Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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13 posts in this topic

The book writing in Minecraft was a major factor in many adventure maps. Up until the big latest command block update. In TFC you always start of with the innate ability to create a copper pick etc. There is no learning needed (Wiki help obviously). But my main thing I have noticed is that although yes you progress from Stone to copper etc. there is no way of documenting it in like a journal and there are no left over books lying around to 'teach' your character how to make these tools that is required, if I wasnt aware of the wiki I would have struggled to figure out what was needed however if there were like an abandoned villages or an in-game guide to tell you how to make the items (Or a sort of guru character to show you the path) then that would make it a lot more interactive and would allow you to progress in a realistic/believable fashion because nobody is born knowing how to tie their shoe laces for example.


So if you included books then that would be an easy way of saying "Oh this book washed up on shore I wonder what it may include" and that is how you can get recipes etc.

Also the ability to keep a little in game diary would be cool and cute :P


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Discoverable instructional manuals would make sense if TFC had dungeons with chests (or libraries with bookshelves) that contain randomly generated items


If you play multiplayer, people can write them if they want them


You can already make a in game diary in TFC


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I Like the game mechanic of unlocking technology.

In Real Life nomad population did not use much clay until they settle. Clay is heavy and breaks easy.

Metal came after when people working on clay were able to smelt metal.

What I think should be is a way to unlock knowledge.

I don't like the idea of having to find a book on a dungeon.

I prefer to have a table that I have to fill with different food, like to prove that I established my farms and I am settle.

Once you meet some criteria you would get a book with the knowledge of metal working.

If you think about is not different them the crafting grid that is unlocked by 4 wood blocks. 


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I wasnt meaning dungeon loot I was meaning like you would spawn with a little backstory and a progression style questing system like "well done you have found clay here is how you use it" but not as simple as that.


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Restrictions based off of having to unlock technologies would make sense if TFC was a mod designed for single player


But it isn't, so there should be no reason why new tribespeople/townspeople/cityfolk etc would have to "reinvent the wheel" to work on the same technologies everyone else is using


It might be a good idea to point out that if ingame instructions were to be provided, such instructions should be implemented after the TFC tech tree is finalized. Otherwise the devs would have to constantly update them to prevent them from being misleading after releases change the tech tree


You may have also noticed the TFC devs do not keep the TFC wiki up to date (and yes I know they have delegated this responsibility to other people). The point is, if they don't want to spend the time to keep out of game documentation up to date, do you really think they want to keep updating the in-game documentation?


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Restrictions based off of having to unlock technologies would make sense if TFC was a mod designed for single player


But it isn't, so there should be no reason why new tribespeople/townspeople/cityfolk etc would have to "reinvent the wheel" to work on the same technologies everyone else is using

Your argument has some merit. Whenever I play on a server the phrase I hear more often is :"Can I borrow a saw?" So they can unlock the crafting grid and bypass the whole stone age.

What I would like is to see more unlocking mechanics like the 4 wood blocks for the crafting grid. But following a natural development.

I have a post about that here and I think maybe books could be used as a symbol for obtaining the knowledge.

If people on multiplayer want to bypass all that, all they have to do is to as a friend for the items to unlock the knowledge.


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Restrictions based off of having to unlock technologies would make sense if TFC was a mod designed for single player


TFC was designed for single-player as the mod authors state that it is not designed for server use so dont complain to them if it goes wrong, and the tech tree unlocks etc would be fantastic as not only a progression but a comparison so for example (using the names bob and steve) "Hey Bob have you unlocked the ability to tan leather", "No Steve I havent however i have found out how to irrigate my crops"


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The mod authors and Kitty have stated many many times that TFC is balanced for multiplayer and that balance issues related to single player may occur


And a couple of points


Books are probably not a good way of transfering knowledge. You come in to the TFC world with nothing but your magical invisible backpack/container or whatever it you want to call your inventory


People without tools, clothes, and shelter are not going to worry about inventing paper and books before they unlock thier first tools


Even clay tablets, probably the first reasonable source of writing would not be a first week priority, let alone first day


The far majority of humans in a society have been illiterate throughout any TFC timeframe. Transfering information by writing makes no sense


And making people teach you things would basically result in it making it annoying to teach new playershow to do things. Basically you would be making new players a burden on everyone else and making it harder for them to contribute to a existing server


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You may have also noticed the TFC devs do not keep the TFC wiki up to date (and yes I know they have delegated this responsibility to other people). The point is, if they don't want to spend the time to keep out of game documentation up to date, do you really think they want to keep updating the in-game documentation?



