Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Decay rates in large vessels & barrels

9 posts in this topic

I'm not sure if this has been addressed already or not, but I looked around a bit and couldn't find an answer...


Anyway, I'm wondering if barrels and large vessels also decrease decay rates just like normal vessels?


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They do not. However, you can put the food inside the small vessel and then that vessell inside the large ones and barrels


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Just going to confirm what EstebanLB has said.


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It not decrease decay even sealed? bu... but why? D=


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They do not. However, you can put the food inside the small vessel and then that vessell inside the large ones and barrels


Huh and that prevents rotting?Tthe last time I played, food in a small vessel in a large vessel rotted faster than food in a small vessel on the ground.


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Huh and that prevents rotting?Tthe last time I played, food in a small vessel in a large vessel rotted faster than food in a small vessel on the ground.


It doesn't matter if the vessel is in a large vessel, a barrel, a chest, or placed on the ground. All the food cares about is that it's in a vessel. The only reason there would be any sort of difference is if the spot where you put it on the ground is colder than the spot where the large vessel is located.


You also need to keep in mind that decay compounds, and the initial decay tick is a random amount. You can have two pieces of food in exactly the same environment, and one will hit 50% decay sooner than the other one, because it got a larger initial random decay amount.


If you want to do any sort of tests to prove my statement right or wrong, you need a large sample size (I suggest 5 pieces of food per container) and you need to get rid of any other variables (Temperature, Light Level, Food Group, Decay before you start the test, etc).


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That explains why all our towns food rotted in 3 months. Since we can't fit full stacks of food in small vessels any more that's going to make it extremely difficult and inefficient trying to store food for the long periods of time needed in smp (what tfc is balanced for, right?) Is it intentional that vessels not hold full food stacks? Because I feel that's a little harsh. It takes a lot of food to feed out town and we only get one major harvest a year.


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Yes it was an intentional change that you can no longer store 40 lbs of food within a single inventory slot. However, that number was simply cut in half. There is nothing stopping you from storing 4, 80 oz pieces of food in your vessel, and there is nothing stopping you from putting a bunch of those vessels in the solid storage of a large vessel and carrying it around on your back.

Edit: In case you forgot, you can craft food with no decay on it with a knife to cut it in half. The small vessel still has the decay modifier even if you put it inside of a large vessel. The large vessel simply makes no change to decay rates with the exception on pickling.


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Personally, I like to use the large vessels as food storage. It takes so much less effort as opposed to the smaller ones, which require too many steps just to retrieve items from. I think changing large vessels to have the same "vessel quality" as the smaller vessels, such that decay is reduced when sealed, would be very useful. Now this would mean we could no longer put vessels into large vessels, but I don't think that's all that useful anyway.


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