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placeable ingots (show off your swag to the world)

26 posts in this topic

hi there

while chatting on the esper network,

many people began to talk about there massive metal stockpiles and how there was nothing to do with it.

one of us came up with the idea of placeable ingots.

the theory

- all ingots have the same model

- the model would work in the same way that flint looks

- only non welded ingots could be placed


many times while playing adventure maps or while exploring a stronghold, i ve always wanted to see a large room stacked with gold and gems.

placeable coinage

- coins would be made from copper, silver, gold and maybe platinum

- when placed on a block, coins create a large sack of coins

- coins could be used for quick currency on servers or as an easy way to transport alot of valued metal

- coins would need to be minted (minting anvil and minting hammer)

- the minting hammer has one side of the coin on the head, and the anvil has the other

i am open to suggestions


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ingot piles similar to log piles have already been suggested

I'm definitely on board, it would be a great touch

The coins are an interesting concept that could use some more discussion and fleshing out


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I like the idea, also when playing on an RP server, the king should have a treasure room filled with stacks of coins and ingots!

Not some ugly chests with ingots and coins inside! you want to show the world how rich you are!


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ingot piles similar to log piles have already been suggested

I'm definitely on board, it would be a great touch

The coins are an interesting concept that could use some more discussion and fleshing out

yea i did see some other posts on the subject, but i wanted to come up with my own ideas. i wonder how coins could be done hmmm any ideas?


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yea i did see some other posts on the subject, but i wanted to come up with my own ideas. i wonder how coins could be done hmmm any ideas?

It helps the dev team sort through our crap when all of it is in the same place. Bioxx is probably not going to copy-paste any of our ideas word for word anyway...reading them might inspire him to try his hand at creating something with a similar feeling. At least, that's what I've been thinking. :U

As far as minting coins, they could be created with a plan (scribing table) on the anvil. At least, until something better comes along.


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It helps the dev team sort through our crap when all of it is in the same place. Bioxx is probably not going to copy-paste any of our ideas word for word anyway...reading them might inspire him to try his hand at creating something with a similar feeling. At least, that's what I've been thinking. :U

As far as minting coins, they could be created with a plan (scribing table) on the anvil. At least, until something better comes along.

maybe the coins should be able to be made of something that, otherwise, is fairly useless so people dont run around melting coins down to get metals to make their tools with

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- look up snip -

Not sure I follow. (You're saying people would melt their money to reuse the metal?) Wouldn't coins be made mostly out of precious metals, which aren't useful for tools anyway? If we want some copper, or other useful-metal coins, could we just make the coin minting process unreversible? (I imagined one ingot would get you a decent handful of coins, by the way...) Or it could be made so that melting down coins is only possible in bloomeries where every bunch of coins would only give you the appropriate amount of metal in return...?


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I think placable ingots are awesome idea. It would by cool to store them in you basement.


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Not sure I follow. (You're saying people would melt their money to reuse the metal?) Wouldn't coins be made mostly out of precious metals, which aren't useful for tools anyway? If we want some copper, or other useful-metal coins, could we just make the coin minting process unreversible? (I imagined one ingot would get you a decent handful of coins, by the way...) Or it could be made so that melting down coins is only possible in bloomeries where every bunch of coins would only give you the appropriate amount of metal in return...?

i am thinking the same thing with the coins only being melted in a bloomery.

also maybe we should try and figure out a way to make coins useful in some other way, maybe if bioxx allowed villages to spawn we could trade coins for goods?

on that thought what if villages had there own coins (instead of emeralds) and we had to deal with price mark up

10 copper coins from player = 5 of the villager currency ?


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Placeable ingots: love the idea.

Coins: not so sure... I think the survival is something to do all by yourself, wth no one else help; then, what would coins be useful for, if there's no one you can give them to? Although you could be a little greedy and just like to see some coins, even if you can't use it. For that reason, i wouldn't like the coins to be added to the mod itself.

Anyways, talking about multiplayer, it's different; mostly, if it is a big server were there are villages, cities and things like that. In that case, having coins would be really useful, as long as you found some of those precious metals for creating them. The coin the town uses would depend, mostly, of which metals are found beneath or close to it.

Also, it could be done, not with plans, but with coin ceramic molds, which are made in the same way the ceramic molds are -except that they would be made by clay in a chest-like shape in the crafting table-. out of the 8 clay it takes to made them, as they break like ceramic molds for getting the coins, you would get 16 coin molds. You would also need some liquid metal, for pouring it in the mold -something you have to do carefully, as you don't want to pour any liquid metal in yourself, or in the ground...-.


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Placeable ingots: love the idea.

Coins: not so sure... I think the survival is something to do all by yourself, wth no one else help; then, what would coins be useful for, if there's no one you can give them to? Although you could be a little greedy and just like to see some coins, even if you can't use it. For that reason, i wouldn't like the coins to be added to the mod itself.