The only reason that the wiki is still out of date is because I am only a single person, and other than one or two other people who do occasional updates, there is literally nobody else helping update it. You are extremely wrong in stating that we don't want to spend the time to keep the out of game documentation up to date. You actually have it so backwards that I'm personally offended by it. I would absolutely love to spend all of my time actually getting the wiki properly updated to the latest build. The wiki is my baby, and I am extremely proud of what progress I have made on it. The problem is that since I am not getting paid to update the wiki, it is therefore not my official job, and other time-consuming things in my life such as going to school must take higher priority. If I could drop every single other responsibility in my life and just work on the wiki, I honestly would. But because I am only a single human being that just isn't possible, and it's horribly selfish of anybody to expect me to do so.


TFC was designed for single-player as the mod authors state that it is not designed for server use so dont complain to them if it goes wrong, and the tech tree unlocks etc would be fantastic as not only a progression but a comparison so for example (using the names bob and steve) "Hey Bob have you unlocked the ability to tan leather", "No Steve I havent however i have found out how to irrigate my crops"


You are wrong. TFC is designed for multi-player. The statement on the Servers forum explicitly says "TFC is not entirely stable so do not complain to server admins about stuff not working." This means that TFC isn't stable for multiplayer or for single-player. The key difference is that if something goes wrong in multiplayer, the players usually complain to the server admin; which they shouldn't do because it isn't the server admin's fault it isn't working in most cases.


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The only reason that the wiki is still out of date is because I am only a single person, and other than one or two other people who do occasional updates, there is literally nobody else helping update it. You are extremely wrong in stating that we don't want to spend the time to keep the out of game documentation up to date. You actually have it so backwards that I'm personally offended by it. I would absolutely love to spend all of my time actually getting the wiki properly updated to the latest build. The wiki is my baby, and I am extremely proud of what progress I have made on it. The problem is that since I am not getting paid to update the wiki, it is therefore not my official job, and other time-consuming things in my life such as going to school must take higher priority. If I could drop every single other responsibility in my life and just work on the wiki, I honestly would. But because I am only a single human being that just isn't possible, and it's horribly selfish of anybody to expect me to do so.


When I said the devs do not keep the wiki up to date I was referring to Bioxx/dunkleosteus not keeping the wiki up to date


They have delegated this task to other people, of which Kitty makes >90% of the wiki changes


I was not criticizing the fact the wiki is not updated as much as it could be


Of course if Kitty is also considered to be a TFC developer rather than a occasional contributor, then I shouldn't be using the devs phrase to refer to just Bioxx/dunkleosteus and I unintentionally stated Kitty doesn't want to spend the time to keep the wiki up to date


Hmm looking at the github commits. Kitty and emris do make a lot of changes...But its a title, which probably means that Bioxx would have to state it for it to be true. Of course he could have stated it and I never saw the statement


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Hmm looking at the github commits. Kitty and emris do make a lot of changes...But its a title, which probably means that Bioxx would have to state it for it to be true. Of course he could have stated it and I never saw the statement


Don't quite have the title of Dev yet. Hopefully someday soon I will have earned it. :) However, I do get lumped into the category of "The Devs" the majority of the time on these forums, because it's more commonly used interchangeably with "The TFC Staff".


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Kitty: "The wiki is my baby, and I am extremely proud of what progress I have made on it."

TFC's wiki is much more clear and well presented than the vanilla one on gamepedia. Sure something to be proud of. Well done kitty.


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Kitty, you are so much present in the Forums and the IRC channel as well as the Wiki, that I'm sometimes wonder if there actually is a live outside of TFC for you :D

I am downright amazed how much time and effort one can put into a hobby and still are able to do the things they actually have to.

I really admire your great work, Kitty!

(Of course, the same goes for Dunk and Bioxx, they're just not as present here on the forums as you ;) )


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