Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Traps

    I am not really sure what would work best. I wish we have a lot more animals in the game but at the same time balance. hunting is suppose to be harder than is right now. But it cannot be so hard. What if it was easy to hunt small animals than big ones? IRL forests there is a lot more small animals than big ones. I just have no idea how to make the mechanics work in a believable way.
  2. Water Pump the TFC Way edited again

    You have to remember that you need 10 pumps to elevate water 100 blocks, then you need to build a canal 3 blocks wide with the center block lower. All that work just to go 70 blocks away from the pond or river. ponds and rivers are usually about level 145 the maximum high you can build is 256 so you can have a maximum of 11 pumps and move a water source 77 blocks horizontaly. Less if you consider that river and ponds are usually in lower terrain than everywhere else. What i am trying to propose here is to be able to build my base just a little bit away from the river. I( never consider the possibility of taking the water to the top of a mountain and make farms coming down.
  3. Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?

    Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get? I just don't agree with the idea that red/blue steel is to be the purpose of the game. Like is the end. We have to remember that the mod is in beta and there is a lot of content being added. Right now it looks kind empty to work that hard just to move water source blocks. By the time we finally got to that point The base is all done and the only thing we do with the water source is a fountain to show off. I just wanted the tools especially the pick to even faster. That would be a better reward. And when we add more content that requires red/blue steel a lot more usefull. resuming I want a very, very fast red steel Pickax.
  4. Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?

    Thanks for the tip. somehow I always have a hard time finding graphite. maybe it will be less hard now.
  5. I did some research on smoking meat and there are two kinds Hot smoking is what we have on ribs. Cold smoke specially with curdling is jerky beef. So to preserve meat we want cold smoke very low heat just enough to dehydrate the meat. So no wet wood that is going to make a lot of vapor. Also no woods that have resins and no perennials.
  6. I like the idea of smoking meat for preservation.
  7. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Actually yes I would. Water wheels were first used to pump water. Water pumps have been existent since 3000 B.C. Early pumps were made with water wheels and chutes, and used animals to provide the energy to move the wheels. The Mesopotamians were responsible for the first pump around 3000 B.C. They used a wooden lever next to the water bank, with a counterweight on one end and a bucket on the other. When the pole was pushed down, the counterweight brought the bucket back up and it emptied into a trough. 500 B.C. Three pumps were invented around 500 B.C. They included the waterwheel with pots attached, a waterwheel with compartments for the water, and a bucket chain, which was a line that ran over a pulley with buckets attached.
  8. Sky access for bloomery and forge

    I can only imagine, how many other things, more experiment players know and I have not figure it out.
  9. Sky access for bloomery and forge

    I usually add a forge under the crucible on the blast furnace. If for any reason the metal cools down I can easily reheat it.
  10. I Like the idea of needing to cover the area where we store the wood. I would even go so far as proposing decaying. In Real Life if you just leave a whole bunch of logs under the weather for a extended period of time it start to rot.
  11. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    I can only dream on all the devices that could be add to the game with the inclusion of the water wheel and the wind mill. The first obvious thing is mechanical power to grind grains and pump the bellows. I specially Like the idea of a Water pump. We are so pressed by the necessity of water that by the time we have the red steel bucket is kind of to late. We Have a beautiful base practically build inside the lake or river. So having the water pump in the mid game so is easy to move the base is a must. I don't think the water pump should replaced the red bucket making it possible for people to live in the desert. If you want to go there you should need to move water using a pump and aqueducts.
  12. Cheese OP?

    Definitely not trying to hide statistics. Is just that is very easy to distort facts depending on the wording of the statistic. consider this from cavemen to today roughly 14 Billion people were born in this planet. We have 7 Billion people alive today. So I could conclude that only 50% of all the people ever born have die. In the sequence Maybe I will never die. I have no idea what the actual numbers are, but i think we all would be surprised if we could see all the numbers divided into categories from totally intolerant passing tomild tolerant all the way to full capable ofabsorbingall the nutrients in milk. since most pools are paid by someone with a agenda, be it the dairy industry or the natural options to it. Idon'tthink we will ever know the truth of the issue. I just go with my guts. I am my family have alldrunkmilk since forever without any noticeable reactions. Most people I know are not lactose intolerant. I had travel to other countries (neverAsiancountries) with the same experience. most people drink milk and eat pizza with cheese. So unless you can tell me with certainty after visiting China (or if you areChinese) thatno onethere drinks milk ever or eats cheese. I will say that the 75% is a grossexaggeration.
  13. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Yes I agree with you. We need better ideas on how to implement clothing, specially how that is going to work with armor. to simplify clothes would have to work as a skin (as far as coding goes) or we would need to have 2 slots for each body part one for the clothes and one for armor. Merging clothes and armor together is not a solution because you would have to create armors for cold weather and armors for hot weather. You have to remember that we have winter and summer so is not a question of just warm clothes you also need light clothes. An idea is to have armor not to interfere with body temperature ( witch is very unrealistic ). Armor made of metal is hot on the summer and cold on the winter. As for the scraped hide this refer to the way cavemen first treat leather just by scraping the inside of the leather and removing unwanted hair read this Raw hide without any treatment will rotten in a few days. The history of leather has 3 basic stages: basic scraped and stretched leather not very durable scraped and stretched using the brains of the animal needs to be smoked to be waterproof tan leather
  14. Cheese OP?

