Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Just started! Any tips?

8 posts in this topic

Hello I just started this mod from the ATL launcher.


Any tips/tuts to start me off? (i looked at the start guide on the wiki)


Also i cant find clay :(


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Goldenrod flowers are the best way to find clay. They only grow on top of clay deposits.


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A lot of people find that food is one of their initial challenges. Not having enough logs or sticks won't kill you while you huddle in your shelter the first night, but starvation might. TFC has a lot of different crops which grow in the wild, and since we're on 1.6, the only flowers that you'll see are roses, dandelions and the goldenrod that kitty posted. Anything else is likely food.


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You can't get salt until you're out of the stone age. Even though you can find rock salt in the stone age, you won't be able to grind it until you have a chisel so that you can make smooth stone to make a quern to grind it into salt. So for now you should just cook all of your meat as soon as you get it.


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Use a mod that allows way-points to be set, and mark locations of note. You probably don't know enough about the mod to know much of what is noteworthy, but you could be marking areas with copper bearing rocks on the surface, groups of animals, fruit trees - anything that you can can capitalize on later. For example, you might find three pigs, but it would be foolish to kill all three (or maybe even one if other food is abundant) since the meat will just rot in your inventory and on the ground.


The location I suggest for a first home should have ready access (in sight) to all of the following: trees, fresh water, and tall grass (for thatch). I consider access to coastal oceans very desirable for the mobility it provides once you get a boat. I really don't care about proximity to ore anymore. Ore veins are huge, and mining trips are more like excursions rather than quick little jaunts for a few extra copper. For example, once you find a copper vein, it may possibly supply all the copper you'll ever need. You'll be heading there with a pack full of tools and food, and returning to base with a pack full of ore. You don't do this frequently, so it's not a big deal if you have to travel half a day to get there.


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What I have done (i know) But i have spawned 6 salt , 5 clay (for a test) shortly after I found a huge clay deposit and replaced 3 cooked pork with raw pork. 


I know its sort of cheating but I'm gonna make it so i can spawn 1 cheapish item per week. (like some servers do)


But I did cheat some things in but that salt is gonna be something to last me.



Im a cheater in singleplayer (i get bored)



I hope those things that i spawned are literally worth nothing. But im a idiot i know that :P



Thanks for the tips all :)


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Play how you want but TFC is all about being hard. Part of its greatest pleasure is that advancement is hard and sometimes time-consuming. Finding all the stuff you want/need is rarely easy, finding your first vein is exciting because using the pro-pick initially is difficult, getting copper tools feels great because there is plenty that needs to happen before you hit that point.


This is a fairly large assumption but normally game players get bored because the level of difficulty is not 'correct' for them, if you're cheating items in then youre altering the level of difficulty that the devs work really hard to implement. Balance is crucial to any game, cheating normally destroys balance (unless its used to overcome a bug).


I'd really advocate chucking that salt in a big hole and waiting until you find rock salt and are able to grind it. That might take a few hours, it might take a few days, but then you'll have a real sense of achievement after reaching that goal. It's what makes TFC great.


As for clay, just walk around for a bit, if you get moving I'd be very surprised if you didnt find clay in plentiful supplies, I normally find at least 4-5 deposits within 500 blocks of any base.


The usefulness of salt really depends on your latitude, if you're in a cold environment then food lasts for ages, especially if you stick it in a vessel underground.


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