrhea, flatulence etc


This is probably something that should be left to players to roleplay if they want to



My post was mostly commentary on just how OP chease is in game compared to RL. True that tolerance was European. Game wise with corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, and potatoes, which were crops originating from the Americas, Soy, rice, and some fruits were from Asia. I'd say Randomness on if dairy tolerance helps or hurts is fair. It's far more worldly crop wise, than just European farming.


Thus the doubt on those three mentioned.


Roleplay huh, That's an impractical idea. -There isn't config options to remove crops/animals which makes scenarios hugely difficult when half of the crops you find are European in origin and most breedable eatable animals that were eaten are European as well.

-Horse, cat, and dog were eaten in parts of Asia, but dunkleosteu would probably think it's a disgusting idea. 

-There's not exactly repopulating herds of wild animals.

-Fishing poles are silly, impractical, and meant for sport. Nets or fish traps were and still are the way most fishing is done(some tribes prefered spear fishing around the oceans).

-Soy was an asian crop. 


So no authentic ways of getting sustainable protein RPing several locations on earth. God help you if you try to RP sub-Saharan Africa, Pacific islander. those locals would be the worst.Not to mention You can get the nutrition from dairy else where anyway, but we can't get the dairy hp boost unless we eat it.


1 of the 75% ??? what are you talking about?*shortened.


1. I don't think asia means what you think it means. The Middle east, is considered western asia, and India is central asia. The Himalayas prevented any dairy culture reaching farther east than india.


2. True, Yogurt bacteria create the enzyme needed to break down lactose. and true it can be reduced in aged cheese(2 year old hard cheese has almost zero lactose), but neither are what you get in game is it?


3. Lactose from cows specifically is harsher on humans than the lactose from other animals. This is because the molocule of lactose in cow's milk is longer than in other animals.


4. the point of dairy? Calcium and Vitamin D. Alternative foods rich in calcium - broccoli, collard greens, kale, okra, spinach, turnip greens, salmon, almonds, soybeans, dried fruit, and tofu. Several cultures just eat the fish bones for the calcium.  Where to get Vitamin D? Sunlight, Mackeral, Herring, eggs, Tuna, Catfish, Salmon, Mushrooms.


 Game wise, we shouldn't need dairy to boost our HP if we have soybeans or if Salmon were added. The player would get Vitamin D just running around in the sun anyway. If the dairy mechanic is to stay as is(which is fine), and no new crops/fish are added, soybeans and regular fish, should also count towards dairy. There's a reason for so many fishing cultures around the world.


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There is going to be a bias in articles written in English. Almost every English speaking country is dominated by lactose tolerant people


The developed genetic anamoly is actually lactose tolerance, but given that medical terminology was written by people who are lactose tolerant.....well you get the idea


Group think and information bias does not imply a conspiracy is at foot


So basiclly your saying that since you think English writen articles are biased cause there mostly dominated by lactose tolerant people isnt a conspiracy theorie ......




As dairy farming spread across the globe, after the separation of Europe-derived populations from Asian- and African-derived populations, and after the colonization of Europe, the strong positive selection occurred in a large region, leading to the global spread of lactase persistence.


In other words, yes the spread of europeans had something to do with the spread, but it wasnt the only factor since the diary farming spread across the globe. The root of the genetic anomoly derives from the diary being consumed in the first place, not the europeens population being across the globe to spread there genes simply cause they were to first to start with diary farming, Africa/Southeast Asia would good a examples of that fact (although im unsure how many europeens are in the latter of the two).

The only concistent thing across the whole "anomoly" are domestic cattle, much more so then europeen diary farmers.


And just an FYI its phenotypes = "lactase persistent" and Hypolactasia = "lactase non-persistent" if you really want to go the genetics way of things. And thus also lactase persistent and not lactose tolerance ;)


Game wise, we shouldn't need dairy to boost our HP if we have soybeans or if Salmon were added. The player would get Vitamin D just running around in the sun anyway. If the dairy mechanic is to stay as is(which is fine), and no new crops/fish are added, soybeans and regular fish, should also count towards dairy. There's a reason for so many fishing cultures around the world.


Hmm even though id agree on the vitamin D point of the agrument, for some reason i think im going to raise an eyebrow if i see fish or soybeans raising a bar called dairy.


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I am just saying that 75% of the world population is not totally lactose intolerant ( read this The actual number of people that are totally unable to digest dairy and have severe reaction to it is actually very low. And of the people that have a mild lactose intolerance very few are affected by cheese and yogurts.


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A working link to what Djakuta just posted is here


You will notice the article only samples people in the USA. Then you will notice Djakuta then makes conclusions based off scientific data from the article


Djakuta isn't trying to hide statistics from outside the USA. He probably chose the article because it was readily available


lordbufu, the practice of dairy farming originated from Europe, and spread where Europeons spread. Maybe I emphasized Europeon farmers too much, but considering they were the ones who distributed the cow milk that sounded to me at least a reasonable way of saying it


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Definitely not trying to hide statistics. Is just that is very easy to distort facts depending on the wording of the statistic.


consider this from cavemen to today roughly 14 Billion people were born in this planet. We have 7 Billion people alive today.

So I could conclude that only 50% of all the people ever born have die.

