Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC] Teagan's Guide to: Terrafirmacraft

10 posts in this topic


Tutorial styled modpack for players who have little to no knowledge of Terrafirmacraft

Hosted on Curse here

or get it on github

Most mod packs for Terrafirmacraft assumes players have a working knowledge of the mod and are geared toward extending the game play for veteran players. This mod pack is different. I have included a quest book to guide players from basic survival to learning what it takes to run your homestead then eventually to more technology.


This pack includes a lot of the addons/bridge mods and helps you learn those as well. I did not use Minetweaker or another program to alter anything. 

Beginner map is in the template folder. You will need to move it to your save folder to play it.



Help me track issues by reporting them here.


Edited by Teagan75

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Nice to see another pack. Just minor credit things. First I didn't write Better Storage, I just modified it and so the original author copygirl should be credited. For TFC you should also credit Dunk and Kitty.  Bibliocraft is normally credited as Nuchaz, JDSinclair is his real name.  Alternatively I'd suggest Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair. Buildcraft was started by SpaceToad and has had many many authors since then. It is standard to credit the Buildcraft Team for it.


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Nice! :)

If I were to play this pack are all the mods compulsory or could I, for example, choose not to include Railcraft?


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Hi Bunsen, 

The credits were basically a copy and paste from the manifest from Curse. I definitely can add kitty and dunk to the credits. I know how much they put into this mod as well. 


On 11/18/2016 at 1:22 AM, ChunkHunter said:

Nice! :)

If I were to play this pack are all the mods compulsory or could I, for example, choose not to include Railcraft?

Unfortunately if you remove mods, it may corrupt the questbook and become unplayable. You can always try. 

Edited by Teagan75

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I was curious and tryed it out, but in the version that you uploaded on Curse the only mods inside the folder are only these;
and the game crash before it can even open because of TFCOres cfg (something about bauxite ore) and when you remove tfcorecfg it still crash because of TFCEngineer

Edited by Mohander

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Is there a link to the map that Modii and Heather are using in their series? You replied to a comment I made on one of Modii's videos that the quests were made with that map in mind so since my last game crashed (don't wander away from home with meat brining for too long or you can never return. Seriously, the game crashes every time I start it after that) I wanted to start again on that map. Is it available somewhere? Could it be uploaded to Curse?


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It can be downloaded from the curse launcher but it is in the template folder as well. The newest update should fix some of the crash issues - I hope :D


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I have found this pack to be really helpful and getting me back into Terrafirmacraft. I can't believe how much I have forgotten.  I wish on the coal quest there was a little bit more of a hint on where to find it.  I thought I saw some close to spawn, but I forgot to mark it,  I had to search the world for some and finally found it on a stone formation far from home. Is there a way to cut grain smaller to make the whiskey? I have like 90 and I wanted to cut it down to the 40, but I can't figure it out. It used to be cut with a knife into smaller pieces, but with the latest Terrafirmacraft all the knife does now is cut decay out.


Edit: Never mind, I see a quest now that helps divide foods precisely. Now to get piggy iron...LOL. I did have to use the edit quest book command for the whiskey barrel. I had a barrel of whiskey and no matter how I had the barrel, the alcohol quest would not complete. I had it in my inventory, placed it on my back and for some strange reason, the quest book wouldn't recognize it. I also had the douglas wood barrel on my back, and in my inventory and it still wouldn't recognize it. 

Edited by Ladysarajane

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I decided to use this to remind myself how to play TFC, and it's a pretty nice tutorial.  Nice job!

I have had 3 issues though (one strange):

  1. Like the above poster said, the Coal quest is a little hard, since unlike the quest for the Malachite vein, there are no coordinates for coal seam.  I did find it eventually next to some kaolinite, but by that time I'd already built my own forge out of Charcoal.  Given how easy charcoal is to make, the Coal quest seems fairly redundant, and an odd gateway to the blacksmithing tree since charcoal works just fine.  It did remind me that coal exists, though, so...I guess it served one purpose.
  2. The copper tools quest has 4 stages to complete it: Clay molds, Fired Molds, Tool Heads, and Finished tools.  In my rush to get metal tools, I found that I accidentally skipped the "tool head" phase, since I never had a pick, pro-pick, and chisel head in my inventory at the same time.  In order to complete the quest and progress, I had to make a second batch of tools just so I could have their loose heads.
  3. The third was a Map Issue and quite strange.  I could not find ANY CROPS!  I managed to find a bit of sugarcane, but the rest of the map was devoid of squashes, peppers, rye, barley, garlic, carrots...nothing!  I eventually remade the map in creative mode and looked around and saw plenty of crops in the riverlands and south of the lakes, but when I checked out those places with my first world, all I found was empty fields of flowers.  It seemed as if all of the crops had vanished, leaving scattered patches of daisies and houstonia to taunt me.  I located some berry bushes where my creative-mode searching lead me, but no other crops.  In summary: First world: No crops.  Second with identical map: Crops found!   Both worlds seem identical except for the lack of crops.

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