Anyways, talking about multiplayer, it's different; mostly, if it is a big server were there are villages, cities and things like that. In that case, having coins would be really useful, as long as you found some of those precious metals for creating them. The coin the town uses would depend, mostly, of which metals are found beneath or close to it.

Also, it could be done, not with plans, but with coin ceramic molds, which are made in the same way the ceramic molds are -except that they would be made by clay in a chest-like shape in the crafting table-. out of the 8 clay it takes to made them, as they break like ceramic molds for getting the coins, you would get 16 coin molds. You would also need some liquid metal, for pouring it in the mold -something you have to do carefully, as you don't want to pour any liquid metal in yourself, or in the ground...-.

coins are traditionally hammered, so i was thinking with an anvil or dye (coin stamping tool) you could hammer some coins from metal sheeting.

for servers, coins would create an economy

people with iron coins could sell them for nickel coins, nickel coins get sold off for steel coins and so on

if the coins could be melted down, it could help destribute needed metals around as people with one form of coin buy or sell for other ones to gain the metal from them.

i still like the idea of having a pile of gold coins at the ready in single player, just because i like making an village with MPCs around my house :)


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ingot piles similar to log piles have already been suggested

I'm definitely on board, it would be a great touch

The coins are an interesting concept that could use some more discussion and fleshing out

The piles were not just suggested.. It was Bioxx who said he would be adding in some way of stacking ingots like you can logs into a pile. Money is also a separate topic and #1 is the desire to make it so you can not stack tons of ingots as coins for transport then melt them back down.


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The piles were not just suggested.. It was Bioxx who said he would be adding in some way of stacking ingots like you can logs into a pile. Money is also a separate topic and #1 is the desire to make it so you can not stack tons of ingots as coins for transport then melt them back down.

i understand Crysyn, when i started this topic, it was to see how much support the idea of placeable ingots would get


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The piles were not just suggested.. It was Bioxx who said he would be adding in some way of stacking ingots like you can logs into a pile. Money is also a separate topic and #1 is the desire to make it so you can not stack tons of ingots as coins for transport then melt them back down.

coins wouldn't be better storage if 1 ingot=8 coins

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coins wouldn't be better storage if 1 ingot=8 coins

but coins can stack and i dont think ingots can

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The piles were not just suggested.. It was Bioxx who said he would be adding in some way of stacking ingots like you can logs into a pile. Money is also a separate topic and #1 is the desire to make it so you can not stack tons of ingots as coins for transport then melt them back down.

Oh wow, straight from the modder's mouth? Fuckin' A.

I just realized though - having heated ingots may cock up the process of adding them to piles a bit. I can see piled ingots losing their heat values being a likely bug.

And for the coins, I'd say a good solution is to have coins stack to 16 and give a good amount of them (probly 16) per ingot. This way a stack of x coins takes up the same space as the 1 ingot you cast them from.


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Oh wow, straight from the modder's mouth? Fuckin' A.

I just realized though - having heated ingots may cock up the process of adding them to piles a bit. I can see piled ingots losing their heat values being a likely bug.

And for the coins, I'd say a good solution is to have coins stack to 16 and give a good amount of them (probly 16) per ingot. This way a stack of x coins takes up the same space as the 1 ingot you cast them from.

totally agree with the stack limit for coins also how exactly would the stacked ingots look?

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I am LOVING the idea of currency, only because of my massive amount of metal, I want a way to PROVE that i am rich.


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I think that ingot piles should change to reflect how many ingots are in them, so placing one ingot on the ground looks like one ingot, then a second places another, and so on, possibly stacking into an ingot pyramid. This would give you a way to get an estimate of supplies at a glance, and look really cool. Concept pic:Posted Image


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I think that ingot piles should change to reflect how many ingots are in them, so placing one ingot on the ground looks like one ingot, then a second places another, and so on, possibly stacking into an ingot pyramid. This would give you a way to get an estimate of supplies at a glance, and look really cool. Concept pic:Posted Image

The concept pic doesn't look very nice... But yeah, i can imagine it would look really cool :3

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I say have it work exactly like the wood pile. Having the stacks increase like that is awesome, but then I think you have to go from a block to tile entities, and I'd really prefer to have the ingot stack as a block.


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Would love to see a treasure room. :)


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I love the idea of placeable, stackable ingots.

Coinage could be useful if real, not awful npc villages were added. They could have roguelike-esque shops to buy/sell things.


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I love the idea of placeable, stackable ingots.

Coinage could be useful if real, not awful npc villages were added. They could have roguelike-esque shops to buy/sell things.

the shops run by NPC's would need to be expensive, so you would want to save up and only buy what you would really need

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+1 cause the game needs currencies for servers, currently the only thing servers use for currency are ingots and gems (usually gems) and now that there far more common thats becoming obsolete so while coins can becoem useless in single player in SMP they would be extremely useful


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