Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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b79 Staying ahead of the nutrition monster

18 posts in this topic

All of my nutrition bars are nearly empty, even though I have been eating as balanced a diet as I can manage (grain, veggie, and protein).  I can not eat any more food than I already am, since my saturation bar is full (the green one under the hydration bar).


This has resulted in me having ~100 maximum health, so now I am even more afraid to venture outside.


How can I get foods that are more nutritious for the same saturation value? I suspect the answer has to do with my player's preferred taste proflie, but I don't know how to determine that.


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Yea this has been a hell of a problem for me too, but I believe this might go int the support thread.I was down to literally 150 something before I died the first time, only took one hit.


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Yeah same issues here, most foods dosn't seem to have any taste atm unless you cook them to different degrees.

I messed around in a testworld a bunch and the only way i could come up with is to have multible food items of the same category but with different tastes, say a sweet and a bitter fruit, the bitter one *seemed* to fill up my saturation better but its hard to tell.


Its also strange that say lemons arn't sour and sugar isn't sweet, but i guess thats due to the seed/nick randomness.


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The amount of accuracy on the taste profiles of foods is determined by your cooking skill if I remember correctly. That means that starting players can't really distinguish and all the values seem to be at zero. But I do think that some flavours should be obvious in the tooltip even with no Cooking skill. It's not believable to have a lemon and it says 'not sour'.


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If you look in the changelog, you can know that while a meat's taste is random, a crop's taste depends on the environment it grew in.

However, it gives no advice on what environmental factors actually effect the taste, or how to know your tastes.


I'm currently down to health 90~100. 


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The amount of accuracy on the taste profiles of foods is determined by your cooking skill if I remember correctly. That means that starting players can't really distinguish and all the values seem to be at zero. But I do think that some flavours should be obvious in the tooltip even with no Cooking skill. It's not believable to have a lemon and it says 'not sour'.


The problem isn't that the tooltip is too ambiguous, it's that people aren't interpreting it correctly.


'Not Sour' does not mean that the lemon isn't actually sour. 'Not Sour' means that in relation to what kind of sour your player finds delicious, that food is less.


A good comparison would be for spicy food. For somebody who likes the super crazy hot sauces with the biohazard symbol on them, a standard jar of mild salsa would be 'Not Spicy' to them. To another person who has absolutely no tolerance at all for heat, that mild jar of salsa would be considered 'Spicy'.


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Oh. Oh. That makes a lot more sense I guess.


Um, wait, then... what 'taste' are we looking for?

I get that 'Not ___' is a bad thing, but are we looking for "____" or "very ___"?


I mean, I like spicy things, but I don't like very spicy things. So does that mean the best value is a normal "(insert flavor here)", or is the food 'tastier' as the values get higher?


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There are a possible 6 different values that you can see once your cooking skill is high enough:


Not, Not Very, Somewhat, Moderately, Perfectly, Overly, Very, Extremely, Ridiculously
You are aiming for 'Perfectly'

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'Not Sour' does not mean that the lemon isn't actually sour. 'Not Sour' means that in relation to what kind of sour your player finds delicious, that food is less.

How about "Not sour enough"? That implies a relative value as opposed to "Not Sour" which implies an absolute value (sour == 0).


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it's all about aiming for ridiculously spicy and challenging people to eat it =p


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How about "Not sour enough"? That implies a relative value as opposed to "Not Sour" which implies an absolute value (sour == 0).


It only looks like an absolute value when you have a super low cooking skill. See above for all the possibilities.


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But then to get cooking to adept you still need to cook a lot of meals. Cooking on a demand basis means you need about a year to get your skill to adept, during which your nutrition bar will have dropped to 0 several times already.


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But then to get cooking to adept you still need to cook a lot of meals. Cooking on a demand basis means you need about a year to get your skill to adept, during which your nutrition bar will have dropped to 0 several times already.


Or since TFC is aimed at multiplayer, you delegate a primary "chef" of the server who makes the meals for just about everybody, since it's the skill of the person who made the meal that determines what level of tooltips show up on the item.


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Personally I'd question the choice of taste effects on nuitrition being based off of trial and error for individuals, while the intent of the system seems to be specialization of labor so a server chef makes meals for everyone


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I wish cooking took less skill. I mean, if I eat the ingredients one at a time, I'm constantly struggling and juggling multiple types of food.

If I make meals, due to my low cooking levels and since I don't know what effects the taste of the ingredients, I'm pretty much making meals than throwing it away again and again trying to get my cooking levels up.


It's just too much of a grind to really enjoy....


Oh, and I hit 50 HP and it won't go down anymore....


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I very much appreciate that you aim this for multiplayer, as honest Minecraft is just more fun with more than one player. However some people prefer to play alone (or don't have a server), and the game should be reasonably playable for those people as well.

In addition for example the people I usually play with are those "No I do it on my own!" type of guys, so again there wouldn't be a dedicated chef.


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There are a possible 6 different values that you can see once your cooking skill is high enough:


Not, Not Very, Somewhat, Moderately, Perfectly, Overly, Very, Extremely, Ridiculously
You are aiming for 'Perfectly'



Thank you very much Kitty. this answers my question.  All this time I had been thinking that the player had some kind of absolute preferred taste profile, such as I like 87 sweet and 45 savory.  But now I see that it is a relative measurement, and the tooltip describes the taste of the food relative to the profile.  I just hadn't gotten to a high enough cooking skill, yet.


Oh, and sorry about not realizing there was a thread on this topic in the Support section. I thought this was an intended feature, so I didn't look in Support at all.


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