In the sequence Maybe I will never die.


I have no idea what the actual numbers are, but i think  we all would be surprised if we could see all the numbers divided into categories from totally intolerant passing to mild tolerant all the way to full capable of absorbing all the nutrients in milk. 

since most pools are paid by someone with a agenda, be it the dairy industry or the natural options to it. I don't think we will ever know the truth of the issue.

I just go with my guts. I am my family have all drunk milk since forever without any noticeable reactions. Most people I know are not lactose intolerant. I had travel to other countries (never Asian countries) with the same experience. most people drink milk and eat pizza with cheese. So unless you can tell me with certainty after visiting China (or if you are Chinese) that no one there drinks milk ever or eats cheese. I will say that the 75% is a gross exaggeration.


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lordbufu, the practice of dairy farming originated from Europe, and spread where Europeons spread. Maybe I emphasized Europeon farmers too much, but considering they were the ones who distributed the cow milk that sounded to me at least a reasonable way of saying it


Originated would have been a much more suited way to word it indeed, spreading across the globe seems to be a thing for us Europeans i cant deny that. But just because it correlates with something doesn't make certain things a fact, for all we know it spread cause someone came to Europe instead of Europe coming to them so to speak :)


On a side note, why are we having this discussion about dairy anyways whats the obsession that people have with lactose intolerance in the first place ? I mean i dint read anything about gluten intolerance, witch is a thing for grains obviously (i know at least 2 people in my town that have this issue non with lactose issues though), if id really try i could proll find something on each food group in the game/mod tbh but why on earth is Lactose such an issue ??


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TFC doesn't have to represent the world in total loyalty; and thus far has been decidedly skewed toward Europeanish / Middle Eastish scientific discovery, in how we present the timeline of history. Think of it like a version of the world where no one has to crap themselves from eating cheese :)


As far as my aversion to anything disgusting... It's not so much that as that I don't want to have toilet humour... TFC is one of the more serious mods out there, in our approach to the game and the execution, and I just feel like it would ruin the atmosphere. I've rescinded my original rejection to manure given ONLY that it is deemed completely necessary; if it feels like a poop joke, I wouldn't want it.


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Hmm even though id agree on the vitamin D point of the agrument, for some reason i think im going to raise an eyebrow if i see fish or soybeans raising a bar called dairy.

I was suggesting those simply because of experience.  I was born lactose intolerant and had to be fed soy milk instead of dairy or even human milk to survive as a baby. Currently I just keep some fish in my diet and I do just fine. Tuna and soy are quite the super foods. If I had no access to either, I'd powder egg shell, and mix it with rice to get needed Calcium. I also find adding it to flour then using it for breading like fried chicken or country fried streak a good way fo getting calcium without affecting taste.It was just a suggestion on the premise that Terrafirmacraft was based on earth as a whole. Since Dunk has just said other wise, I really have no leg to stand on when considering cheese OP compared to RL from this particular angle. As for cheese being OP from an ease to get stand point... Pig farm, all I gotta say.


Hardest things to get, probably wool or eggs, I still haven't found any sheep or chickens and I've been playing for about a month lol. 


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I was suggesting those simply because of experience.  I was born lactose intolerant and had to be fed soy milk instead of dairy or even human milk to survive as a baby. Currently I just keep some fish in my diet and I do just fine. Tuna and soy are quite the super foods. If I had no access to either, I'd powder egg shell, and mix it with rice to get needed Calcium. I also find adding it to flour then using it for breading like fried chicken or country fried streak a good way fo getting calcium without affecting taste.It was just a suggestion on the premise that Terrafirmacraft was based on earth as a whole. Since Dunk has just said other wise, I really have no leg to stand on when considering cheese OP compared to RL from this particular angle. As for cheese being OP from an ease to get stand point... Pig farm, all I gotta say.


Hardest things to get, probably wool or eggs, I still haven't found any sheep or chickens and I've been playing for about a month lol. 


Powderd egg shells .... ques you learn something new everyday, never heard of that one before tbh. Tuna and soy, i could imagen things being worst though, although i dont have soy on a regular basis, i really love tuna or salmon for that matter ;)  nom nom nom fishy nom nom nom :D


Pigs :rolleyes:  i cant seem to build pens large or save enough or contain there offspring, but on there are changes to breeding on the horizon that might make it a bit harder to domesticate/breed them by mass numbers and getting tons of meat :wub:  cant wait to see how those work out.


The key to sheep seems to be mountains, although im not sure why i thought that was more of a goat then a sheep thing.

The key to chickens how ever i dunno, maybe luck, i heard a rooster at times never found it/them though they did keep waking me up around sun rise each day before i started a fresh new world :P


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I am sorry to hear about your food allergies.

Don't get me wrong. I understand how hard it must be for you in a world where most foods have some kind of dairy.

I just don't think is in the scope of this mod to recreate all kinds of food allergies and illness that affect humanity.

Remember believable not realistic.

Also do we really want to add diseases to minecraft? 

This is a game we are supposed to have fun and not be reminded of all the hardships of real life.

I for sure do not want to see my character suffering from black plague.  


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I'm surprised cheese isn't also a source of protein, but that would definitely make cheese OP.


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