    I am just saying that 75% of the world population is not totally lactose intolerant ( read this actual number of people that are totally unable to digest dairy and have severe reaction to it is actually very low. And of the people that have a mild lactose intolerance very few are affected by cheese and yogurts.
  15. Charcoal pit

    On the topic of chopping down trees I think a solution would be to have ax durability tie to how many logs it cuts down So this way at least you cannot cut down a whole forest with a stone ax. Always cutting down big trees from the top down. Is not very realistic but it balances the game.
  16. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Since we ( I mean you guys) are in the process of changing the whole food and recipe coding, how possible it would be to change some foods to a new category as condiments or spices I have a hard time figuring people eating garlic as a meal. also we could have hot peppers and herbs. Although I am just so grateful to all of you who work so hard coding and helping with the mod that is hard to ask for more.
  17. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Sorry bed wording I should have said You could not even get wool. Yes I was referring as after this proposal is implemented.
  18. Help with Starting Out

    I wish the equator was more closely related to real world since most of the rain forests are actualy located on the equator Like Amazonia, Congo, Indonesia and so on. Most of the deserts are actually on the tropics of cancer and Capricorn like north Africa and Australia.
  19. Cheese OP?

    1 of the 75% ??? what are you talking about? There is a huge difference in statistics on a web page and real life. according to the wiki ""Lactose intolerance" primarily refers to asyndromehaving one or more symptoms upon the consumption of food substances containing lactose. Individuals may be lactose intolerant to varying degrees, depending on the severity of these symptoms. " what they forget to say on all websites I visited is how many of that "75%" is totally unable to drink milk. Again on the wiki "Lactose intolerance can also be managed by ingesting live yogurt cultures containing Lactobacilli that are able to digest the Lactose in other dairy products. This may explain why many South Asians though genetically Lactose intolerant are able to consume large quantities of milk without many symptoms of Lactose intolerance. Consuming live yougurt cultures is very common in the South Asian population.[34]Lactose intolerance is not usually an absolute condition: The reduction in lactase production, and the amount of lactose that can therefore be tolerated, varies from person to person. Since lactose intolerance poses no further threat to a person's health, the condition is managed by minimizing the occurrence and severity of symptoms" Also cheese is one of the dairy products with the lowest content of Lactose, so unless you are totally lactose intolerant a percentage of the population a lot smaller then 75% ( read this should beableto eat cheese.
  20. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    I think layering if ever added to the game will have to be done on the crafting of the piece.Like creating a warmer coat by combining 2 different coats into a improved one.. I am not a coder by i think to add the possibility to wear clothes and then add more clothes on top of the ones you are already using would be too hard to code.
  21. More animals

    We have six different grains,10 different vegetables 9 different fruits and even a soybean alternative to protein . Why not two different animals to give us milk? In Real Life humanity has been making goat cheese for thousands of years. Goat produces less milk then cows but are more resilient, specially to hot climates and can eat almost anything.
  22. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I don't know exactly how long is the new pregnancy for sheep but I think is close to one in game year. So suppose after exploring a lot you finally get a couple of cows (male and female) you have to wait one more year after breeding then and only if you had the luck of having a female cow to have milk. if you got a male you going to have to try again for a female. What I was proposing is the parents remain wild only the offspring is considered "domesticated" ( please note the quotation) remember you cant get even wool from wild sheep unless you kill it.
  23. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    edited to include clothes thanks for info.
  24. Clothing and outfits:Ward off the winter's cold embrace!

    Forgot to tell you about my posting on Body temperature I linked your post there check it out
  25. Clothing and outfits:Ward off the winter's cold embrace!

    I really like the idea of clothes. You also need clothes to protect your skin from hot sunburns. I agree with powerman on the need to use a needle and string but you should be able to make cotton string with a spindle. I love how we can use the spindle with wool to make string. It never made any sense for me to have to kill a giant spider to get string.